• Ban Monsanto and all GMO Produce & Products in New York by 12/31/2013.
    These products are killing you, your family and the earth right now. Fully and clearly label all such products that are currently available until ban begins.POISON IS JUST NOT GOOD FOR YOU!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Connors
  • Bring Kentucky's alcohol laws into the 21st century
    Kentucky's alcohol laws are a mess. Please work to bring some sanity to the mish-mash of licenses, prohibitions, and restrictions. Kentuckians should be able to purchase alcohol as citizens of neighboring states do
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed
  • Bring Pepsi Blue Back!
    I used to love this soda and now its gone :(, help me friends and sign this petition, tell ur family and friends to do it too!
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kyle Leavitt
  • Reverse Mortgage for purchase of a property
    Texas is the only state that does not allow Reverse Mortgage through a purchase for seniors. An amendment to allow seniors to purchase a home with the assistance of a Reverse Mortgage will help seniors to live a more secure financial life.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Epstein
    I am a pet parent of a WONDERFUL dog I adopted from a local shelter, I have ALWAYS adopted from shelters..MANY animals end up in shelters for many reasons..some from neglect & abuse..with the recent story of 3 dogs being left to starve to death has sickened me. Please ask legislators for tougher laws on animal abusers.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Dilorenzo
  • We Want Coach D (Mr.Dicks)
    Mr. Dicks is a dedicated teacher and coach. He have always believe to stand up for what you want and strive for the best. Life is limitless you can become whatever you want with discipline and goals.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shavonne
  • Handicap
    Handicap people that have a special parking permit in car should not have to pump their own gas as same for senior citizens .Gas station should have special pumps for their gas.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Finch
  • SimCity: NO MORE DRM
    We payed $60 for a game we can't even play. EA should give us what we want so there is no required internet-connection.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brayden Lander
  • Pardon Terra Schaller
    I am a current college student about to graduate with 3 associates degrees and I got a PCS in 2000, but attended and completed drug treatment. I would like you to pardon my record so I can get my medical license for a physicians assistant. That is the only thing on my record, It wasn't a person to person crime and I would like a chance to have a good life. Please pardon Terra Schaller.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by terra schaller
  • Mona Lisa to Look Exactly When Painted
    The Mona Lisa doesn't look like the same painting as when it was first painted. Leaving it with no eyebrows and oxidized pigments does a disservice to the world. Leonardo Da Vinci continuously improved her and the French Republic should continue this tradition since she is a shabby image of the once beautiful maiden she was.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justin Charland
  • [email protected]
    The Governor has to pay attention to ajj the voters, and not just the puotcarcy. He has to tax the super wealthy or he will not win reelection. Now he's lookig good wait untol election time he jusy may be bouned out of office
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NickG136
  • Shelbyville High School Students: Keep Coach Kowalski 1 more year
    My name is Jessie Rose and I am an avid sports participant and I, as well as many other students, want Coach Kowalski to stay the last year of his son's High school career here at Shelbyville High.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessie Rose