Buddy Querry for Tri Town Rink Head CoachMy husband and I are both very involved with a local youth football organization, here in Dover Pa. Last week he was voted in as Head Coach for the Rink's. Then 5 days later the board states that they have received parent complaints about him related from a PERSONAL issue with the Bullying of our son! They were afraid he would not be a "good fit" for this position due to that PERSONAL issues with the other organization! These two sports programs have absolutely nothing to do with each other! Buddy has compassion and is a dedicated coach who has NEVER showed un- sportsmanship like conduct! He gave 110% coaching, never missed a pratice or game! I know their are much BIGGER problems in the world....but we are just a small town, in rural Pennsylvania and any support for my husband would mean the world to our family!50 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tanya Querry
Stop horse slaughter in New MexicoThe USDA is considering approval of a horse slaughterhouse in New Mexico19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gale Kirk
Golden Gloves: Represent Our Chicago CommunityWe are petitioning the Chicago Golden Gloves tournament to allow all Chicago residents to participate in the competition.179 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Melissa Riley
Save The Charles Van Damme Paddle Wheel and Steam StackThe artifacts of the Charles Van Damme including the Paddle Wheel and Steam Stack are the last existing historical representation of the ferryboat history in Marin county. For 97 years it has generated a wealth of local maritime and cultural history. Due to construction at it's current site at Waldo Point, Gate Six Road Sausalito - it is in danger of being destroyed this spring (by May 2013) It needs to be recognized for its historical and cultural importance and protected, allowing it to be moved it to a place for restoration and eventually returned to Waldo Point's finished public park to educate and inspire future generations to come.162 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Judyth Greenburgh
The FDA wants comments on fluoride added to table salt.The Food and Drug Administration wants comments by the public and the profession on a petition to add potassium fluoride, KF, a micronutrient, to Iodized table salt for both the prevention of Iodine Deficiency Disease and Dental Decay. If your town is too small to have Community Water Fluoridation for prevention of dental decay, this fluoridated/iodized table salt will put 1 mg of fluoride in your diet to reduce decay by 40 to 60 percent, just like water fluoridation.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jack M. Saroyan, DDS
Enough Violence for the KidsTo propose a less violent culture for our children and our nation11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katherine Ewing
Smoking in the CapitolSome legislators feel they have the right to not obey the laws regarding smoking in government buildings. They are not above the law unless it specifically excludes them in which case the law is discriminatory and therefore not a valid law.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Art Sargent
Remove John Boehner as Speaker of the HouseIn watching Speaker Boehner over the last four years, I have become increasingly alarmed by his obvious alcohol problem. Although it is referred to by many TV (Joe Scarborough) and radio personalities offhandedly, we should all be concerned that he is not only unfit to handle his current responsibilities, but he would be absolutely incapable of assuming presidential responsibilities.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth
Stop the wolf huntPlease add your name to support senator Risser's legislative effort to ban the use of dogs in Wisconsin's lamentable wolf hunt, and to let the Governor and Legislature know your opposition to the killing of wolves for sport.184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Margie Monserrat
Pick a Pope who will address over-population-- The petition has been submitted. If you sign now we will submit again but to the new Pope. -- We were proud and humbled when the Catholic Council of Bishops led in calling for limitations on nuclear and other armaments that threaten the survival of life on earth. Additional threats to human existence, like over-population, now require your wisdom and compassion. -- Please revisit the Humanae Vitae published in 1968. Paragraph 26 of that document blames the world’s poverty and injustice entirely “on a lack of wisdom in government, on an insufficient sense of social justice, on selfish monopolization, or again on blameworthy indolence in confronting the efforts and the sacrifices necessary to ensure the raising of living standards of a people.” -- Surely a portion of that responsibility must also rest with ecclesiastics whose pronouncements which may have had a good faith basis in reason and morality to reaffirm the sanctity of life in one time, ironically and unintentionally no longer promote human survival and have become a significant contributor threatening all life, sanctified or otherwise. -- Worldwide population exceeds 7.1 billion. That will be 9 billion by mid-century. This growth has stretched earth’s resources beyond their limit likely causing the world population affected by water-scarcity to balloon from 8% in 2000 to 47% in 2030. -- Nations have been over-pumping their aquifers. Most are replenishable. Some are not. For example, in Yemen the water table is falling by approximately 6 feet per year. The quickly declining water tables and rapidly growing population have helped make Yemen a failed state. China’s Hai basin is facing a shortfall of approximately 40 billion tons of water per year. When its aquifer depletes, a 40 million ton decline in grain production will follow, leaving 130 million citizens looking elsewhere for food. Simultaneous over-pumping may lead to concurrent depletion of aquifers, agriculture cutbacks, and devastating world food scarcity. -- Fresh water and food production are intricately connected. Producing a ton of grain requires 1,000 tons of water. Water scarcity creates food shortages, raises food prices, and increases a countries’ dependence on food imports. Since producing grain requires large quantities of water, countries have begun cutting back on their grain production—opting to import instead. In several of the largest cities—including Los Angeles, Cairo, and New Delhi—water consumption can only be increased by reduction of agricultural water use. -- Unfettered procreation and ineffective birth control make efforts to conquer hunger and poverty futile. Lack of sufficient care and family planning services cause one woman to die every minute from pregnancy or childbirth complications. These women leave behind over 1 million children annually, who then become motherless and vulnerable. -- Girls younger than the age of 15 are five times more likely to die while giving birth than women who are in their twenties. Likewise, infants are 60% more likely to die in their first year of life with a mother who is younger than age 18. Family planning addresses this issue by allowing young girls to delay pregnancy until they are physically developed enough to give birth in a healthy manner. -- Turning a blind eye to the effects of misguided birth-control policies is not a loving response. Tacitly promoting use of more than one’s share of our world’s resources is not ethical. -- We have been fruitful and multiplied to the point where we no longer fill the sea (as Genesis 1:22 admonished us to do) but deplete it. Now we must “interpret the present time,” judge for ourselves “what is right” (Luke 13:54-57) with resource efficiency evaluation, and become better stewards of God’s earth. (1 Peter 4:10) -- Meeting the need for family planning reduces unintended pregnancies. This, in turn, lowers the cost of providing women with maternal and newborn care by $5.1 billion. -- Therefore, we implore you and your new Pope to approve artificial birth control as a gift from God while also requesting parishioners to limit the number of children they have. Also, please commit to educating women in your parishes to at least the eighth grade level and educating both genders concerning the over-population issue. It’s one of the things you can do to limit over-population.46 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Russ Doty
Reform Utah's Predatory Towing LawsThis is a petition supporting Representative Stratton's bill to provide common sense reforms to the Traffic Code and the Motor Carrier Safety Act. As Provo Mayor John Curtis has pointed out, towing companies, although necessary to prevent illegal parking, have established lucrative businesses that charge excessive prices. This bill is an important step to provide municipalities the ability to establish fair rules in our communities. Full Text of the Bill: http://le.utah.gov/~2013/bills/hbillint/hb0115s01.pdf878 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Brandon Willmore
Security Harassment and Our RightsWe all know the security at Sterling Alvarado is a very annoying and problematic issue; so lets do something to change that! I've been a resident at Sterling since day 1 and have experienced a lot of security (rent a cop) harassment throughout my time here. I want to make a change as well as many of the residents I've spoken with here. I filed many complaints to the office but of course that did not effect anything. I want to get everyone's signature so we can all make a change/adjustment of how the security over here should deal with certain complaints. We all pay rent here and this is after all an "off campus" apartment and I feel like I'm living in the dorms. We can make this happen!12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by King Artur Akopyan