• Airwaves are Public leased by Media Corps:Take back control of our Airwaves.
    Time to demand Truth in Media, no more propaganda, mis-information and outright lies. Free Speach doesn't grant the right to mis- lead the public.The cost of media has turned our govt. reps in pawns of the lobbyists and perpetual campaigners and information is controlled by media advertisement screening.Public information controlled like this is not how it should work in a Democracy, it's the signs of a government Plutocracy.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Knox Cohen
  • Bring Back Joe Paterno
    Replacing the statue of Joe Paterno at Beaver Stadium, that was removed during the Sandusky scandal.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Hart
  • End WWE PG Era
    We WWE fans demand not only an end to the PG-13 rating currently imposed on all programming, but to its now apparent consequences. The rating limits the creative freedom that contributed to WWE's unprecedented prosperity during the late 1990s. It further fosters creative self-censorship motivated by a need to please family-friendly advertisers. The end result is reliably mediocre content that lacks a single vision, insults our intelligence and is out of touch with what attracts our interest.
    206 of 300 Signatures
    Created by CM Tweep
  • Mandate Safe Storage of Guns in Homes
    Mandating the safe storage of guns in homes will help prevent children and unregistered adults from accidentally firing and gaining access to them.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose Jordan
  • Enough. Stop gun violence now!
    Asking legislators to take action against the ownership of assault weapons and put in place strict laws for being able to purchase guns. I teach kindergarten children.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Joyce
  • Warren County TN - Animals in Desperate Need
    Animals are treated like trash there and some of the folks in Warren County do not care... they are thrown away, abandoned, abused, kicked, shot, hit with bats, starved to death, poisoned, beaten. Dogs are left chained with no access to food or water, thrown from moving vehicles, and when families move they leave behind their animals behind with no one ever arrested. Cats and kittens are killed, left in bags on the road to be ran over, drowned and abused. Horses are starved and killed, one even dragged behind a vehicle. What part of that is ok? None that I know of!! Unfortunately, this goes on daily in that area.....We who love animals must stand up and say NO MORE!. Because, sadly there is NOTHING the law enforcement departments will do to help.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by R Blair
  • 26 Angels Petition
    In memory of the 26 victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. America is the greatest country on Earth. We are better than seventeen mass killings in just one year, 2012, all resulting from the misuse of firearms... 1. Newtown, CT (elementary school), 26 Angels shot dead including 20 children. Dec, 2012 2. Portland, Oregon (mall), 3 shot dead, Dec, 2012 3. Brookfield, WI (spa), 4 shot dead, Oct, 2012 4. Minneapolis, MN (workplace), 5 shot dead, Sept, 2012 5. Texas (Texas A&M University), 3 shot dead, Aug, 2012 6. New York, NY (Empire State Building), 2 shot dead, 8 injured, Aug, 2012 7. Oak Creek, WI (Sikh Temple), 6 shot dead, Aug, 2012 8. Aurora, CO (movie theater), 12 shot dead, 58 injured, July, 2012 9. Wilmington, DE, (soccer tournament), 3 shot dead, July, 2012 10. Seattle, WA (coffee shop), 5 shot dead, May, 2012 11. Tulsa, OK (Oikos University), 3 shot dead, 2 injured, Apr, 2012 12. Oakland, CA (college), 7 shot dead, 3 injured, Apr, 2012 13. North Miami, FL (funeral home), 2 shot dead, 12 injured, Mar, 2012 14. Pittsburgh, PA (psychiatric hospital), 2 shot dead, 7 injured, Mar 2012 15. Ohio (Clardon High School), 3 shot dead, Feb, 2012 16. Jackson, TN (nightclub), 1 shot dead, 20 injured, Feb 2012 17. Norcross, GA (Korean health spa), 5 shot dead, Feb, 2012 *** Our voices can make a difference in the following ways: 1. Renewing the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban is the first step toward protecting our children and families. Assault weapons are designed for the sole purpose of mass killing, and are not needed by any civilian for self defense or hunting. Not even police officers use assault weapons in the field. The Harvard Injury Control Research Center concluded that the more guns that are available to the public, the higher the homicide rate. 2. Stronger gun control laws should: -mandate a gun-safety course -ban high capacity clips -require gun registration and licensure -increase age requirement -prohibit felons from purchasing guns -prohibit people previously hospitalized for mental illness from purchasing guns *** Stricter gun-control laws do not stop a responsible citizen from obtaining a gun. The gun lobby has swayed our elected officials for too long with large campaign contributions. It's time to use our voices to empower our elected officials. We must show courage and conviction to prevent future gun violence in America. Commit to support stronger federal gun control legislation per above. WE MUST ARM AMERICANS WITH KNOWLEDGE, AND DISARM OUR COMMUNITIES FROM ASSAULT WEAPONS.
    990 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Kyrah Altman
  • North Carolina Medical Marijuana
    Medical Marijuana is proven already as the best medicine for human consumption. Helps cure forms of cancer,severe pain, and kids with autism tend not to hurt themselves as much. How about our military, they suffer through back pains, surgery and missing body parts! Oh, but our government give these people pills that contain poison to the body, and cause mass side effects? Medical Marijuana can help us live and help our planet grow!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Garcia
  • Mandatory Gun Insurance Petition
    This petition calls upon the Congress to pass and the President to sign a law requiring all future potential gun owners to acquire liability insurance as a condition of purchases of new or used firearms as of the passage of the bill.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by roger oyster
  • President Obama: Call Prime Minister Harper ask him to STOP Canadian Bill C-45 and meet with Chie...
    Chief Theresa Spence has been on hunger strike since December 10th, 2012 to stand for our Indigenous people to assert Indigenous sovereignty; to put a stop to Bill C-45 and requesting to meet with Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Bill C-45 attacks the land base reserved for Indigenous people not respecting the Treaties. The Treaties are nation to nation agreements between Canada and First Nations who are sovereign nations. The Treaties are agreements that cannot be altered or broken by one side of the two Nations. The spirit and intent of the Treaty agreements meant that First Nations peoples would share the land, but retain their inherent rights to lands and resources. Instead, First Nations have experienced a history of colonization which has resulted in outstanding land claims, lack of resources and unequal funding for services such as education and housing. Chief Theresa Spence said she is willing to die in an attempt to get the federal government and aboriginal leaders to discuss the treaty process and make fundamental changes. I ask you Mr. President to take a stand with us to STOP Canadian Bill C-45 and end Chief Spence hunger strike.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Summer Dressler
  • Violation of Unfair Pricing!
    How the electric and gas companies are improperly measuring the usage of such economic commodities per household. Astronomical fees are assisting in the downfall of the middleclass and lower-income families. These industries should be heavily regulated, or they will continue to increase their prices. Currently, there is no control.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tabitha
  • Tell Edison to stop the opt-out fees for smart meters.
    Smart meters are bad for your health ( they use Electromagnetic Radiation like microwave and cell phones,but in a much higher concentration). Besides, it is not mandatory to have one. I refused to have a smart meter and still have my analog meter. I had to pay $75 as an "opt out" fee plus $10 each month in addition to my electrical bills. The fees are supposed to go up, may be double, in 2013.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marie luebbers