Tax Companies For Every Job OutsourcedIt is time for companies to be held accountable for sending jobs overseas. We need to tell our leaders that it should be more expensive for corporations to outsource jobs. Tax them for EVERY job they move overseas.711 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cherie Boeneman
Variable Interest Rates for Graduate Student LoansStock market crash? No problem. Banks are making big money from the buying and selling of graduate student loans...arguably the most reliable, highest returning investment in the United States at this moment. While interest rates for savings accounts, mortgages, undergraduate student loans, and virtually everything else in the United States have dropped to all-time lows, freshly-minted graduates of Master's and Doctoral programs--our country's potential future leaders--are being crippled by an average of 8% APR on top of hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt. We need to lower the interest rates and give our recent graduates a chance to get off the ground!15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenine Durland
Separation of Politics and MoneyOur politicians pass laws that have been bought and paid for by corporate and special interests. If we want a government that is truly "by and for the people" we must separate politics from the obscene amount of money it currently consumes. In order to get a government that cares about the citizens more than the big-money donors, we must radically reform campaign financing.47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KJ Lowry
Save People with Mental Illness!For over 30 years, mental health consumer-run organizations (CROs) have proven to be an extremely effective (and cost-effective) way for people with severe mental illness to achieve recovery and lead full, productive lives as taxpayers, not tax burdens. Unfortunately, in less than 30 days, all Kansas CROs will begin permanently shutting down as their contracts with Kansas Social and Rehabilitative Services (SRS) run out and the promised new funding proposal fails to be made available. We call on Governor Sam Brownback to direct SRS to immediately release the long-promised contract renewal application so that people with severe mental illness can continue on the path to recovery. One day at a CRO = $13. One day at a state hospital = $418. Which would *you* rather have your tax dollars pay for?1,510 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kendall Simmons
Make Yellow Pages Opt-In OnlyStop dropping Yellow Page Directories at every door step. People use the internet to access businesses. Stop filling the landfills with unwanted, superfluous yellow page directories that nobody wants.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carole Cross
JOBS & LOWER TAXESWhile the people of America are hurting to make ends meet & some to even find a job, giant Corporations are paying their CEO's more in salary than in taxes. This is absurdly unfair. We demand a reinvestment in working class Americans, lower taxes on the working class, & a jobs program to get us back to work.947 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Otep Shamaya
Replace Race on Government ApplicationsThe inaccurate concept of multiple Races no longer is supported by scientific fact. Continuing to divide people into separate Races, as opposed to Ethnicities, perpetuates Racism. To expedite global unification, people need to be exposed to education and knowledge that demonstrates how each of us belongs to the same Human Family Tree and One Human Race, regardless of ethnicity, as proven by mitochondrial DNA genetic research, and human migration research over the past 24 years.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Mollner
Congress Pay For Your Own Healthcare!Since they want to cut Medicare & Medicare I think we need to stop paying for their Healthcare, it seems only fair that they pay, afterall they have lifetime medicare insurance. What do you guys think, also think about how much money can be saved if they start to pay their way.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Delores Mullen
Assert Your Right to Legal Access!Legal Document Preparers (LDPs) are here to help citizens have access to the courts, affordably. Unfortunately many LDPs face harrassment by their States' Bar Associations who may investigate the LDP, and possibly manufacture a complaint suing her for Unauthorized Practice of Law. Often such investigations and/or lawsuits against the LDP are initiated with no consumer complaint, nor any consumer being adversly affected by her services. Such harrassment may intimidate a LDP out of doing business which, in turn, affects your right to have affordable access to your court. For preparing the forms on one's own can be a daunting task; and many citizens today cannot afford attorneys' fees. Obviously, these indicators support the vital need for the LDP, making LDPs the most viable alternative in ensuring and protecting citizens' court access.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie M. Jefferson
VOTING_2012: PAPER BALLOTS in ALL 50 STATESVoting in 2012 will be a challenge to avoid VOTER FRAUD & give the GOP/TP a win with e-VOTING machines that can be HACKED & with the GOP's continued efforts to disenfranchise the electorate! Pres. Obama can be re-elected with honest VOTING & with no more DIEBOLD VOTING like in OHIO 2004!47 of 100 SignaturesCreated by pr kenney
Governor Snyder: Do Not Privatize Teaching in Michigan SchoolsSenator Phil Pavlov (R) of St. Clair County, chair of Rick Snyder's Education Committee, is drafting legislation that would privatize instruction in Michigan Public Schools. This fundamental change in the method of staffing Michigan's public schools would do monumental damage to the quality of education in Michigan. We are calling on Governor Snyder to say "no" to privatizing teaching in Michigan.11,956 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Willett
Tax the JOB Exporters!The conservatives claim we cannot tax the "Job creators" so lets tax the JOB EXPORTERS instead. Its time the federal government creates laws to protect American companies who hire American workers from foreign competitors. For example three American Solar Panel manufacturers have gone out of business because the price has dropped 42% due to competition from Chinese companys15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arlys MIlls