• Department of Defense assault on FOIA
    Undersigned citizens request that our representatives not allow the Department of Defense to water-down the Freedom of Information Act by putting a provision into the Defense Authorization Act of 2012 that would prevent the public from accessing information having to do with Emergency Response and safety concerns effecting communities adjacent to Federal Facilities. This new legislation is the Department of Defense response to a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Milner v. Navy. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Milner as the Navy could not use the exemption put forward and that the community had a right to know the risk to their community. The public has a right to know about explosives, harmful chemicals and emergency response plans for military bases. Section 1044 would allow the Department of Defense to withhold records essential for Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) requirements. The Department of Defense is not exempt from these regulations. By signing this petition you are letting your representatives know that you want an open transparent government that allows the public access to information concerning their safety and well being.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Citizens
  • Get Started with the "Texas Recall"
    Many congressmen in Texas voted to short the Texas school children about $4 billion and not use the money still in the rainy day fund. This will result in the loss of around 100,000 teacher and staff positions around the state. We need to ask these State Representatives hard questions, like why they chose bills such as giving tax breaks to yacht owners at the expense of the children of their district.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Hamm
  • Fighting for San Jose City Services
    San José has suffered 10 years of budget deficits; closed $300 million in deficits through layoffs and cuts in services in the past 3 years, and yet the General Fund will be $78 million in the red next year, and hundreds more layoffs expected. While the city’s population has increase by 100,000, the workforce has shrunk by 30%, providing dwindling services. Since the ‘90s, previous Councils, or labor arbitrators, have increased retirement benefits, particularly in public safety. A public safety officer receives an average pension of $102,000, increased 3% yearly, with free health insurance. Unfortunately for many reasons, including the economic crisis, these benefit increases have created unfunded liabilities in excess of $3.5 billion in San José’s retirement funds, and most of the burden lies on the General Fund. There are no frills to cut; without change these retirement costs will continue the cycle of massive layoffs. Many of us have found our retirement significantly reduced with no bail out. Most of us do not make a 6-figure salary, especially after retirement. I'm not anti-labor, it's just that City Services are essential and cannot be sustained without sacrifices during hard times. Petitions circulated by Councilmember Ash Kalra implied that workers would lose benefits and collective bargaining rights with current proposals. He provided no background information about the dire straights of the city, the efforts undertaken, or inform you that 5 of the city’s 11 unions are currently collectively bargaining! As a San Jose resident who has hosted many Moveon events and parties, I call for all to focus on solutions for the budget deficit, rather than political attacks. Workers, residents and ALL labor leaders need to quit the blame game, and work with the San Jose officials to provide rational solutions to this budget crisis. All residents and businesses of San Jose need to find ways to keep our libraries, parks, police and fire safety services. Let’s work together to solve this budget crisis!
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patti Bossert
  • Midwives Save Lives
    More midwives with the right skills, equipment and support would save 1.3 million newborn babies and 350,000 mothers every year around the world. We are calling on global leaders to invest more in midwives and health workers with midwifery skills in the right places, at the right time, with the right education, the right support and the right pay.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katy Woods
  • Save Jeju Island--No Naval Base
    Residents on Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island in South Korea have been organizing nonviolent protest to stop the construction of a massive naval base which will destroy their community, way of life and rich marine ecosystem women sea divers, fisherman and farmers depend on for their livelihoods. Due to its natural beauty and pristine environment, Jeju is a finalist to become one of the "New 7 Wonders" in the world.
    8,160 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Christine Ahn
  • Tell Minnesota Republicans: Do Your Jobs!
    Update - 7/22/2011: Today, the Minnesota government re-opens, and Minnesotans can finally get back to work. Sadly, Republicans chose millionaires over Minnesota’s future. They insisted that tax hikes for the richest Minnesotans be off the table. But your pressure played a vital role in stopping GOP plans to erode critical public services, take away Minnesotans’ workplace rights and put tens of thousands in the private and public sector out of work through mass layoffs. And because of the huge public outcry, Gov. Mark Dayton was also able to put more Minnesotans back to work with his jobs and infrastructure bill. Because of GOP legislators’ continued insistence on protecting millionaires, Minnesota’s revenue shortfall will continue over the next two years. Ultimately, the only way we will truly solve Minnesota’s revenue shortfall and build a better state is for the richest to finally pay their fair share in taxes. We know the public is on our side. And with your help, we are confident that this is a fight we can win. To stay up-to-date on our work, "like" the Minnesota AFL-CIO on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/mnaflcio and follow us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/mnaflcio.
    18,072 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Shar Knutson, Minnesota AFL-CIO
  • Make Organ Donation an "opt out"
    Every day, thousands die because they cannot get replacement organs. Every day, thousands of useful, life-saving organs are destroyed. Changing the wording of the law from a default of "no" to a default of "yes," can double or triple the number of organ donors. With today's medicine, nearly any healthy part of a body can be used to save other people.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles M. Barnard
  • Drug Test Congress
    The "War on Drugs" in it's 34 year history has not only failed, but failed spectacularly. While we test factory workers and store clerks and such, public officials are exempt. Who can cause more harm than the people who spend trillions of dollars of taxpayer money, and send our children off to war? ALL public officials should be subject to drug testing, the more important you are, the more often you get tested. Test Congress, Supreme Court and President & staff at least daily. No more GUI (Governing Under the Influence!) If we're going to have a drug ware, lets at least do it sensibly.
    412 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Charles M. Barnard
  • Ban Hydrofracking in New York State
    Yesterday government bureaucrats gave the go-ahead for Gov. Cuomo to lift the statewide ban on hydrofracking*. They want him to keep it banned in some places, like New York City's watershed, but not in others. We need to keep the ban in place everywhere. If fracking isn't safe enough for NYC, then it shouldn't be safe enough anywhere else in New York either. *Hyfrofracking is a dangerous technique used to extract natural gas from rock formations and is associated with chemical and carcinogenic contamination of drinking water.
    16,120 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Working Families Party of New York
  • Congressional Responsibility to Constituents
    Congressional Incumbents should not be paid if they are effectively working for special interests and not their constituents. The constituents should be able to petition to redirect the offender's pay to an election fund.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Humphrey
  • Take Back the Airwaves: Campaign Finance Reform
    The major cost of electoral campaigns is the cost of TV and radio advertising. The airwaves are a public resource, owned by the people of the United States. Radio and TV licensees should only receive a license for about 90% of the 8760 hours in year. The rest should be reserved for electoral campaigns and should have little or no cost associated. This would take the big money out of electoral campaigns thereby making them more equitable, fair and democratic and removing a primary root of corruption from the American electoral system.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Tymon
  • Mexico Matters
    The reputation and image of Mexico is under attack by a negative corporate media campaign focusing almost exclusively on drug violence and US immigration issues. Relentless coverage of these problems is only increasing xenophobia, stoking racism, polarizing politicians, ruining international commerce, and imperiling the relationship between the US and Mexico. The world needs to hear the positive news of Mexico--which vastly eclipses the negative in relevance but not in coverage--to inspire these countries to work together to solve their mutual problems.
    6,646 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Jesus Alberto Reyes Garcia