• Congressional Reform Act of 2011
    The Congress of the United States is out of touch with the condition and needs of over 90% of the population. The members receive executive level salaries, guaranteed medical care and guaranteed pension benefits paid by tax dollars. Yet, they are reckless in proposing to tear down the income, medical benefits and the only retirement that many taxpayers have. In order to adequately represent the majority of taxpayers, the protections that congressional members enjoy should be more closely aligned with those they represent.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rita C. Kidd
    Americans need to come together and work towards amicable solutions to the many problems confronting this nation. Our representatives are totally out of touch with the real ways to discuss, suggest, compromise, and fix the problems affecting PEOPLE. This is one nation with many, many sub cultures and we need to understand the suffering of millions of our countrymen.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harriet Schwartz
  • Demand that all Kenyan Mps pay tax!
    While all people in Kenya, rich and poor are paying taxes, the Kenyan MPs who are some of the best-paid MPs in the world are fighting tooth and nail not to pay tax. This is not only shameful but also immoral. They need to know that we, the people of Kenya do not support their greed and we demand that they pay tax like everyone else.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Baraza
  • Enough is Enough-Send Our Family Members Home !
    Help Make This Bill into a Law, Change the Mandatory Sentencing Laws
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia L. Neal
  • Six year term limits
    We need to establish congressional term limits to encourage new ideas and actually accomplish goals for this country.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Howe
  • Should incomes over $250,000 be taxed at the same rate that lower incomes pay?
    For federal income taxes, anyone earning $250,000 or more should be taxed at a rate no lower than those earning lower incomes. There should be no "tax cuts for the rich", i.e., the Bush-era tax cuts. Likewise, state-level legislatures should immediately take measures to correct any tax loopholes that disproportionately tax lower income earners at a higher rate than those over $250,000.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susie Roberts
  • Cut in Pay Health Benefits and Furlough Days
    When state workers, ie teachers, police, fire fighters and even private corp workers are experiencing cuts in pay, losing health benefits, and unpaid days off, why don't we the American Tax Payers, the employers of all 3 branches of government demand that our Federal Government Officials take a 8% cut in pay, limit their health benefits, limit retirement benefits and take forced days off with out pay.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie East
  • Change the Role of the US Dept. of Education
    The DOE has wasted billions trying to impose counterfeit reforms on public education. High stakes, useless testing has demoralized teachers, narrowed the curriculum and left parents on the sidelines. Student achievement has not improved. The DOE could help by becoming a research, resource and advisory organization. As stated in the 10th Amendment, we should leave public education as a state responsibility.
    1,487 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Stoddard
  • Limit money for all candidates for public office and limit the campaign time to one year
    My petition is for people to agree to limit the amount of money that every candidate for public office can use to run for office and limit the campaign time to one year, at most. People should sign this because money has corrupted the system and because of the recent Citizens United Supreme Corps decision, it is only getting more corrupt! We must get the money out!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Strong
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ROBERT H. GRAHAM
  • Elder Financial Fraud or Exploitation
    The elder in our society are at high risk to have their civil rights violated by unsavory attorney's, corrupt judges, and so-called guardians. See the national statistics of ever increasing civil rights violations against the elder and most vulnerable in our society. The Clackamas County, Oregon, District Attorney is just one, which calls a criminal matter a civil matter, because of shortage of funds and lack of interest. "Elder Abuse is a serious crime and public health issue with far reaching consequences for both the victim and society" excerpt: www.ndaa.org.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erna Boldt
  • Remove Zimbabwe Sanctions
    Petitions have never affected the government leadership. The same is true for Zimbabwe. Innocent men, women and especially children are undernourished some to the point of starvation because of American sanctions. Sign this petition and give life to starving babies. It is what God would have us to do.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Mmoja Ajabu