• Stop Candy as Reward at CVUSD schools!
    As concerned parents of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, we are writing to enlist your support in cultivating a healthier environment for our children. Currently candy is being given out by some teachers, principals, school nurses, after school activity leaders, etc. to our children for testing, good behavior, ‘boo boos, etc. This candy is given WITHOUT parent permission. This is an issue due to allergies (8% of kids), obesity (1 in 4 kids), cavities, special needs children, behavior problems, and the basic idea that you are giving or withholding food to reward kids. We want the Health and Wellness Policy for Conejo Valley USD to include that no food or beverage shall be given as a reward for student accomplishments or withheld as punishment on school campus. Let’s find other ways to reward kids that doesn’t involve candy or food! Please see the other petitions involving healthy changes for CVUSD: http://www.parentsforhealthyschoollunch.com/sign_the_petitions_.html
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Parents for Healthy School Lunch
  • Nutrition Education for all Conejo Valley USD kids
    As concerned parents of the Conejo Valley Unified School District, we are writing to enlist your support in cultivating a healthier environment for our children. One in four children in the US is obese, and two of every three adults in the US are obese. Obesity is the leading cause of death in America after smoking. Unless measures are taken to reduce obesity, the youth of today may live shorter lives than their parents. For this reason as parents we feel that nutrition education should be a major concern to schools as they are our nation's primary institutions of education. Schools help teach children how to read, write and become problem solvers. As parents we believe schools can also help educate children (and parents) about eating right and keeping their bodies healthy. We want the Health and Wellness Policy for Conejo Valley USD to require that nutrition education be included as part of the curriculum for elementary, middle and high school students. Please see the other petitions involving healthy changes for CVUSD: http://www.parentsforhealthyschoollunch.com/sign_the_petitions_.html
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Parents for Healthy School Lunch
  • The Down Sydrome Community needs to be respected like any other human being.
    nasty slurs being published in such magazines as GQ pointing at people with Down Syndrome and other people with disabilities.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Calalesina
    We will not allow the budget deficit to be strapped solely on the backs of Kentucky's seniors, disabled, working class, and those living below the poverty line.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Conley
  • End Corporate Welfare and Subsidies.
    According to the Cato Institute, the U.S. Federal Government spends nearly $100 Billion dollars annually in corporate welfare and subsidies. Before cutting programs for average Americans, Congress should cut off all subsidies and welfare for corporations.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by G. David Caudill
  • Congress must abide by all laws they impose on the American People
    Congress imposes laws on the American people but exempts themselves from having to live with them. Examples are healthcare, social security, retirement, etc. If congress had to live within the laws and restrictions they create for other Americans we feel that we would get better, faster and more intelligent decisions from an elected congress and senate.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Goody
  • Stand With Sugar Workers
    For generations, the sugar beet industry has been the lifeblood of Northwest Minnesota’s Red River Valley. Sugar workers have always stood shoulder to shoulder with American Crystal Sugar and farmers to protect and advance the sugar industry. Together, the workers, company and growers have helped to build the local economy, support families, and made communities flourish. Now, American Crystal has put all of this in jeopardy by locking out workers. Sign our petition telling CEO Dave Berg: Don’t turn your back on the community!
    1,642 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Shar Knutson, Minnesota AFL-CIO
  • Removing Republicans From Power By Voting
    I am for the majority of the people; this two party system isn't working for the majority, it has always worked for the 2%. I feel there is more good people than Republicans, and there more poor people than richs Republicans people.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Parks
  • "Peas" Protect Social Security & Medicare!
    Americans for Prosperity in Tucson recently staged a drop by action at Rep. Raul Grijalva's office, protesting President Obama's comment that urged lawmakers to "eat their peas" and tackle the debt and deficit. While the action was tongue in cheek, the truth is that Rep. Grijalva has been standing up for the many out of work Arizonans and vulnerable seniors who are having trouble putting enough food on the table due to the disastrous economic policies of Republicans in congress. Rep. Grijalva and Rep. Ed Pastor in Arizona, as well as 78 other Democrats in Congress, recently signed on to a letter to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi urging that Social Security and Medicare remain off the table in the current budget deficit talks. http://www.npr.org/blogs/itsallpolitics/2011/07/14/137860891/top-house-progressive-says-he-others-wont-ok-debt-ceiling-benefit-cuts. Please sign a petition expressing support for these courageous members of Congress and urging their colleagues to join them in signing on to the letter to Rep. Pelosi. And here in Tucson, please consider making donations to the Tucson Community Food Bank in support of Rep. Grijalva's efforts.
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julie Jennings Patterson
  • Treason Against USA
    These "secret pledges" signed by the GOP supercede and conflict with their pledges of allegiance to the USA.
    2,699 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Lemos
  • Move On To Jobs and Justice
    We need to get our Nation and our Elected Representatives to Stop this False discussion and narrative of Cuts and tell them; "Move On from Cuts to Jobs and Justice!"
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Segal
  • Keep Local St. Louis City Air Pollution Control
    The Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has cut all funding to the St. Louis City Air Pollution Control Program (SLAPCP), and the City Department of Health (DOH) has suggested the total elimination of the program in favor of DNR taking over. SLAPCP has stricter regulations that DNR will not have the authority to enforce, introducing a significant threat to health and safety in the St. Louis region. SLAPCP is already written into the City budget for fiscal year 2012 and has the capacity to operate as a self-funded program using fees defined in City Ordinance 68657. Local monitoring, permitting, and enforcement of air pollution regulations should not be eliminated in the city. The petition (with 430 signatures) was delivered on August 10, 2011 to the offices of Mayor Slay, Interim Director Walker and Commissioner Moore. We will keep the petition online and continue to collect signatures until the contract with the State expires on Sept. 30, 2011 and may print off and deliver updates at dates or decision points prior to that.
    445 of 500 Signatures
    Created by St. Louis City Needs Air Pollution Control