• Please contact MN Governor Dayton to veto the TRAP bill.
    Please contact Governor Dayton and ask that he veto the Targeted Regulation of Abortion Provider (TRAP) bill that singles out abortion providers for medically unnecessary, politically motivated state regulations. These bills grant broad authority to the state department of health to develop structural and staffing requirements for abortion clinics based on existing hospital guidelines that are not medically necessary or justified. Uniform standards for all outpatient medical procedures have been rejected, and only one procedure - the abortion procedure - is blatantly chosen to regulate. In the United States abortion providing facilities are regulated with an exceptional safety record and can be recognized as a public safety model for the rest of the world. Abortion providing facilities are already required to abide by a variety of federal and state regulations. These include the federal Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and local, state, building and fire code regulations. In addition, the National Abortion Federation (NAF) has established evidence-based Clinical Policy Guidelines as well as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists professional guidelines for abortion clinics. All medical professionals are required to maintain professional standards and licenses and complete continuing medical education courses. If Governor Dayton does not veto the TRAP bill, many Minnesota clinics may be forced to close. Many of this clinics are the only abortion providers serving large geographic areas even expanding into neighboring states without providers. In addition to abortion care these clinics are also some of the only providers in Minnesota that provide low cost/free preventative reproductive health care including pap smears, breast exams, low cost birth control, STI testing and emergency contraception to populations in need. This is urgent. Please sign this petition as soon as possible to ask Governor Dayton to veto the TRAP bill.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kim Beiers
  • Get Rush Limbaugh off the air on all Cookeville radio stations
    Rush Limbaugh's misogynistic attitude toward women and his use of vile names to put down women he doesn't even know is not something that should be broadcast on Cookeville's radio stations. Do the owners of these radio stations have no respect at all for their wives, mothers, daughters, or sisters? Please show the owners of all radio stations that broadcast the Rush Limbaugh Show that you want them to take him off the air. Please sign the petition asking the Rush Limbaugh Show to be removed from all stations on which he is broadcast.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Walsh
  • Support Catholic Sisters
    Last week, the Vatican released a report reprimanding U.S. women religious (aka, "sisters" and "nuns") within the organization known as the "Leadership Conference of Women Religious." The report claims that the LCWR and its members are in "grave" error because they have questioned the Church's problematic teachings related to women, sexuality, and prophetic engagement in the world. In order to show our rejection of this Vatican reprimand, we are signing this letter to show our support of and solidarity with these LCWR Sisters, who are faithful and justice-seeking Catholic women. Please sign!
    587 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pearl Barros
  • Make motherhood a tax deductible occupation
    Given that we all agree that motherhood is a real job, let's create a tax deduction for mothers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L. F. Chaparro
  • Facebook: Remove Luis Garcia and his bogus "support group"
    Luis Garcia has formed a series of "support groups" targeting abused women. He emotionally abuses the women in his groups, calling them paranoid for suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, and insisting on phone calls from those who disagree with him so he can harass them further. He made harassing calls to one woman for months after she left his group. He posts the Facebook profiles of those who disagree with him in order to intimidate them, and posts private messages for the same reason. His current group International Survivors of Sociopaths or Domestic Violence Healing even has people seeking the contact info of those who have not succumbed to his manipulations. He has posted many times in his "support groups" about how he has grabbed his wife's phone away from her (taking away communication is a form of abuse) and blaming his wife's PTSD for thinking this was abusive (victim blaming). Please remove this man and his group and keep him from doing any further harm to those who have suffered enough as a result of domestic violence.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Olson
  • IBEW Apprenticeship and Your Tax Dollars
    IBEW Local 68 Apprenticeship accepts government grants (your tax dollars) to train and employ electrical apprentices. But it does more: The money is used to discriminate against women and leave families homeless.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Lawlor
  • Using Planned Parenthood this year
    My petition is for women to pledge to use services at Planned Parenthood this year, as a sign of support of the organization. For women who live within a reasonable distance of a clinic, and who can afford to pay in full for services (if PP doesn't accept your insurance), to use Planned Parenthood for their check-up, or any of their services.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Willis
  • Equal Rights for Women
    Recently, Democrats have accused Republicans of a conducting a war on women. Reintroducing the Equal Rights Amendment via this petition would either make it clear that Republicans are supportive of women or are not. Action on this petition would be a win-win for women and would help women to decide which candidates they might wish to support in 2012 and future elections. If Republican candidates for office support the amendment, more women would realize that Republicans will act in their interests; if these same Republican candidates do not support the amendment, then women would understand that their interests would be protected more effectively by Democrats.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Nelson
  • South Carolina laws currently don't consider strangulation and smothering a felony in domestic vi...
    SENATE BILL AMMENDMENT-S.744: Adds "strangulation” and “smothering” to language for felony offenses (CRIMINAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE OF A HIGH AND AGGRAVATED NATURE).
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Miller
  • Vote to Remove Just-Say-No Republicans
    This petition should be signed to fight agaist Republicans who have declared war against women: Jobs, Abortion rights, Birth Control and Health Care for the needy. Why should you sign this petition because no one is safe from the Republicans attack in the 2012 election. Let's show the Republican we have a voice and rights - Women this too is our economy. Women have rights so let's reunite with men, women and young adults to claim our dignity.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by First Responder Eve Adam Taylor
  • State Farm: Stop using our money to finance the right-wing agenda
    According to SourceWatch, State Farm Insurance is a major supporter of ALEC, the group that came up with "model legislation" adopted by a number of Republican-led state legislatures such as the Stand Your Ground law in Florida, voter ID laws that disenfranchise poor, elderly and minority voters, and the attacks on unions in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana. State Farm is different from most of the other members of ALEC because it is not investor-owned. State Farm is a mutual benefit corporation, a kind of financial cooperative, which means that it is owned by its policy-holders, pooling their money to provide insurance services. The money it gives to ALEC rightfully belongs to its policyholder-owners, and State Farm has no right to use it to fund ALEC's right-wing agenda. You do not need to be a State Farm policyholder to sign! If you are, please leave a comment about how long you have been with State Farm and how many policies you have with them.
    2,300 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Kaswan
  • Cure a Misogynist
    The article in Maxim magazine about how to "cure" a feminist by turning her into "an actual girl" is highly insulting and promotes sexist actions by encouraging men to pretend they care about women's issues in order to date or objectify a woman.The photos show a "feminist" going from casual clothing to wearing underwear as "an actual girl". This mentality is harmful to both men and women as it continues to express the idea that women exist for the pleasure of men and that real issues that affect women on a daily basis have nothing to do with men. This line of thought creates and sustains an unsafe environment for women and Maxim should immediately address the irresponsibility of printing such an article.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meredith Hancock