• Tax Marcellus Drilling in Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania is the only state that does not tax drilling. Not only do the Marcellus Shale "frackers" pay no drilling tax, no other drilling is taxed either. Whether you oppose all drilling in the Marcellus Shale, support drilling with restrictions or hold another view, Pennsylvanians agree that drillers must pay their fair share in taxes.
    3,626 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Morrill
  • Government Reform Act of 2011
    This petition calls on Congress to reform their benefits ending the special consideration only they enjoy simply because they are members of Congress. They work for us and should be subject to the same rules and conditions we each face every day. Should they have to deal with the same things we do, they will be faced to take our problems and difficulties seriously.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hurm
  • Job Hunters Need HR 589 Passed Now!
    HR 589 was introduced by Representative Barbara Lee in February, 2011. HR 589 would add a 14 week extension to unemployment benefits ( a new Tier). 99ers, many of whom are older workers, were left out of the last extension, leaving them to fend for themselves for over a year. With no jobs and no benefits, not everyone survives.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Couture
  • Free the Oak Ridge 13
    Background: These are 13 defendants, arrested on July 5, 2010, at the nuclear weapons facility, Y-12 National Security Complex, in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, the site for the Manhattan Project that built the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US (the only nuclear weapons to have been used since their invention). A larger protest was held outside the restricted area, but 13 protestors chose to cross into the site to stand and peacefully protest the existence of a factory for the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction on US soil. These 13 were arrested on federal charges of trespass and 12 of the 13 stood trial on May 11, 2011 for this offense (the 13th defendant will be tried separately since he was too ill to stand trial). Defendant information: The 12 peace and anti-nuclear activists brought to trial included 4 nuns, 3 priests, three members of the Catholic Worker movement that helps the poor and homeless, and two parents of young children. In addition, several of the defendants were over 80-years-old and suffer from a variety of medical problems. Unfortunately, due to the workings of the jail system and its bureaucracy, several of those in jail awaiting sentencing have been denied medicines and/or otherwise been put at risk by failure to meet their medical needs.
    448 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Mike Perlin
  • Full body scanners will soon be in Austin Airport within this year.
    The petition is about the new radiation scanners at airport that will soon be coming to Austin. I am bothered that I still seem to get liquids and leathermans that are located IN my bag (by accident) through carry-on scanners undetected. Even though TSA hasn't perfected those scanners to make us more safe, they are adding onto it with more expensive machinery, succumbing us to more radiation as well as a violating situation. I wish they would perfect one thing before moving onto a more complicated/expensive/invasive one. These new radiation scanners that spot everything under your clothing (producing a shiny nude image of everyone) are replacing old-fashioned magnetic scanners. Cancer risks correlate with the number of exposure to radiation, so no dose of radiation is too small to matter. The amount of radiation that you are exposed to is not as much as a doctor’s, BUT the cumulative effect of radiation may take a toll (especially if children 12+ are exposed to this routine at such a young age then continue through their adult years). If you chose to opt out of being scanned, you will instead have an intimate pat-down from a TSA agent – you end up being touched in places previously reserved for significant others or your Gynecologist/Urologist. When you experience this, you will realize how violating it truly is - I have and it's quite invasive.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn O'Connor
  • Foreclosures as temporary housing following a natural disaster
    This storm season has seen an unusual amount of damage to families, property and family stability. This is especially true given the current recession, with many folks living on the edge of sustainability. We're asking that those Americans most affected by natural disasters be allowed to live in vacant and foreclosed properties, rent free, for up to 6 months. Those banks who were given TARP funds would be asked to donate a small portion of their inventory of vacant and foreclosed properties, and assume the nominal property management fees during this 6 month period. We're asking banks who have received TARP funds in the past to now contribute, in a very particular way, to rebuilding America.
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Newby
  • Recall of officials who make cuts in education
    We need to make a pledge to recall any elected official who votes to pass further cuts in education! Tonight is the deadline to pass a budget in California, and the one thing that legislators have agreed upon is to defer payment to schools. Atrocious! Lets recall legislators who vote to take money from education.'
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by malena copeland
  • AB 6 the CalF-R-E-S-H Act of 2011: Finding Resources and Eliminating Significant Hurdles
    This bill was introduced by assembly member Felipe Fuentes to increase access to and participate in CalFresh by removing barriers and simplifying the application process, while simultaneously implementing cost savings efforts. AB6 would help feed hungry California families by eliminating the requirement that aid applicants must be fingerprinted and photographed as a condition of eligibility.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Videla
  • Constitutional Amendment mandating public financing of all elections.
    It's no secret that big money contributions to candidates buy access and influence. To ensure that our political leaders do what's in the best interests of their constituents and the country rather than what's in the best interests of big campaign donors, and considering the Supreme Court's decision in "Citizens United", we need a constitutional amendment mandating public financing of all elections.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Bird
  • Tell Fox: "Fire Eric Bolling"
    Last week, Fox Business' Eric Bolling said that President Obama has a habit of having "hoodlum[s] in the hizzouse," referring to an official meeting the president had with an African head of state at the White House. Bolling also said that President Obama was too busy "chugging forties" in Ireland to respond to the recent tornadoes in Missouri and more. These statements play off of racist stereotypes and are unacceptable. Fox needs to either fire Bolling or admit that they accept his brand of stereotyping and race-baiting. Please join us in demanding that they do.
    13,864 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by ColorOfChange.org
  • Stop Fracking In New York!
    Please contact your NY State representatives as soon as possible to support fracking ban bill #S4220! In just a few days the state Legislature will shut down for the rest of the year, so act now! By fighting dirty energy on this front, we hope to pave the way for legislation that will support green energy and lower carbon emissions in the future. The only certain way to ensure New York's public health and safety, and to protect our precious water, air, land and forests from the ravages of massive industrialization and contamination through hydrofracking, is to ban this practice. We only have a few days left in this legislative session to communicate our unity behind a fracking ban.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin Vescovi
  • give us back our votes
    Both parties are way too obligated to moneyed interests and thus do not approach important issues with an open mind. The only way to change this is to radically change campaign finance laws and procedures. My suggestion is a massive bipartisan petition drive to seek commitment from ALL candidates from ALL parties for ALL positions - federal, state and local - to seriously look to reform campaign financing in their next term in office. Those who agree and those who do not should be widely publicized. We can then monitor the results and vote accordingly.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lewis M. Weinstein