• WHJJ: Take Rush Limbaugh off the air in Rhode Island
    Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible attack on Sandra Fluke, the college student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, calling her a slut and a prostitute and asking her to make a sex video, should be the end of his on-air career. Let's convince WHJJ to kick him off the air in Providence, Rhode Island
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven
  • WHKY 1290 in Hickory: Take Limbaugh off the air for good!
    Rush Limbaugh's verbal assault on Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute," was intended to do one thing: intimidate women who would dare to speak out for their reproductive freedom. But this time Limbaugh has gone too far, and it has sparked a nationwide backlash. At least 140 major advertisers have pulled their ads from the Limbaugh show, and some stations have canceled the show altogether. Rush is still on the air in Hickory—but if enough local folks speak out together, that could change. We can't let up now. Together we can convince WHKY 1290 in Hickory to take Limbaugh off the air for good.
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jill Sipe
  • Take Rush Lindbaugh off WNDB radio
    Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible attack on Sandra Fluke, the college student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, calling her a slut and a prostitute and asking her to make a sex video, should be the end of his on-air career. Let's convince WNDB to kick him off the air in Daytona.
    307 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Earl Freeman
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh's verbal assault on Georgetown University student Sandra Fluke, calling her a "slut" and a "prostitute," was intended to do one thing: intimidate women who would dare to speak out for their reproductive freedom and private health matters. His show should be canceled so that Wenatchee is not exposed to the harmful and violent comments.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Albin-Bullock
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh's show should be removed from the local radio station KUJ. He has verbally assaulted and intimidated women who stand up for their health and reproductive rights.
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Pamela K. Elliott
  • Remove Rush Limbaugh from local airwaves
    My petition is an act against the vitiolic and hateful messages that Rush Limbaugh frequently states while on the air. While freedom of speech is very important to me, there is also no place in the political discourse for such venomnous words. His messages filled with fury and rants contribute nothing to discourse and at their very worst, are hurtful, hate-filled, and vile. Now for a disclaimer, I am not a member of the Deomcratic Party, nor am I registered as a Republican, but as a student who is very well atuned to our political process and as one who participates heavily in the discoure, this type of speech only makes the process appear more callous and at the very worst, can turn people away from participation. I implore you on the behalf of desency and respect to those of all political beliefs and opinions, to remove Rush Limbaugh's incorrigable statements from our airwaves. The words he has spoken against the likes of Sandra Fluke and serval others who are in disagreement, are both highly inappropriate and incredibly unacceptable to be a part of this necessary discource.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Curtis
  • WFSX: Get rid of Rush Limbaugh
    We are losing civilized discourse on political discussion. Rush Limbaugh has turned Talk Radio into Hate Radio. We need to raise our standard to a level where there is no room for name calling, obscenity, racism, or sexism.
    711 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Low
  • KONP 1450 Take Rush off the Air
    Rush Limbaugh has called any woman that takes contraceptives provided by the government a slut or a prostitute because she is being "paid" to have sex. He wants these women to be required to film their sex acts and post them on the web so he can view their sex acts. Rush attacked Sandra Fluke under this pretext personally for attempting to testify about a friend's need for contraceptives for other medical reasons. This outragous, insulting attack is based upon a lie. Rush Limbaugh has no place on the public airwaves with his lack of respect for the truth and for woman.
    526 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Woods
  • Fire Rush Limbaugh
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by William L Schroeder
  • Remove Rush Limbaugh in Savannah
    Rush Limbaugh has most recently abused his airtime by attacking a law student speaking out about women's reproductive rights. This is yet another example of conservative radio, and Rush Limbaugh in particular, attempting to intimidate women from speaking out on women's issues.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Karen
  • Fire Limbaugh
    Rush Limbaugh is a disgrace, to any station which carries his broadcasts. No station should permit its commentators to call a student a whore. Please sign this petition for radio station KFOR, which still carries this disgraced commentator
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Dyer
  • Get Rush Limbaugh OFF the Wisconsin Airwaves!
    Rush Limbaugh's reprehensible attack on Sandra Fluke, the college student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, which included vilely insulting her and telling her to make a sex video for him to watch, should be the end of his offensive on-air career. Let's convince WISN to kick him off the air in Wisconsin!
    993 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Denise Merino