Vouchers and state funding for schools nowIt is time to launch a citizen's right to use his or her money for the good of the children in his or her community. It is time to make it law that any parent, regardless of income, gender, race, religious affiliation, or status in life should have the right to use his or her share of his school district's per child funding, or ideally state funding, in the form of a voucher that would permit him or her to send their child to the school of their choice, so long as the money is earmarked for teaching of non-religious subjects in that school of choice. It should not matter if the school is itself religiously affiliated, as long as it meets state and district standards of pedagogy for subjects like mathematics, reading, grammar, writing, spelling, geography, history and the social sciences, and no public money is used to fund the teaching of religion. It is hypocritical to limit at the K-12 level what we do not limit at the post-secondary level. We permit PHEAA and federal grants to be used at private and religious affiliated post-secondary schools. Take as an example schools like Catholic Villanova and St. Joseph's University, or private University of Pennsylvania or Dusquesne, etc. We never limit the use of public funds to just the neighborhood community college, for example. We sponsor our children's effort to achieve the best. If we are willing to adequately fund our children and expand their choices once they graduate from high school, should we not also maximize their choices in getting into high school and college in the first place? Vouchers should, by law, be available to every child in the Commonwealth. FInally, we should stop segregating children by school based upon how much housing their parents can afford. All state funding is needed, not local funding, as the major source of school funding. Adjustments can be made that adjust funding per student based on real-evidence of cost regionally, but otherwise funding should be evenly distributed. This may require all districts to pool their resources, or a legistaltively derermined portion of their resources, in a state pool, to be re-distributed per child. Provisions to reimburse home-schoolers for approved and verifiable costs will be determined by the Legislature.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Siddall
Lobbyists Get Out PleaseI would like to see a law passed to prevent lobbyists in Washington, DC. It has destroyed our political democracy. Our elected officials can be bribed.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Payne
TELL CONGRESS TO LABEL GMO FOOD!FLOOD CONGRESS! Call your Reps and ask them to Join the Boxer-DeFazio Letter to the FDA. Sen. Boxer and Rep. DeFazio are circulating a Congressional Letter to FDA demanding the agency label genetically engineered food. It will circulate one more week until Feb. 29. Find your Reps Here http://bit.ly/yUG6LM7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anne Dietrich
Stop Pennsylvania's Mandatory Ultrasound Bill!The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is poised to pass HB 1077, the so-called "Women's Right to Know" Act. This bill operates under the guise that women aren't smart enough to understand their own bodies. It requires all women seeking an abortion to be subjected to a mandatory ultrasound at least 24 hours in advance. It requires the ultrasound screen to be aimed toward the woman's face but 'permits her to avert her eyes' and also requires that she deliver a print of the image to her physician in order to have the procedure. The PA Medical Society and other medical groups have already come out in opposition to this incredible invasion of the physician/patient relationship. Your Representative can stop this demeaning and unnecessary attack by voting NO on HB 1077, but we need your help!30,390 of 35,000 SignaturesCreated by Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates
Stop Rising Gasoline PricesGas is projected to hit $5.00 a gallon by Memorial Day.....What is the reason for this spike......Speculation driving up the market.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula Loyd
Stop the $15,000 dollar clockThis is a blatant example of the wastful spending of taxpayers funds at a local level.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by annette spaur
$ 1,000,000. plus tax dollars saved!All state and government employees must drive their own cars to and from work and pay for all auto expenses, no exceptions! No more state or government owned cars. No writing off auto expenses. This is what everyone else has to do!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by rich phelan
not to raise gas pricesthe gas shouldnt go up any more if they are making records profits the price it is now where is all that money going to everyone should just stop driving and just sit at home till they lower it to where it should be1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ronald allard
Digámosle a Obama que rompa el vínculo entre la FDA y MonsantoEl Presidente Obama nombró al ex vicepresidente y cabildero de Monsanto, Michael Taylor, a su cargo actual de asesor principal del comisionado de la FDA. Este vínculo impensable entre la autoridad que controla la seguridad de nuestros alimentos y los intereses corporativos que tienen poca consideración por la salud pública, hay que romperlo. Es inaceptable esta situación en que “el zorro cuida a las gallinas.” El Presidente Obama tiene que revertir esta política inimaginablemente peligrosa y proteger a la independencia de la FDA contra cualquier influencia corporativa. Mensaje que será entregado al Presidente Barack Obama119 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Frederick Ravid
Urge the UN to Intervene in SyriaThis is a petition urging U.S. Senators, Governors and Representatives to urge our State Department and the United Nations to intervene in Syria to save their people from the governments campaign of murder.44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Raven A. Nuckols
Stop the unConstitutional Wars; we are brokeOur Constitution requires wars to be voted on by Congress but this requirement stopped being obeyed after WW3. The Presidents since then inappropriately have declared war on their own authority. Congress goes along with the usurpation of its powers by funding these illegal wars. Our past history shows that until recently, we engaged in wars only for our own defensive reasons, not for colonial aggression to take away from people of foreign lands their rights to their own natural resources and choice of government. Our past history also did not support wars by us to fight against our own interests for some foreign nation's own interests. The Constitution did not name us as policeman of the world, and we have failed at being one.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pamela Gill
Support CSU's Stadium InitiativeTony Frank and the entire CSU administration has committed to a vision of excellence in everything the university does. Part of that vision includes the possibility of building a new on-campus stadium. As such, CSU has formed a committee to investigate the feasibility of such a project. We're voicing our support for that process and the potential for such a stadium to be built.1,051 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Ben