• Relist Wolves
    Wolves were recently removed from the Endangered Species Act protections. They are now being hunted, trapped, and snared often suffering terrible pain before death in these barbaric torture devices. Despite the public's support of wolf recovery, and in contravention of the court's holdings that kept them protected the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at the urging of special interest groups, pushed wolves off the ESA and into the hands of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming where the state "management" plans call for killing almost all of their wolves. The method by which this was achieved was via a sleazy backdoor non-germane rider that was pushed for by ranchers, sportsmen and hunting groups. This is the first time that any animal was targeted to be removed from the ESA. Not only is it bad for wolves but it has opened the door to target other species from being protected under this key legislation. We need wolves placed back on the ESA by another act of Congress. Take your legislators to task.
    21,011 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Kane
  • Bury the Utilities
    There is one problem that causes untold problems in so many parts of our country. Hurricanes, and many other storms cause our utility lines to fail because of trees falling, telephone poles falling. It is outdated that in 2011, we still have not buried our utility lines.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Salvesen
  • DOE should give back parents association money
    The New York City Department of Education froze the parents association's funds at Public School 184M, the Shuang Wen School, in Lower Manhattan, without clear explanation when and how the funds would be un-frozen. It's the DOE tyranny at play again at one of the best schools in the city. It's anti-community, anti-parents and anti-Chinese. Please tell DOE to give us back the money!!
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanie Tung
  • New Tax Payers
    As it stands, all churches across the United States unfairly avoid paying federal/state income and property taxes. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment and prevents much needed revenue from reaching federal and state/local governments, especially during these difficult economic times. As a response to the Republicans refusal to normalize taxes on the wealthy, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio stated "we need new tax payers" rather than increase taxes, so taxing the clergy is the logical choice. These churches, particularly mega-churches, make an enormous amount of money that rival the most profitable corporations and they own large swaths of land typically in high value areas without paying a cent in property taxes. We are calling on the federal and state/local governments to tax the clergy as a viable and legal source of revenue.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Casey
  • Bring Better Recycling to Colorado!!
    Less than 20% of the municipal waste stream was recycled or composted in Colorado in 2009; the rate for the rest of the nation was 34%. Less than half of the counties in Colorado have recycling available for residents at the curb. If we provide better access to recycling at our homes, parks, communities, and businesses, we will have less in our trash piles.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah
  • American Hemp: The 28th Amendment
    America was founded at a time when hemp was a common commodity, yet profoundly important. So important in fact that the first three Presidents of the United States praised hemp and encouraged it's growth throughout the states. We are petitioning to have hemp cultivation recognized as the valuable industry it is and amended into the Constitution to never be Prohibited to future generations.
    222 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jon Marsh
  • Constitutional Amendment mandating public financing of all elections
    With the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, unlimited amounts of special interest money will be spent to influence elections. Too many of our elected representatives are beholden to their big campaign donors. All elections need to be publicly financed to ensure that our elected representatives do what's in the best interests of their constituents and the country rather than what's in the best interests of their big campaign donors. Only a constitutional amendment mandating public financing of all elections will guarantee that the U.S. Is a true constitutional democracy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bird
    Law firms are filing foreclosure actions without first checking whether their clients own the debt underlying the mortgage being foreclosed; they proceed based on frequently faulty assignments of mortgage rather than proving debt ownership. Judges are allowing this. Introduce retroactive legislation to stop both lawyers and judges from allowing this inequity, and require foreclosures be examined and as applicable be reversed.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Miller
  • Free Devin M. Allen
    Devin was sentenced to 51 months Federal time for Aiding and Abetting, while his co-conspirters recieved less time for Crack Cocain.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Allen
  • Lawmakers will lose pay if the nations budget or our dept crisis isn't passed by the due date.
    Just like california law Prop 25 ; California lawmakers will start losing their pay if they don't complete a balanced budget. "We The People" as workers don't do our job where we work at "we dont get paid" so why should the lawmakes of this country be any different?
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kell Valdez Sr.
  • Our country
    Let us stop calling OUR country "this country."
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Hamner
  • Open ALL Adoption Records NOW!
    The era of secrecy in adoption is OVER! Closed adoptions have been extremely hard on adoptees and their original families. Closed adoption is DETRIMENTAL to mother, child, and family. It is a blight on our society that such a thing still exists.. To let keep records closed is an injustice! Minnesota has been a leader in social justice, let's keep it that way! Secrecy begets tyranny- Robert A. Heinlein
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Julie Barnett