• Join People's Congress
    If you sign this petition you will be committing to join the other members of People's Congress in early 2012 for a mass gathering in Washington D.C. to enact legislation by the people. We will create legislation by the people gathered to end corporate domination of our government, sweeping election reform, tranparency and accountability for all media and true repersenation of, for and by the people by Congress.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melinda Sample
  • Prevention of illegal evictions of Foreclosed Homeowners
    As the number of foreclosures have increased, more and more investors are attending foreclosure sales in order to purchase properties for a reduced price. The Investors are leaving the foreclosure sale and going straight to the foreclosed home in order to serve a 3/90 day notice, to begin the eviction process. The purchase of the home at a foreclosure sale does not transfer legal ownership of the property. Legal ownership is given only when the Trustee's Deed is recorded in the county in which the foreclosure sale is held. Therefore, investors are jumping the gun with the evictions proceedings, moreover, the courts are not requesting proof of ownership prior to processing eviction papers for the unlawful detainer.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Operation Reach 1 inc.
  • 16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl W. Robinson
  • reform local news media
    Local TV news is dominated by sensational, police scanner news. How relevant are beatings, gang brawls and crime stories to the news we can actually USE? Consumer, health, events, festivals, and other significant stories are displaced by the concept "if it bleeds, it leads." Isn't it time for a positive constructive change?
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by buck challenger
  • "Congressional Reform Act of 2011"
    The purpose of this petition is to reform government so that our elected representatives have the same rights as all Americans, to help them remember that ours is a citizen democracy of equals and that they are us.
    930 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Tennen
  • No Cuts for us until Congress cuts theirs!
    With all the talk about cutting practically every social program that works, we hear nothing from Congress about cutting their salaries or benefits. Seniors are suffering the most. We've had no increase in Social Security in three years while our expenses skyrocket. No cuts to our programs until Congress cuts their salaries and pensions at least 25% including their summer vacations. Our Country is on the brink of collapse, unemployment, in reality, is more like 18% when counting everyone who has given up and they have six weeks vacation. Congress works for us not the other way around!
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Wipf
  • Pay raise for the Police officers, Firefighters, and EMS
    Our health and safety are at stake. Police and Fire (include EMS) department have not receive a pay raise for about five years. Quality police, Fire and EMS personnal are leaving our city for higher pay.
    319 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Johnny Moore
  • Alternative transportation
    Advocate for more rail service lines,for Amtrak to recieve federal funds to build such and then be mandated to offer affordable pricing. This will greatly reduce the need for cars. Trains are less polluting than cars or buses. Also, mandate funding for bicycle and pedestrian lanes. Establish a carpooling list for those unable to travel via trains/bicycles.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lori Landsberg
  • Campaign to Report Examine And Test Intelligentdesign On National and International Secular Media.
    The Light of the World Trust has initiated a campaign to persuade broadcasting program makers and program controllers to redress the balance by including intelligent design/creation in their programs and live debates. In order to persuade broadcasting officials that fair play and not prejudice is what we want and have a right to expect, we hope to collect as much support as we possibly can and then to put our case forward in front of the media bosses and program controllers.
    323 of 400 Signatures
  • The Need for a Charter School in the Aliquippa School District
    The Aliquippa School District faces an insurmountable task to meet Adequate Yearly Progress. The challenge is great, but can be attained with much support. A way to demonstrate such support is through the members of the community addressing the need for a charter school in our district so that stakeholders have a choice and together we can raise the student success rate.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carla Council
  • The 28th Amendment
    Amend the Constitution to ensure Congress persons must give-up their pensions and become part of Social Security, that Congress cannot vote itself a pay raise, no tenure - no pay, Congress must give-up their health care system and use what the rest of us Americans must use, serving in Congress is not a career, terms should be limited to two terms, maximum.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Flick
  • Help Create Montana Jobs
    The Columbia Falls Aluminum Company originally provided more than 350 good-paying, union jobs. But it was shut down because of the dramatic rise in electricity costs following utility deregulation passed by the Montana state legislature. Now, the Bonneville Power Administration is proposing to enter into a power sales agreement that would provide affordable power service to the company beginning April 1, 2012. This agreement will allow the company to reopen its doors, creating renewed opportunities for jobs in the Flathead Valley, a region with an unemployment rate of 11.4 percent.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Al Ekblad, Montana State AFL-CIO