• Individual
    The individual and orginal thought is not acepted in the main stream today. We must revive the concept of the individual and personal achivement if we want to progress.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adolf
  • Federal Incentives for State and Local Government Owned Banks
    We envision a network of sustainable state and local publicly owned banks that create affordable credit, as a counter balance to the current high cost, unsustainable, high-risk, centralized private banking system.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert W. Wirgau
  • Ohio: Defund Discriminatory Organizations
    The Boy Scouts of America currently hold a BAN on homosexuals; they have expelled them from leadership positions and stopped deserving boys from getting their eagle awards.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David fedyniak
  • Change Of Office of Aging
    Changing Berk County PA. Office of Aging to Lancaster Office of Aging because The Office of Aging at Berk County, Reading PA, is very Protective with the Perpretator, Jane Torres, Putting the Victim, Eusebia Calderon age 81, Court File No.82842 at Rick and the Victim Now Recides at Golden Living, nursery, address, 425 N Duke Street, third floor, Lancaster PA County 17602
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luz
  • Speaker Boehner: Condemn Rep. Rohrabacher For Threatening an Undocumented Student
    "I hate illegals" is just some of what 18-year-old undocumented student Jessica Bravo was greeted with after she made an appointment with her congressman, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. Rep. Rohrabacher also made a veiled threat to deport her, saying he "knows where she lives." Speaker of the House John Boehner has being trying to revamp the Republican Party's image with Latino voters after an election season full of hateful rhetoric like Rep. Rohrabacher's. What happened to Jessica Bravo is exactly the kind of thing House Speaker Boehner wouldn’t want in the media. We need 10,000 people to sign so we can do an in-person delivery to let Boehner and the Republican party know they can't have it both ways: loving Latinos and hating Latinos. If enough of us pressure Boehner, he will be forced to publicly condemn Rep Rohrabacher’s actions, and we’ll be able to spread Jessica Bravo’s story.
    434 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Gabriela Garcia
  • Dennis Barett, Give "Chocolate" Her Job Back
    Dennis Barrett, the Director of Food services for the LAUSD, needs to investigate the firing of our friend, Tamise Ross, from the Downtown Magnets High School Cafeteria. Her supervisor and the teachers of the school have signed a letter stating that we believe she was unjustly fired!
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Bunning
  • Crystal Light Lemonade for A-S!
    Student Council wants to acquire crystal light lemonade for Allen-Stevenson. This healthy drink will make lunch more enjoyable. We can do this help us!
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Buehler, Andrew Galant, and the rest of Student council.
  • Congress: Don't Stamp Out The Post Office!
    A Republican effort in Congress created the US Post Office's financial crisis in an effort to destroy it and subsequently privatize it. In 2006, Congress required the Postal Service to “pre-fund 75 years’ worth of future retiree health benefits over a 10-year period.” No other government agency has this artificial financial burden and this is mainly responsible for the USPS's financial troubles. They are required by law to fund benefits today for future employees who aren't even born yet! Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe has proven too weak to stand up to Congress and is planning to eliminate Saturday service which is the first step in the downward spiral leading to the elimination of the Post Office entirely. Congress will only act if pressured by the people who elect them into office.
    180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lance Dixon
  • Save Our Post Office Ohio
    Our goal is to save the U.S. Postal Service from drastic cuts in service. We want the postal service to cease closing mail processing plants. We want the postal service to continue 6 day delivery and we want the postal service to stop closing post offices and cutting retail operating hours. Our goal is to see the dramatic pre payments into retirement accounts to stop and be returned to the postal service. We are proud of our postal network in Ohio and want to keep it the way it is.
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman
  • Branch Rickey Day Celebrated by Major League Baseball
    A pioneer for humanity. A man who changed the world. Major League Baseball needs to designate a day during their season to celebrate and honor Branch Rickey. After all, if not for Mr. Rickey, a Jackie Robinson Day or a Roberto Clemente award may not exist today.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William R
  • Remove Domenici Name from Public Buildings
    His actions have tainted the good name of the State of New Mexico
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by remove Domenici Name from Public Buildings
  • Save Our Post Office Montana
    Our goal is to save the U.S. Postal Service from drastic cuts in service. We want the postal service to cease closing mail processing plants. We want the postal service to continue 6 day delivery and we want the postal service to stop closing post offices and cutting retail operating hours. Our goal is to see the dramatic pre payments into retirement accounts to stop and be returned to the postal service. We are proud of our postal network in Montana and want to keep it the way it is.
    2,327 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman