• Let good Samaritans Donate Life!
    Most Hospitals that perform Living Donor Liver Transplants will allow a healthy individual that meets all other health, age, and lifestyle requirements to donate a portion off their liver to a needy recipient. In fact, there are many non-profit organizations, services, and websites that exist to match donors and recipients. This saves thousands of lives each year. Stanford University Hospital is an exception. The policy stated on page 6 of the Liver Transplant Program handbook states that "A potential donor must: Have an established relationship with the recipient". This is costing thousands of people their lives every year because they cannot utilize the programs out there to find a donor due to this policy. Please sign this petition to tell Stanford Hospital to please consider changing their policy, thus saving thousands of lives in the process.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Brandi Reynolds-Casey
  • Wake Up Louisiana
    We have locked away our southern women for life, unjustly. They acted on basic instinct and defended themselves against an abusive partner and lost their families, children and freedom. We must make things right, we are their voices.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S K Scott
  • Root-Strikers Unite to Take Back our Democracy
    I AM A ROOT-STRIKER. ARE YOU? What you may ask is a root striker? Henry David Thoreau in Walden said: “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root” For me the root cause of the dysfunction we see in Congress and our Federal Government comes from all the money from wealthy individuals and companies that corrupt our democracy. Why did the bankers who crashed the economy in 2008 and got bailed out with our money manage to continue to get huge bonuses and not go to jail? Why haven’t the crooks who “robo-signed” foreclosure documents gone to jail? Why do large companies keep getting tax breaks as do the 1%. How could Jack Abramoff buy off so many Congressmen? Could it be that large campaign contributions and K Street lobbying have something to do with the dysfunction in our government and why the rich keep getting richer and the rest of us struggle? Lawrence Lessig said “nobody likes crony capitalism that has corrupted this system of government and given us the misregulation that led to the collapse on Wall Street.” “We don’t need to destroy wealth. We need to destroy the ability of wealth to corrupt our politics. We don’t need to kill capitalism. We need to kill that form of capitalism–crony capitalism–that uses its power to corrupt our politics.”
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hamilton Brown
  • Preserve Public Access to Michigan's Inland Lakes
    **UPDATE** Governor Snyder signed SB 778 into law on March 27. However please sign and share to send a message and build support for overturning this terrible law as soon as possible. * * * Michigan’s Senate has passed a bill that would essentially privatize all of Michigan’s inland lakes and streams. Unless you have the financial ability to afford lake front property, your access to Michigan’s beautiful waterways will be severely restricted. Please sign this petition to demand Governor Snyder veto Senate Bill No. 778.
    8,262 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Bowen
  • Change Facebook's name
    Chance facebook's name to drama club. Also change the url to dramaclub.com
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Billy Madison
  • More paper packaging, no more plastic!
    Plastic is (usually) a product of petroleum. It clogs our landfills and supports unsavory regimes. Most of our packaging is plastic when it could be biodegradable, renewable paper instead.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tennille Merkle
  • ALEC Accountability and Disclosure
    We demand public disclosure on the workings of American Legislative Exchange Council in the state of Oregon and that ALEC operate within the rules of lobbying organizations. Formed in 1973 as a "nonpartisan" group for "conservative state lawmakers" interested in "limited government, free markets, federalism, and individual liberty," ALEC creates model legislation that has resulted in the introduction of 1,000 bills a year at the state level with 20 percent becoming law, its website claims. ALEC finances trips for state lawmakers to learn about model legislation it pushes at the state level while connecting them to corporations from big tobacco, oil and for-profit prisons. We cannot allow our democratic process to be undermined by the secretive manipulations of corporations. Over the last several years ALEC has successfully promoted legislation to eliminate collective bargaining, require voter identification, and allow for school vouchers to be used. Wisconsin and Arizona are both engaged in a debate over collective bargaining legislation that is similar to model legislation that ALEC has been promoting. Law makers in Arizona and Wisconsin have introduced legislation requiring transparency on the workings of ALEC in their states. Arizona state. Rep. Steve Farley (D-Tucson) and Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Madison) have separately put forward legislation designed to disclose ALEC's funding sources. The bills, called the Alec Accountability Act and pending in their respective Republican-controlled legislatures, would redefine ALEC as a lobbying organization since it develops model legislation. "It is a pretty big lobbying group," Farley told HuffPost. "People deserve to know who is funding ALEC," added Farley, who has collaborated with Pocan as well as discussed the issue with legislators in other states. Among the two bills' provisions would be an attempt to define any organization promoting model legislation as a lobbying group and require disclosure of its funding sources. Pocan described ALEC as a "dating service" matching model legislation with lawmakers in various states, according to a Center for Media and Democracy release.
    5,439 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Hyung Nam
  • Decommission aging Mark 1 nuclear reactors
    The Fukushima multiple nuclear meltdown proved that the GE Mark 1 Boiling Water Reactor has a defective containment and is vulnerable to hydrogen explosions in a loss of power accident. Because the spent fuel pools, filled to bursting, are situated on top of these old reactors, an explosion can spread the highly irradiated spent fuel up to a mile away, as at Fukushima, and air and water contamination across continents. The Pilgrim reactor in Plymouth, MA and the VT Yankee reactor in Vernon Vermont are of the Fukushima design. They are 40 years old, running above their designed power load, leaking, embrittled, outmoded, out of compliance or exempt from NRC's own fire safety and other regulations, and should be retired and decommissioned at once. The risk of an accident with such enormous consequences should demand immediate precautionary action, as was taken by Germany, Japan, and other countries. As Fukushima showed, the risk of catastrophe with Mark 1 reactors is just a power failure away. Retire all Mark 1 BWR's.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Shaw
  • Call for Moorish Mayor Anthony Chavonne to Resign
    Mayor Anthony Chavonne is guilty of Vietnam Sister City insult to Veterans, an insulting decision to include the Quaker House and its anti-war Stance in Homecoming Heroes celebration, Political Corruption - Ticket Gate Fiasco, Political Corruption - Illegal Consent Search Moratorium, and Political Corruption - Moorish Nation Separatist Group Proclamation, Being insulting, defiant and impertinent towards the Honorable Superior Court Judge Gregory Bell. It's time for him to resign.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JW Schrecker
  • End mistreatment of American children; Ratify the CRC!
    Three former U.S. Presidents have denied children their basic human rights, and Obama will too unless we demand action. The CRC, The Convention on The Rights of the Child, is an international treaty that has been ratified by every country on Earth except the U.S. and Somalia. The CRC can change childrenʼs lives by finally giving our children their basic human rights. These two children are paying for this: Cristian Fernandez is a 12-year-old boy who faces life in prison. http://www.change.org/petitions/reverse-decision-to-try-12-yo-cristian-fernandez-as-an-adult This 6 year old Texan boy was hospitalized after a school paddling. http://weatherforddemocrat.com/local/x980632247/School-parent-OK-with-paddling Thousands of children in America suffer in similar ways! But Obama has the power to stop this by ratifying the CRC! What does the CRC guarantee American children? •The right to play. •The right to be safe. •The right to practice the religion of their choice. •The right to an education without physical punishment. •The right to be tried as a child, and not sentenced to life in prison without parole. In 1995, President Clinton signed the CRC, but he didnʼt send it to the Senate. It is time for our President to take real action. Obama says heʼs committed to improving the lives of our children. He says he values their well-being. He says itʼs an embarrassment that the U.S hasn't ratified the CRC. Enough talk, Mr. President. It’s time for action! Over 200 non-profits support the CRC, yet a small group of people are afraid of children having rights. They think parents should have 'fundamental rightsʼ over their children, to include the fundamental right to be criminally negligent parents. Here are a few of the crimes that will start to disappear: -Child beatings occur in schools in 19 states more than 200,000 times a year. -Approximately 6 million cases of child abuse go unreported annually. -At least 200,000 children are sexually trafficked across the U.S. annually. . The U.S. is the only country on earth to imprison children for life without parole. -America is the worst offender of child abuse in the Industrialized World. It is time to end the hypocrisy, and give children their rights. It is time for our President to do the right thing. Please also sign our petition on change.org: http://www.change.org/petitions/president-obama-end-mistreatment-of-american-children-ratify-the-crc For more information about... The CRC: unicef.org/crc http://www.childrightscampaign.org/ Corporal Punishment: stophitting.com unlimitedjustice.com Imprisoning children for life: www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/issues/children-s-rights/juvenile-life-without-parole Child Abuse: www.rainbirdfoundation.org Take a Stand for the End of child abuse: rainbirdfoundation.org/takeastand Child trafficking: http://www.notforsalecampaign.org/
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Whitney Trotta
  • Keep Alaska's Fair Share for Alaskan Projects
    This petition is addressed to the Alaska Legislature to ask them not to undo the Alaska Clear and Equitable Share act (ACES) which greatly benefits Alaska. ACES has provided much extra revenue for many necessary and beneficial projects in Alaska, and the jobs to build them. There will be a loss of jobs and project revenue and benefit to Alaska if it is overturned. When Alaska became a State, we didn't model our constitution after run-of -the-mill constitutions, but after the best at the time. This was the case with the creation of ACES, which was long overdue in it's creation, and a miracle it actually happened under a Republican administration. It provides strong incentives for exploration and development our oil resource, but still gives Alaska a fair share. If anyone should profit from the price of oil skyrocketing worldwide, Alaskan projects are as worthy to benefit, if not more so, as anyone standing to profit incidentally may be. The Petroleum Industry is financing a full-scale campaign to persuade us to fatten their profit margins. Not that it is hurting in this state. It is profiting, significantly. But they want even more wealth, which would probably not remain in Alaska. The facts belie many of the industry's arguments. Petroleum Industry employment and projects on the north slope have not gone down since the creation of ACES. And the spending on Alaskan infrastructure development has been able to go up. It is probably a good bet that the oil development will expand in Alaska in the near future no matter what, given the huge resource and profit incentive. And if it didn't happen immediately, it would be there for our children. Norway shares the diverse latitudes and climate of Alaska, and also an oil industry; yet it has over $500 Billion of oil resource wealth in its permanent fund, after paying for benefits for a population six times larger than our state. Norway's petroleum royalty is the only to exceed that of Alaska, at current rates, and yet and the oil industry is in no hurry to leave Norway. They are doing fine. When it comes to this current big push to overturn ACES, we should not be so dense as to not consider the source at this time - Governor Sean Parnell. It is often overlooked that he has been a long-time lobbyist for ConocoPhillips, who is financing much of the current campaign to overturn ACES, and who would stand to make billions in return for their media campaign investment in this regard. Let's not get caught up in the emotional propaganda generated by the "undo ACES" campaign, and keep a very sound policy for Alaska. It is something to be proud of, without apology!
    753 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Tony Tengs
  • Downtown Batavia Illinois 2012
    Help ensure that the City of Batavia works to improve the downtown area as set forth in the Batavia Comprensive Plan.
    208 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Batavians for Progress