Go BigTell the President it's time to let the American people know that he's on their side. No more compromising with Republicans or pandering to corporate interests. Instead we want real progressive policy that will put people back to work and get the economy moving. In his speech before Congress tell the President to "GO BIG"70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie Jacob
President Obama Fight for the Middle Class WorkersPresident Obama is working right now to prepare a speech about a new jobs program. We need to encourage him to think primarily about the Middle Class because we are the ones who are shrinking while the Upper Class becomes larger and larger. He also needs to give up on working with the Congressional Republicans, they WILL NOT support him they just want him out! They do not care about their constituents they are beholden to the corporations who give them the funds to hold their office.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Thomas Orengo
End the fossil fuel age; ban fracking nationwide.The gas industry wants to hydrofrack for gas in 37 states. Not only is fracking dangerous to air, water and soil; burning gas creates more global warming. In 2005, Cheney got fracking exempted from clean air and water standards. Treatment plants cannot decontaminate the millions of gallons of carcinogenic and radioactive frack fluid that each fracked well produces. It's time to end our addiction to fossil fuels!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jan Quarles
Medicare Enrollment Project ZeroDrop the enrollment age for medicare to zero.583 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Cindy Rogers
Keep Politics Out Of Life Saving Health CareMy 34 year old wife, Rachel, an American who once danced with the Royal Ballet, is accepted for a surgery to re-grow her collapsing airways using her own stem cells. But the FDA and NIH have used regulatory issues to impede our progress to get this done. Ask our Senators to tell FDA & NIH to Keep Politics Out Of Necessary Health Care! (http://HelpRachelBreathe.com)1,210 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Steven Phillips
Death With DignityOur health care system is failing the elderly and those with severe chronic illness. Way too often, human beings in a vegetative state without any hope of recovery are kept alive and repeatedly tortured with multiple unnecessary hospital visits, feeding tubes, rectal tubes, bladder catheters, tracheostomy and chronic ventilator dependency. As an emergency physician for the past 15 years, I observe this immoral treatment of the elderly and disabled every day. And the financial burden to our health care system is staggering. We need a better way to honor our elderly and allow them to die with dignity.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Jennifer Ron, MD, FACEP
Stop Privatizing Education: Support Public schools and teachersCharter schools show less progress than many public schools, some even lower than public schools. Stop the No Child Left Behind with its impossible goals and bogus tests. Teach kids how to think critically, not what to think. Stop making teachers the scapegoat for bogus test results. Fully fund public education with taxpayer dollars instead of handing it over to private companies whose record is poor.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Rickett
President Obama, allow the EPA to raise air quality standards.As a result of heavy industry lobbying, the Obama administration decided not to allow the EPA to strengthen air quality standards. Lobbyists claimed that higher air quality standards would hurt the economy. The administration agreed to retain the weaker Bush administration standards.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Marvin
Governor Tom Corbett please ban Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing on Green Easements!It's about the abuse of power within our government and the fact that laws enacted to protect our state forests and agricultural lands are being leased and auctioned off to the highest bidder!16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Grieco/founder of PECWS.org
Let's call a bribe a bribe!Ending special interest/corporate purchase of elected officials.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Andersen
Congressional Reform Act of 2011Congress enjoys privileges that are not afforded the American people. They vote themselves pay raises, have private health care plans, tenure and high pensions regardless of terms of service. It is time to equalize Congress with the American people they serve and help them perform citizen service as envisioned by our founding fathers.45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by andrea lynn jobe
Out LobbyistsAll lobbying needs to be out in the open - no more hidden conversations, quid pro quo deals. The withdrawing of the E.P.A. recommendations on Clean Air is just another in a horrendously long line of examples where our elected officials have been bought off by big corporations. It is the last straw.186 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Beatrice Shushan