• The American Pharmaceutical Association
    I am trying to show that legalized drugs in this country can be more dangerous than over-the-counter remedies.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Berger
  • Tell Obama to be BOLD!
    It is time to hold Obama accountable and urge him to be as strong and bold as possible against these Republicans & promote JOBS.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Cohen
  • Maximum Wage
    We have a minimum wage to assure that working people are provided with at least a minimum salary. Why not a maximum wage, a "greed tax," to put an end to the absurd salaries paid to corporate executives? If no one could earn more than $1 million a year, including bonuses, and all earnings above that were taxed at a 100% level, corporate profits could be used more wisely and fairly, and salary distribution would be more fair. No one should need more than $1 million per year to lead a good, productive, happy life.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Flaxman
  • Justice for Edward Sanders
    Edward Sanders #141545 has been incarcerated in Michigan's state prisons since 1975, when he was 17, sentenced to life without parole. (He was not the shooter in his case.) He has a bachelor's degree, legal skills and assists others spiritually. His prison record is virtually unblemished. In July, 2011, he was nearly killed at Kinross prison by another prisoner known for his history of repeated violent assaults on prisoners he is housed with. It is time for Michigan to grant clemency to Edward; meanwhile he must be transferred back to Wayne County with a stipulation for a 2 man room or cell housing.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Bukowski
  • Get over ourselves and get along
    A call for people to stop yelling at each other and drawing lines in the sand. Start listening. I mean it! Listen. Deeply. Break down the rhetoric across the abyss, and address the fears we all experience. Focus on the stable, nurturing communities we can create when we actually listen and share on a deeper level.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greta N.
  • Stop Outsourcing Jobs
    Join with the American Jobs Alliance in fighting for jobs in America. Congress will soon vote on job-killing trade agreements with Korea, Panama and Colombia. These deals are like NAFTA and will cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, and adversely affect the lives of workers and farmers, here and abroad. Congress has a chance to stand up for jobs in the United States. We're calling on Congress to reject these treaties.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by curtis ellis
  • Stop the BLM Mustang Massacre
    The Bureau of Land Management is "managing" mustangs and burros in the west into extinction through hideously brutal roundups (chasing baby horses until their hooves come off), illenss and death in unhealthy holding facilites, and ultimate transfer to slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada. There are public laws in place to protect and preserve our wild heritage horses; but there is so much corruption that the laws are not being enforced. BLM is wiping out the horses to make way for more cows (which the taxpayer subsidises through cheap grazing rights) and oil and gas pipelines. Wild horses are not starving or overpopulated; that is BLM propaganda. Willd horses don't destroy the range, it's the thousands of cows that the Bureau (of cow management?) has dumped on our public land who are pulling up plant roots when they graze - horses don't. And of course it costs millions to torture and kill these horses and pennies to manage them humanely in the wild using birth control darting. Tell Congress to enforce the laws protecting wild horses, stop all roundups and slaughter, and manage wild horses humanely and cost effectively in the wild.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marta Williams
  • Commitment to change.
    "We the middle and lower class American people are being forced into an even lower class, with lower wage jobs or no jobs, no benefits, no collective bargaining, no representation, a continueing war and no fair taxes on the wealthy and big corporations. The time is NOW, Enough is Enough. It's time to stand up and voice your opinion and let the President and Congress know where you stand and to make a commitment to do all you can NOW.
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joe Snodgrass
    This is particularly important for people already receiving Social Seurity benefits, or those nearing the benefits age, or those concerned about elderly relatives. For the last two years, the Government has not given cost-of-living increases (COLA) to recipients, even though living costs have risen dramaticaly. In effect, this has amounted to CUTS, and many people are really suffering from it. They are threatening to withhold COLA in 2012, as well. We must protest this disastrous attack on our seniors -- it will create a situation in which people will have to choose between eating or paying rent -- medical prescriptions or winter clothes. At a time when tax cuts are being extended for the rich, it is scandalous to cut benefits for elderly frail people of low income.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joan Wile
  • Respect the President
    It's obvious that the Republican party has issues with President Obama but there is no reason for the constant disrespect. It must stop.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yolanda
  • Take a Stand for State's Rights and Personal Freedom: Co-sponsor HR 2306
    For the first time since 1937, lawmakers have introduced a bill into the House of Representatives to end federal marijuana prohibition. Over the past 70+ years, the federal criminalization of marijuana has: 1) Failed to reduce the public’s demand for or access to cannabis. 2) Imposed enormous fiscal and human costs upon the American people. 3) Promoted disrespect for the law. 4) Reinforced ethnic and generational divides between the public and law enforcement. After seven decades of failure, it is time for an alternative approach.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shawn Betz
  • Obama's New Job Proposal
    As an Obama supporter, I believe that's it's time for him to stand up for the people that elected him. It's important that he proposes a bold new Job Plan. Dare to follow your beliefs and not water down your ideals to go for what might be acceptable to the other side.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Straubinger