• Animal Abuse: Toughen the Punishments
    Whenever an animal is abused, the violator gets their animal taken away, and only get a small fine or a few days in jail. However when someone abuses a human, they get thousands of dollars in fines or months to years in jail. If a K9 cop gets injured, that person gets the same punishment as if they hurt a cop. Animals are considered family, human, why cant a violator be punished just the same? We need to get the law changed and be able to get through to the people who abuse animals and show them that you cant just hurt an animal and get a slap on the wirst. Example: A lady was found guilty to having over 100 dogs in a bus with little food and no water, the dogs were about to die. She got sentenced with $200 and 2 and a half months in jail. however for someone who abuses a child, they get 15 years or even the death sentence in jail, and thats just for 1st time offenders. BE THE VOICE OF THE ANIMALS!! SAVE THEIR LIVES!!
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Hanlon
  • News/Talk 1130 WISN
    Rush Limbaugh has recently shown with his sexist and horribly offensive attack on Sandra Fluke that he deserves no place on our airwaves. Take him off WISN. Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible, degrading attack on Sandra Fluke (whom he called a "slut" and "prostitute" and whom he asked to make a sex video) should be the end of his on-air career. He has gone too far, and he doesn't deserve our airwaves. Let's convince the station WISN to kick him off the air in Milwaukee, WI.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DeAnna Lowe
  • no kill Shelters
    Help for Animals
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Elly Gilmore
    I am writing to request your support electing JOAN HILL as an AT-LARGE DELEGATE to the Democratic National Convention.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rob Mitchell
  • Michigan's Feral Swine
    Effective April 1st, 2012 - Michigan DNR has declared many heritage pigs as an invasive species. They are to be destroyed by April 1st without compensation.
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Marita Dyer
  • Repeal Ineffective Abstinence Only Education
    H.R. 1085 Repealing Ineffective and Incomplete Abstinence-Only Program Funding Act of 2011 has been sitting in the House of Representatives for over a year. Passing this bill would remove Federal funding for ineffective abstinence-only education, and redirect funds towards comprehensive sex-education programs that have already proven effective. We urge you to sign this petition to give America's children the education they so desperately need to protect themselves! In 2007, a government-funded research study found that abstinence-only education, which teaches that abstinence is the only accepted form of birth control, isn't actually reducing the rate of STD transmission in teens or teen pregnancies...or even reducing the number of teens who have sex. Plus, the risk taking behaviors are staggering: a recent poll of American high school students showed that almost 40% of sexually active teens didn't use a condom the last time they had sex, and over 75% did not use hormonal birth control. Shocking! But...how can teens use a condom, if they have never been taught what it is? Research has found that comprehensive sex education programs show serious promise in reducing some of the staggering STD transmission and teen pregnancy rates. These programs earn the title of "comprehensive" because in addition to teaching that abstinence is still the safest form of contraception, these programs also teach about the health benefits to condom use and hormonal birth control. These programs even offer American youth educational tools to protect themselves from dating violence and maintain healthy relationships. It's time to take a stand, and tell the government to stop wasting money on useless education. Instead, demand that our children receive a comprehensive education that has been PROVEN to work!
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Keara and Stephanie
  • Gay Marriage Rights Now
    Prop 8 has been overturned but gays still cannot get married! We are tired of all the delays! We want gay marriages performed now!!!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sondra menthers
  • Raise awareness of Cannabis' benefits
    This is a petition to raise awareness within the communities of the advantages that Cannabis provides to patients suffering from cancer who are currently undergoing treatment and also how control of the substance instead of full prohibition will diminish crime rates in communities and allow the decrease of accessibility to the plant within minors; a great example of how prohibition will not work can be seen in the country's previous experience with alcohol during the prohibition era. Please understand that this petition intends to open people's minds to the truth of this plant created by God and meant to be used to our advantage.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Travis Stokem
  • Require Animal Cruelty to be a felony in all states.
    Do you abhor animal abuse and cruelty. Do you know if your state has felony laws against cruelty to animals? Let's stand together to get all states to make it a felony offense and to ban pet ownership for any felon convicted of animal abuse no matter what state they live in.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cheryl Ross
  • Michigan Greek Life for Alta Gracia
    Alta Gracia is the only apparel company in the world that pays a living wage to its employees, giving them access to basic necessities to support their families. Michigan Greek Life has the opportunity to purchase Greek Wide shirts for Fall 2012 through Alta Gracia, and this petition shows your support for the movement. A mass order like this will have an amazing impact upon the lives of the men and women who work at Alta Gracia, giving them hope for the future and an improved quality of life. Visit AltaGraciaApparel.com for more information.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Starnes
    Our educational budget seems to be reduced year after year, please take into consideration that EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS in any part of the world.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecilia
  • Civil Rights Office in North Carolina Public Official Accountability
    Private US citizens of NC currently do not have an office to submit a grievance letter to for due process to report racial discrimination or misconduct of public officials, because there is no state office to investigate public officials misconduct , these private citizens will have to pay a lawyer to navigate the state Court of Appeals. Many can’t afford a lawyer and never receive justice. A state civil rights office will give all a fair chance at justice. Currently many families and children have been targets of racial discrimination and hate crimes. Please watch our video of the Student with No Hope. Take action with your signature and help us stop the HATE. http://youtu.be/68_lW1ge1dE
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Telethia Denise Barrett