For the first time in history, Congress recently passed legislation (hidden in the Budget bill) that stripped Endangered Species Act protections for one particular species, putting politics above sound science and our national commitment to conserving America's wildlife. Wolves were reintroduced into areas of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho, under the Clinton Administration and Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt. Since then, studies on area elk and wolves find that weather and hunter harvest affect elk declines more than wolf predation. Wolves often enhance prey populations by culling weak and sick animals from the gene pool, leaving only the strongest animals to reproduce. But many western politicians, such as Idaho Governor Butch Otter, despise wolves and want to eradicate them to placate the hunting and ranching lobbies. This provision has set a terrible precedent that could be regarded as an invitation to strip protections for any other endangered species that a politician finds inconvenient to protect. Grizzly bears, salmon, whales, polar bears, and Florida manatees and panthers are just examples of those that could be at risk
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Czeizler
  • Social Security for Public Employees
    As long as the Government is for the Government and not for the people it can never be a fair and good government. When their entitlements are the same as the peoples entitlements then we will all be working together instead of working for one group or the other. The government will then be working for the good of all it's citizens. Let's start with Social Security. All public employees will retire on Social Security and the government will not have separate plans.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth J. Cox
  • The image of our country
    We petition news casters, pundits, guests on talk shows, politicians, all those in positions to shape the image of our countgry to stop referring to it as THIS country. It is OUR country and it might just have an underlying effect if just once ina while we viewers, listeners, and audience heard it called OURS rather than THIS~
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Earl Hamner
  • Special Murdoch Prosecutor
    An attempt to inspire the sort of investigation which has proven invaluable whenever official channels be clogged with influence peddling and favoritism of the sort manifest in the UK (and not exactly unheard of on these shores). Specifically, the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to plumb the depths of News Corp, wherever the trail leads throughout the Murdoch realm.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clovis Bowden
  • limited personhood to corporations.
    Therefore it is petitioned that you reverse citizens united v federal election commission 130 S.Ct.``76 (2010) Because the court used the wrong premiss in passing it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Cunningham
  • Send Austin and Shawn home!
    Austin and Shawn accidently burned the garage on the main road down. They tried to put it out with brooms but when that didnt work they ran- they are 12 and 14. We are asking the Washington County Court of Common Pleas to please send the boys home. They have been at the YES acadamy since June 2nd, we can only talk to them for 10 minutes a week on the phone and visit them for 3 hours on Sunday in Mercer county. The boys have never been in trouble before and we ask that they be sent back to the community and their families.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Todd C Rudy
  • GQ: Issue Apology for Down Syndrome Discrimination
    The day following the July 15, 2011 publishing of an unethical GQ fashion article that linked people with Down syndrome to the clothing choices of people in Boston, MA, with adjectives like stagnate, putrefy, and inbreeding, advocates had gained media attention by speaking out against GQ's Down syndrome discrimination. From Boston to across the nation people began discussing the negative effects this type of prejudice creates through Facebook and Twitter. The media coverage continues because the article by John B. Thompson has since been revised by removing his detrimental statement, "..... Boston suffers from a kind of Style Down Syndrome, where a little extra ends up ruining everything.", but an explanation from the magazine or apology from the author has not been issued. There is an uproar of hurt, disgust, and action from family members and advocates in the disability community. Thompson and others need to know how harmful their views, words, and choices are to people with Down syndrome and their families. Their future family member, child's classmate or next door neighbor could be someone with Down syndrome who has to face degrading stereotypes like this everyday. How have others responded? 7/16/11 The Boston Herald interviewed community advocate Dafna Krouk-Gordon president of TILL Inc., in GQ magazine slams Boston with slur against people with Down syndrome, who said, "They are doing societal damage by using those kind of examples.", and parent Melanie McLaughlin who said, "It makes you feel like somebody really stabbed you in the heart." 7/18/11 Dr. Brian Skotko, MD, MPP from Children's Hospital Boston's Down syndrome Program blogged his take titled Mock My Pants Not My Sister and said, "If my friends who are black were mocked, they would not take it. If my friends who are gay were slurred, they would not take it. My 400,000 fellow Americans with Down syndrome have been cheapened, and I will not take it." The Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress wrote to GQ Editor-in-Chief Jim Nelson after numerous requests from their membership explaining, "how offensive, demeaning, and hurtful this comment is to people with Down syndrome and their families." The National Down Syndrome Society wrote about the retraction, to request he educate himself, and further advocated with the statement, "When people with Down syndrome are inappropriately referenced, it sustains and perpetuates these low expectations and negative stereotypes and further impedes the acceptance of people with disabilities in schools, the workplace and the community." 7/19/11 Washington Post author Jennifer LaRue Huget told readers what she teaches her children about talking about others, "Making jokes at other people’s expense isn’t kind, it isn’t respectful, and it’s not funny.", in What is ‘style Down syndrome‘?. FoxNews reported on GQ's Down syndrome slurs in an interview with Dr. Brian Skotko who has a sister with Down syndrome and has fueled the advocacy efforts around this issue through his social networks, Thrive blog and message on the show. How has GQ responded? 7/20/11 Since removing the original slur GQ has done very little. They haven’t told their readers why they allowed the offensive material or why they decided to retract it. Now copies of a blanket response has been sent in reply to the concerned citizens who emailed GQ at [email protected]. However, this message to those who decided to email does NOT make up for the widespread damage they have caused: "We received your letter and absolutely understand that we have caused many of our readers and their loved ones pain. Hurting anyone’s feelings or being disrespectful or cruel was certainly never our intent, but your letter helped us understand how poorly chosen our words were. What we initially posted was insensitive and ill-informed, and we’ve removed the offensive language from the website. We deeply regret our error in judgment. There is no excuse. We are both very sorry. Sincerely, Sean Fennessey, editor, GQ.com John B. Thompson, writer, GQ.com " Only select people will receive GQ's email while the rest of America waits for GQ to admit their wrongs, say sorry, and shed a positive light on such a disastrous situation. Everyone is wondering why GQ has not taken responsibility by respectfully addressing their mistakes. What now? 7/21/11 Boston.com writer Joan Venochi recapped this situation in an article, A magazine with style, but no taste, and reported, "A Condé Nast spokesman, responding via e-mail, said, “The author has personally responded to the people who reached out concerning this matter.’’ Even the GQ publishing company thinks the matter is handled. 7/25/11 Campaign letter and petition with six hundred signatures was sent to GQ. The letter contained this message, "You still have a chance to turn this unfortunate situation around and help our society presume the best about people with Down syndrome. Today marks tens days since you published a Down syndrome slur, and marks the tenth day your company has not apologized for publishing it. An official acknowledgment in response to this serious diversity intolerance matter will create positive publicity for your company, and Down syndrome awareness as well. Altering your article’s original content, and sending form emails to those people who wrote to your editor, isn’t enough and doesn’t reach everyone affected." 8/29/11 Folowing action plan sent out to all petition signers -Call 212-286-4258 Condé Nast President Bob Sauerberg to ask him to publish apology by Oct. for Ds Awareness Month -Cancel all Condé Nast Publications -Email [email protected], GQ Editor Sean Fennessey: What is being done to correct the Ds discrimination in GQ magazine from July 15? Today It's your turn to be heard. Sign this petition asking GQ for a formal public apology and share your thoughts through your networks about why GQ owes their readers, people with Down syndrome and the general public a ...
    3,616 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Lesley Burch
  • A Challange to the Early Learn RFP
    The ACS Early Learn RFP creates a serious and complex issue for the New York City publicly funded child care system at this time. As stated by the Day Care Council of New York," nonprofit providers from small community based child care centers, family child care providers, as well as, large multi-service organizations servicing 100 or more children in various community neighborhoods are grappling with a disturbing situation with very little recourse." We are calling on ACS to withdraw the Early Learn RFP until the many areas of concern are addressed.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by PADCDNYC
  • Release Republicans from Norquist's "No-Tax Pledge"
    Republicans intransigent position on addressing REVENUE increases in order to help solve our National Debt and Budget issues threaten to plunge our Country into Economic Depression that would be devastating to America and throughout the world. Our goal is to enable and encourage genuine negotiations and forward progress within Congress on both the debate concerning raising the Debt Ceiling, and the Budget Debate, by nullifying Grover Norquists' "Taxpayer Protection Pledge"
    495 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mary Elizabeth Harder
  • Truck Traffic on University Avenue
    Trucks too loud? Road condition poor? Let’s do something about it! We are your neighbors on University Ave, between 35W and St Anthony Pkwy (3rd Ward). Over the last few years, we have noticed that truck traffic has increased significantly, University Avenue road quality has depreciated, and the noise pollution is a growing nuisance. On 7/12/2011, we counted 261 container trucks from 6am to 6pm. We are reaching out to our neighbors to build a case to share with our Third Ward City Council Member, Diane Hofstede. Are you are being impacted in some of the following ways? • Noise level of trucks affects ability to open windows, sleep, hear television, or have phone conversations • Trucks cause shaking of homes and some complaints of recent cracks in walls • Truck frequency and noise starts about 5 am every week day and goes into the early evening as well as weekends • University Ave road conditions are poor • Risk of home value depreciation Do you agree with these potential solutions? • Improve road condition to better manage/absorb the truck usage • Limit use of flatbed container trucks on University • Reroute trucks to less residential areas • Determine if trucks could be secured better to cause less noise • Enforce weight restrictions (assumption is that many are overweight and causing the poor road conditions) We need your help! We must prove that many of the residents on University Avenue have similar concerns. Please sign this petition to help us reduce the truck traffic on University Avenue. Thank you.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alisa Mulhair
  • Term Limits 4 Members of Congress!
    My petition speaks for itself! House of Representatives, and Senators alike would never ever bring this bill up for a vote. We all know why, they would be voting themselves out of a job!!Duh!! 2 terms, after that so long!
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JoAnn Diaferio
  • Political Office Reform
    No tenure/pensions for elected officials at any level. Serving is a priviledge, not an entitlement. Also, they should have to participate in the same health care programs they are trying to force upon Americans. This is yet another way to cut the debt!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Marlowe