Tiberias: Bring Panini Prices Back DownUntil recently, Tiberias on 34th Street had a takeout menu that included paninis. When eaten in the restaurant, the panini was served with chips and salad, and was double the price. For a student living on a small budget, the take out option was the only option. Now, without notice, Tiberias has instituted a policy that after 6PM, all paninis come with a small salad and chips and will cost double what they used to.87 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Miriam Shapiro
Chocolate: Your Savory = Child SlaveryI will not lie, I love chocolate and at any chance, I usually indulge myself with a chocolate bar or two or three for that matter. I didn't realize that most of my chocolates (cacao) comes from Africa. Africa is one of the biggest exporters of cocoa (cacao) and some of its client includes: Nestle's, Hershey, Ghirardelli and etc. These plantations where cacao comes from employs child workers as a form of cheap labor. These underage workers are usually trafficked from poor rural areas and sold to plantations for as little as $250 US dollars. Most of these children will spend of their life at the plantation working without ever getting a penny in return. This is modern day slavery and we should voice our concerns! The officials within the African government are corrupted and that will never change unless we voice our concern and demand that our chocolate companies make a stance against child slavery and enforce their policies that they set forth but yet to enforce because their business ethic resolves around PROFIT.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daijiro Otta
Rep. Grimm: Prevent More Mass Shootings!Now is the time to ACT on restricting assault weapons and high capacity magazines, before our fury about the tragic event in Newtown fades. Don't let the NRA pressure Grimm as our elected representative to allow citizens to buy and use weapons of war.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Greenwood
Assemblyman Dov Hikind: Blackface is RacistIt is not okay for our elected officials to disregard African American culture and heritage by wearing blackface.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Biola
Don't allow Cardinal Law to vote for the next PopeCardinal Law scandalized the people of the Boston Archdiocese by his coverup of priests who sexually abused children. Instead of being censured, he was given a post in Rome. He should not be allowed to vote for the next Pope as a representative of the Catholic Church.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth Benoit
We demand that Sarah Silverman host the Oscars in 2014!Seth MacFarlane’s performance at the Academy Awards ceremony this year was not only misogynistic and sexist, it was not very funny. It’s clear that, at least when it comes to seeing women primarily in terms of their appearance, and especially their boobs, there are no limits to what a host of the Oscar show may say. So, we demand that next year the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ask a woman and feminist to host the show, while giving her free reign to present a feminist take on Hollywood. And since it might make for a better show if the host is actually funny, we strongly suggest the Academy ask Sarah Silverman to host.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Stier
Measure H: Are Pets Worth Saving?Animal education is also a top priority in our communtiy and funding will support the awareness. More pets and animals are dying due to lack of funds.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessika Zaragoza
Repeal NY Gun LawGov Cuomo's gun law is unlawful and unconstitutional.It affects noone but lawful responsible people.We must defend the constitution of this country.Would never had passed if it wasnt forced through.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by George Becker
Request that the Onion website be shut down for insulting child actor Quvenzhané Wallisopular satirical newspaper The Onion, known for its humorous jabs at prominent figures, may have taken it a step too far with a vulgar tweet about 9-year-old Oscar nominee, Quvenzhané Wallis. Someone tweeted from the publication’s account during the Oscars: “Everyone seems afraid to say it, but that Quvenzhané Wallis is kind of a c**t right?”10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeana Tall
Stop the Canadian Takeover of our Local UtilityUnless we take immediate action, the major distributor of electricity and gas to the Mid-Hudson Valley will be taken over by Canadian holding company Fortis, Inc. CH Energy Group is the parent company of Central Hudson Gas and Electric, serving more than 375,000 customers. Residents will be at the mercy of a financial corporation with a disastrous environmental record. In Belize, Fortis built the Chalillo Dam, destroying precious habitat and raising costs to ratepayers. New York risks losing local jobs. In a similar case, when Iberdrola, SA, bought Rochester Gas & Electric in 2008, they cut the workforce by more than 200 people and replaced them with outside contractors. The proposed takeover does nothing to make Fortis improve the power grid, protect us from the effects of storms like Irene, Lee, and Sandy or better utilize clean energy sources. Fortis may be even able to override New York State regulations through the use of the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. The so-called community benefits are minuscule compared to what the top executives at CH Energy will talk away with (reportedly $8.7 million for CH Energy Group CEO Steven Lant and $5.9 million for Executive Vice President James Laurito). "Fortis and Central Hudson shareholders are about to get away with stealing money from the ratepayers of this community," Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, D-Kingston said at the public hearing. We call on the New York State Public Service Commission to reject the acquisition of CH Energy Group by Fortis, Inc.918 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Dawn Meola
Second-hand smoking is child abuseSecond-hand smoking should be considered child abuse under the law. Any person caught smoking around a child under the age of 18 should be punished.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by victoria jay
GMO LabelingGMO Labeling7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frederic Schabel