• Put an end to YouTube in deleting tributes to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
    The Columbine High School Massacre is a controversial topic, especially with the two perpretrators who committed it. However, when you read more into it, there is a possibility that you'll sympathize with the criminals, especially since they were just teenagers. However, YouTube does not let you express that sympathy.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dominique Aguilera
  • Support Student Loan Forgiveness
    Since 1980, average tuition for a 4-year college education has increased an astounding 800%. Since 1999, average student loan debt has shamefully increased by over 500%! In 2010, total outstanding student loan debt exceeded total outstanding credit card debt in America for the first time ever. In 2012, total outstanding student loan debt exceeded $1 Trillion. Today, we have over 1.3 TRILLION dollars in overall student loan debt and the number is climbing out-of-control. In short, student loan debt has become the fastest growing financial crisis in America. If we do absolutely nothing, the entire economy will eventually come crashing down again- just as it did when the housing bubble popped. This ever-growing crisis has put our country on an unsustainable course towards financial oblivion. As a result of more than 30 years of treating higher education as an individual commodity, rather than a public good and an investment in our collective future, those buried under the weight of their student loan debt are not buying homes or cars, not starting businesses or families, and they're not investing, inventing, innovating or otherwise engaged in any of the economically stimulative activities that we need all Americans to be engaged in. Student loan debt has an undeniable and significant effect on economic growth. Forgiving student loan debt directly addresses this enormous boot on the neck of the middle class. represents a glimmer of hope for millions of Americans who, with each passing day, find that the American Dream is more and more out of reach. Therefore, we, the undersigned, respectfully request that Congress bring forward serious legislation to forgive student loan debt and commit to solving the student debt crisis this year.
    1,212,558 of 1,300,000 Signatures
    Created by Student Debt Crisis Picture
    Gates Foundation is partnering with Monsanto to bring a Green Revolution to Africa. This would hurt Africa, as it has hurt India (India's Green Revolution is 40 years old). In India the Green Revolution brought on farmers' suicides because it destroyed soil, wasted precious water, and indebted farmers and their families. Monsanto and Gates Foundation want to introduce GMO
    1,147 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lauren O. Thyme
  • Inner City Kids Need Help
    There's no magic bullet that will help poor children realize their full intellectual potential. Too often suggested solutions come from those whose knowledge of what should go on in an inner city classroom is grossly inadequate. Sign this petition if you believe that many of Bridgeport's finest teachers should be involved in any and all planning for the best ways of improving and enriching Bridgeport's school children's learning skills.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Blaustein
  • Grandparents rights in general especially when kids are in CPS care
    Wa. state does not have Grandparents Rights currently. Grandparents should have rights to visitation of their grandchildren in general unless they have records of abuse or neglect themselves. Grandparents should be able to support their vulnerable grandchildren especially in cases when CPS has removed the kids from their parents. CPS says the children have rights to see their family and friends but they don't honor it if the parent doesn't approve visitation. They should place the kids with family and allow all family members interested in helping them be there to support them. The children's civil rights need to be first and foremost in CPS placement and visitiation of children. Restore Grandparents rights to nurture our children nationally and statewide wide. Precious little money is being wasted paying for foster care when families are blocked by Child Protective Services. They also pay for unnecessary childcare when family can help.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Consuelo Alicia Cervantes
  • Make Mortgage Lending & Homeownership Fair
    Mortgage lending is very bias towards the bank. You can pay on your home for years, fall on hard times and the bank has the right to foreclose and homeowners lose everything.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anita
  • Please vote against the "Right to Work" Amendment!!!
    The news reporters and papers make it sound like a great thing. But what people don't realize is that Right to work means the right to work for less. The unions actually hold the prevailing wages where they are for everyone. It will be a trickle down effect. Everyone will be affected by this. If everyone's wages go down people will be spending less money else where. This issue doesn't only affect union workers it affects everyone. Please vote no on the Right to Work amendment this coming November!!!
    4,367 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Casey Ferkul
  • Save 130 Acres for Future Park Land in Gwinnett County, Georgia
    In one of Gwinnett's most populous, yet recreationally under-served census tracts, 130 acres of green space, known as "The Range" is up for sale by Cisco Corporation. Cisco is known for its past community-minded green initiatives. We need to push our county commissioners into successfully negotiating a land acquisition deal, using available 2009 SPLOST funds, that will preserve all this undeveloped land for much needed soccer fields, a dog walking park, and even an aquatic center in future years. Cisco plans to close on any shareholders-appealing deal by the end of April 2012. Although there is nothing yet under contract, the 130-acres property was "shown" twice in the last few weeks. Due to a gag rule imposed upon all parties to this pending sale, we just don't know if Gwinnett County was either or both those prospective buyers. Once the land falls under contract with a developer, it's too late to do anything about it. So, time is fast running out!
    552 of 600 Signatures
    Created by D Marlin Knapp
  • Gay Civil Union
    In the state of Missouri, gays and lesbians are not allowed the right to enter into a civil union. This affects issues such as family healthcare, parental rights, and end of life concerns. It is 2012. Our society needs to move forward and allow these couples the same rights as everyone else. More and more gays and lesbians are coming out, raising families, and integrating into our social structure. It is time to put an end to bigotry. At one point in history it was illegal for interracial couples to marry. This is no different. Put an end to it. Vote to legalize gay civil unions. Give them the same civil rights. They are a part of our culture.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Trista Pini
  • Abortion is personal
    Abortion is personal. The state legislature should not be working on personal matters.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlene Stapleton
  • Keep Minnesota's Middle Class Strong
    Despite bipartisan opposition, supporters of the irresponsible "Right to Work" Constitutional Amendment are trying to move the bill forward in the Minnesota Senate. They know that Minnesotans oppose this unsafe, unfair and unnecessary law, and have resorted to desperate gimmicks to try to pass it. This bill is not what its supporters say it is. Plain and simple, this isn't a right to work; it's the right to hurt workers, our economy, and the middle class.
    5,116 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Shar Knutson, Minnesota AFL-CIO
  • Show Junkyard Prophet and Dean that they can't corrupt your kids.
    http://thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/iowa-school-hires-hate-group-to-preach-against-abortion-and-gay-marriage/discrimination/2012/03/11/36169 Hate groups like these are finding their ways into schools. Please stop these narrow-minded people from polluting your kids' live under the pretext of religion!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aurore