THE PLAN: THE US GOVERNMENT OFFER EVERY US CITZEN A 30 YEAR MORTGAGE AT 1% FIXED INTEREST. This is a government loan program, not an increase in government spending. The government bailout of the financial industry had a tremendous impact on business but the trickle down effect has not worked. The RE-MORTGAGE AMERICAN HOMES PROGRAM will add a trickle-up for the 99% and will add economic expansion and generate increased revenues for federal and local government, AND CREATE JOBS.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Fluker
  • Rewrite the National Defense Authorization Act to PROTECT American Citizens!
    The United States government has gone way too far this time. It has passed legislation, which Obama failed to veto, that allows American citizens, both domestic and abroad, to be detained indefinitely, without trial, if they are accused (only accused) of being involved in terrorist activity. The words "terrorist" and "terrorism" have been thrown around far too easily in the past ten years. Regardless of the crime a person is accused of, they have the constitutional right to due process. This is a cornerstone of the freedom our government claims to value. The NDAA is worded in a manner just vague enough to promote confusion. It gives the government far too much power over the very citizens that define the country as a whole, and it fails to serve or protect the American people. Indefinite detention without trial of ANYONE, let alone United States Citizens, is obviously unconstitutional and un-American. This activity directly goes against the fifth and sixth amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. What could be more unpatriotic than a government stripping basic civil rights from its own citizens? Has due process become too inconvenient for the United States Government? Please see this link for more information about the indefinite detention of American citizens allowed by the newly passed National Defense Authorization Act: http://www.salon.com/2011/12/16/three_myths_about_the_detention_bill/
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Jones
  • Kepp Chicago city clinics open
    Employees, including medical staff, have built up a tremendous amount of experience, and now they are to be let go just because Mayor Emanuel thinks he can save city budget money.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John P. Rash
  • Fund School Counseling in San Diego Public Schools
    The San Diego Board of Education cut 50 counselors from the ranks last year and they are looking to balance the budget by cutting 80 more which would eliminate all counseling support to the elementary schools. Please let them know that our children need counseling services.
    3,122 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by MARY TURNBERG
  • End imprisonment for possession of Marijuana.
    Once young people have been imprisoned, their records are smeared for ever. No longer can they apply for jobs, housing, funding, without being labelled "undesirable" and denied their benefits. Prison is for those who are a danger to society. The punishment is out of proportion with this "crime". By not imprisoning them, many people would get a second chance in life and it would save the States lots of money.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Inger Easton
  • Foreclosed Properties Purchase With 401K Funds
    This would allow the purchase of a foreclosed property for primary residence with 401K funds without penalties or taxes. This will put money back into local economies, provide much needed jobs and stabilize neighborhoods.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Austin
  • Demand Pecora Hearings Be Held For The Banksters
    The law requires Pecora Hearings when a large fraud is committed against the American people.The name comes form the District Attorney who held the hearings previously when this occurred.These hearings have still not been held.No one has been held accountable for the largest fraud in history.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Vargem
  • End Stockmarket Tax Breaks
    Anyone who invests in the Stock Market and loses money, gets to claim that money off their Taxes, and not just for the year in which they lost money but can spread it over multiple years to reduce their Income Taxes, additionally they pay a very small tax on Capital Gains for those stocks which actually make them money and additional Tax Breaks for holding Stocks for a period of time. It's time to end these Perks for the Wealthy. Why should average American's Taxes be used to cover the losses of those who choose to play the Stock Market and why shouldn't they pay their full Taxes on their Winnings? It's time to end these policies which have virtually no benefit for the Average American Tax Payer and greatly benefit the Wealthy who by and large do not work but only play the Markets to make their money. Enough is enough, everyone needs to pay their Taxes.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Segasture
  • Enact a War Tax
    An automatic increase in federal taxes across the board of 3-4% when our country goes to war. Military personnel and their families would be exempt. This would engage the public by requiring at least some sacrifice of everyone.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Everts
  • Close down military bases in foreign countries.
    Close down military bases in foreign countries.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Begg
    First steps to reverse the recent CItizens Untied decision of the Supreme Court, which essentially gives corporations unlimited power to influence elections with hidden donations
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kurt Daims
  • TO IMPROVE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES AND TRAUMA CARE in the Philippines embodied in Senate Bill ...
    Current statutes of Trauma Care and Management in the Philippines are not adequately addressed. Its limited portrayal in every surgical service need to be recognized to allow a definite roadmap to the application of Advanced Trauma Life Support and its derivation of Trauma Levels of care applicable to every hospital. Philippine Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago introduced Senate Bill 2279 which seeks to improve Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care by: (a) empowering the Department of Health to identify designated trauma centers, (b) establishing a National Clearinghouse on Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Care; and (c) providing for standards with respect to trauma care centers. A quick call to action by signing this petition to Tell the 15th Congress that it is about time to act quickly and pass Senate Bill 2279.
    699 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Manuel Moldero Belandres,M.D.