• ** Bring our Troops Home Now **
    The only acceptable timeline for bringing our troops home is the fastest responsible withdrawal possible. The danger for the United States is not a military defeat; it is a slow bleeding of our economic vitality at a time when we can least afford it. While billions of taxpayer dollars are spent on this war, America's cities - from New York to Omaha - are facing profound economic crisis. Don't wait, end this war today.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NYC Public Advocate Bill de Blasio
  • America can be the first country to recognize Global Beatles Day, on June 25th, as a Global Holi...
    We believe there should be a Global day that honors and highlights the impact of the Beatles on the world- musically, culturally, and consciously. Signing the petition will call attention to the movement, so that Global Beatles Day becomes a recognized day celebrated throughout the world. we have chosen to deliver the petition on Feb 9th, 2013. Please keep sharing with your friends and family!
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Faith Cohen
  • End the Federal Ban on Marijuana
    Our country's 'war on drugs' has been a miserable failure. Every year we spend billions of taxpayer dollars prosecuting people guilty of victim-less non-violent drug crimes, and every year the prevalence of drugs in our society only increases. Mexican drug cartels grip our border with violence that comes from the marketability of their illegal drug trade. Today, this Thursday, June 23rd, 2011, Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) will introduce legislation to end the federal ban on marijuana. Sign this petition to show your support for the end of the federal ban on marijuana.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Weston Kemmerer
  • Pennsylvania’s future on the chopping block
    Urgent: a budget already approved by the Pennsylvania House inflicts massive pain on working families and the poor—and we only have days to stop it from becoming law. The current budget cuts almost $1 billion from Pennsylvania public schools and slashes $471 million in funding for health care, services for people with disabilities and vulnerable children. It even stashes away $540 million in a “rainy day” fund, while unemployment remains at record levels. But it fails to close corporate loopholes or enact a Marcellus Shale drilling tax—which could help avoid cuts to services for seniors, kids, and other vulnerable citizens, while also helping to mitigate the environmental impact of drilling. (Pennsylvania is one of the only states that does not tax drilling.) We still have a chance to influence the final budget—because negotiations with the governor and Pennsylvania Senate are ongoing. But there isn’t much time. A vote could happen as early as this week.
    7,515 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Rick Bloomingdale, Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
  • HJR 7 - Allow for Florida Governor Recall
    A bill that would give Florida voters the ability to recall the governor and lieutenant governor, state legislators, and Cabinet members. The proposal would require that a petition drive get signatures equaling 15-percent of the total votes cast in the last election, and have signatures from each county. For lawmakers, the threshold would be 20-percent of the voters from the previous election.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Luciano Retondaro
  • Pay Versus Performance
    Amend the Constitution so that Congress must act: Representatives and Senators will have their pay reduced by 1% for each day after July 1 that a budget is not in force. If the President vetos the budget, his salary shall be reduced by 2% if the Congress overrides his veto.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LLoyd Stoner
  • Cox Communications, Please add Current TV
    There are so many of us who enjoy having our communication services through Cox. However, we want to be able to watch Current TV which has a number of programs that we feel are important, educational, and entertaining. Please get on this as soon as possible.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Kuykendall Stebbins
  • Make Child Abuse Illegal
    In Montana a father who made his 5 year old clean up his own vomit was evaluated by a psycholgist as being fit to parent his child. He was given equal parenting time even with firm objection by the mother. A mother has little right to protect her child from such damaging offenses because such a horrific action is not illegal.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tanya Ochoa
  • Ban California Fracking
    This petition is designed to give Californians a voice so that they may stop destructive Hydraulic Fracturing in California. Los Alamos, California is under threat right now from energy companies who are looking to frack natural gas from the area. This could easily pollute vital water used by farmers and citizens of Los Alamos, making their water undrinkable and land uninhabitable. A bill has been sent to Congress calling for the most stringent fracking regulations of any US state. Fracking has been happening for many years unregulated, destroying land, water and peoples right to a quality of life. It is time we take a stand, please help me by signing this petition so that I may send it to our State Senators in order to get the current bill on regulating fracking in California passed. Thank You!
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela White
    In the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, taxpayers have been, unwittingly, thrown into another war, which serves to suck more money from our treasury and kill more innocent lives. We won't finance, morally or economically, this war for NATO. It is time for Congress, the White House and the Millitary Industrial Complex to stop this "proxy" war. Now!
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tahira Ahmad
  • Mumia Abu Jamal
    We petition immediate presidential pardon of wrongfully convicted death row inmate Mumia Abu Jamal on the basis of prosecutorial misconduct including but not limited to witness coercion. Jamal was denied his legal right to self representation in defense of his murder trial for the death of officer Daniel Faulkner.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Domevelo Muenda
  • Don't Tax Drilling, Ban It!
    Our state politicians have been debating imposing a severance, or extraction, tax on the natural gas companies operating in PA. Some proposals recommend putting some of the revenue collected into the general fund. Others recommend that it all go into paying to repair the damage drilling has done to our infrastructure and environment. The fact is that no amount of severance tax will come close to paying for the damage. We're calling on our politicians to stop talking about taxing drilling and start acting on ending it.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun