• Communication, Community Input and Transparency... is that too much to ask for?
    There have been several issues which seem to have polarized our community with respect to the school district. We believe that improving communication between the community and the school board could help ease some of this discord and potentially provide a forum to resolve conflict and restore confidence in our leadership.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Sassaman
  • People making above the Social Security Cap should pay for every thing thst Social Security cover...
    People above the Social Security cap already have paid enough into the fund for retirement. The people above the cap do not have to pay Social Security and that mean they do not have to pay into the fund for retirement That also means They get more money on their pay than the ones below the cap. That NOT is fair To make those above the cap pay their fair share, They should pay the non-retirement things in the SS fund. I peopose they have money taken out of their check to pay for those things in SS fund that is not retirement.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Berghofer
  • Mob Wives Star Renee Graziano DWTS
    Lets Get your Favorite and My Favorite Mob Wife on Dancing with the stars is this womens Dream to get on the show. if We do this we will make her dream come true. Please Sign the Petition
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Nunez
  • The silver bullet to stop gas prices
    The president was recently quoted as saying that "there is no silver bullet to the gasoline price at the pump"
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George F Medina
  • RWSA, Do Not Use Chloramines in Our Drinking Water
    Citizens in 7 states are fighting the use of chloramine compounds as disinfectants. They have been shown to leach large amounts of lead and copper from piping, causing dangerously high levels in drinking water. Chloramine byproducts are carcinogenic, and have been associated with numerous health problems. Chloramine byproducts are also a danger to the aquatic environment, from drinking water releases.
    1,472 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Galen Staengl
  • Unmod Sneezy
    Sneezy is an awful moderator on the Nacho chat room, xat.com/thenachos . He does not respect the members there, and he is abusive to people, calling them many names that offend them. He needs to be unmodded now.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jcapp64
  • Ms. Tully: Fix Our Policies
    *Note* Please, if you're going to sign, keep it serious. If we have a bunch of stupid comments, no one will take us seriously. Sign this petition to try to convince Ms. Tully to reverse her attendance, tardy, and study hall policies. These policies are creating and excacerbating more problems than they are assuaging. Share this petition with people on Facebook, etc. I am going to make some flyers with the link on them to put around school; if anyone feels like helping with that let me know @ Jacob Moffatt on Facebook or [email protected] by email. We easily got past 50 signatures in one night. When signing your name and your own message, please try to use proper grammar syntax and spelling; nothing kills a petition for education like uneducation. Short term goal is 300 signatures. Long term goal is 1000.
    236 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jacob Moffatt
  • Reform Prop 13
    Prop 13 is broken and has been starving our state of desperately needed revenues unfairly. Proposition 13 has done a great job to protect the elderly etc from being forced from their homes by skyrocketing property taxes, but most people don't know that it disproportionately favors corporations. The majority of our property taxes used to come from business property, but now it comes from residential property. This must stop.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean Donal Sullivan
  • Fire Turkey
    He starts fights and blames them on others, he unbans people who post child porn.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billy Mays
  • Mayor Strange & Councilors: Appoint Patrice McClammy Municipal Judge
    Please appoint Patrice McClammy: she is an excellent choice for the City of Montgomery Municipal Court Judge. We should not settle for anything less than an individual of Patrice McClammy’s caliber with experience, sound judgment and proven judicial temperament and without the encumbrance of political affiliations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Jones
  • Allow Same-Sex Couples to Adopt within the 'Every Child Deserves a Family Act'
    Thousands of children lack a quality, and safe home because there is a shortage of qualified individuals who are willing to adopt or foster a child. Studies show that foster children have a below average level of education, compared to children who are placed in a permanent home. Academic performance is associated with low socioeconomic status and a low employment rate. In addition, children who experience placement disruptions are likely to suffer from negative employment, mental health, and education outcomes. As of 2007, only 4% of adopted children are raised by a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered couple. However, according to a report, conducted by the William Institute, an additional 2 million LGBT couples are interested in adopting. The 'Every Child Deserves a Family Act' would prohibit any adoption agency from discriminating against potential adoptive parents based on sexual orientation or gender identity. However, what this act does not provide is the recognition of same-sex marriages and the legality of adoption. Currently, Kansas allows for same-sex couples to adopt, but will only recognize one parent as the legal guardian. Recognition of joint adoption protects the child and parents through: parents’ health benefits, social security, child support entitlement, legal ground to consent to medical care, education, as well as establishing parent and child permanency. *Thank you for continuing to advocate for basic human rights, Maggie Chiu, LSCSW
    725,496 of 800,000 Signatures
    Created by University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, SW 621
  • Stop Fracking in Pennsylvania
    Fracking releases radioactive solids and gases into the environment. The natural gas produced is contaminated with radioactive elements which are released when burned and can cause lung cancer.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mario Palena