Stop Demonizing Firefighters and Public ServantsGovernor Rick Scott and the Republican Legislature has attacked and will continue to attack Firefighters, Police, and public servants in the State of Florida. We accepted low salaries for the promise of a decent retirement but now they are reneging on their promise.117 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Frank Aquilon
Name the Anonymous Donors!Recently the School District of Philadelphia "released" the current Superintendent. A part of her departure package included $405,000 contributed by 'anonymous donors'. One of the controversies surrounding the ex-Super's tenure was the awarding of contracts to various suppliers and contractors. This "hidden buyout" process has created the condition where individuals with a financial interest in the operation of the district could have undue or undisclosed influence on how the district is operated.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mitchell Swann
Saving Social SecurityReductions or outright elimination of Social Security is, in essence, a breach of contract perpetrated on middle and lower income workers who have paid into the system for years or decades. To change the benefits on working people who have been paying into it for years and counting on those benefits when they retire is grossly unfair. For example, if one began working at age 16 and is now 54 years old, he/she has paid into the fund for 38 years. Ryan's plan would change the rules for this individual simply because they are not one year older. If one is in their late 40s or early 50s, and they are not counting on Social Security, they either don't need it or they aren't planning on retiring.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by A. F. Knox
Save our troops: Bring them Home Now!We have 650,000 cases of PTSD & traumatic brain injury, 50,000 wounded, 6000 dead, 2000 active duty suicides, 18 veterans committ suicide every day, and our recent vets exceed civilian rates for homelessness, unemployment, suicide, and incarceration. Bring them home now, before we destroy a generation of the only Americans willing to fight for our country.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roland Van Deusen
Jobs, Debt and Empowering the PoorHB 235 of the 60's allowed working people with a low income to purchase a house with federal subsidy. The program was cancelled for Section 8 that put the poor back in rental property giving the subsidy to the rich. Sound familiar? If this program were re-instituted it would immediately create jobs in the housing market and increase demand for household products while stabilizing the housing market. There will not be an increase in federal dollars, just a shifting from the rich to the poor. What will it take? To start Congress will have to pass the bill. Second, the banks must come on board to offer the loans backed by government subsidies and allowing those who are working even if they have had a previous foreclosure to apply since the banks and mortgage companies contributed to their losses in the beginning of the crisis. Third, the federal government could offer unions an incentive for apprenticeships with 50% off payroll taxes for the first year for hew hires, 30% the second year, 15% the third year and 5% the fourth and final year. More people being trained, more people working, more money in the economy, increased need for goods and services and more taxes and Social Security being paid into the system sounds like a recovery to me. This is a plan that can work and create jobs now!25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Freya A Rivers
Creating JobsMany people lost power during IRENE because tree limbs fell on power lines. If you live on the east coast most likely you or people you know were without electricity and land line service because of downed lines. I know at least 3 families in different areas of NJ and CT who lost power for at least 3 days, and there are still at least 100,000 in the state who still don't have power.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rita Reisman
Go BigTell the President it's time to let the American people know that he's on their side. No more compromising with Republicans or pandering to corporate interests. Instead we want real progressive policy that will put people back to work and get the economy moving. In his speech before Congress tell the President to "GO BIG"70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katie Jacob
President Obama Fight for the Middle Class WorkersPresident Obama is working right now to prepare a speech about a new jobs program. We need to encourage him to think primarily about the Middle Class because we are the ones who are shrinking while the Upper Class becomes larger and larger. He also needs to give up on working with the Congressional Republicans, they WILL NOT support him they just want him out! They do not care about their constituents they are beholden to the corporations who give them the funds to hold their office.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cheryl Thomas Orengo
End the fossil fuel age; ban fracking nationwide.The gas industry wants to hydrofrack for gas in 37 states. Not only is fracking dangerous to air, water and soil; burning gas creates more global warming. In 2005, Cheney got fracking exempted from clean air and water standards. Treatment plants cannot decontaminate the millions of gallons of carcinogenic and radioactive frack fluid that each fracked well produces. It's time to end our addiction to fossil fuels!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jan Quarles
Medicare Enrollment Project ZeroDrop the enrollment age for medicare to zero.583 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Cindy Rogers
Keep Politics Out Of Life Saving Health CareMy 34 year old wife, Rachel, an American who once danced with the Royal Ballet, is accepted for a surgery to re-grow her collapsing airways using her own stem cells. But the FDA and NIH have used regulatory issues to impede our progress to get this done. Ask our Senators to tell FDA & NIH to Keep Politics Out Of Necessary Health Care! (http://HelpRachelBreathe.com)1,210 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Steven Phillips
Death With DignityOur health care system is failing the elderly and those with severe chronic illness. Way too often, human beings in a vegetative state without any hope of recovery are kept alive and repeatedly tortured with multiple unnecessary hospital visits, feeding tubes, rectal tubes, bladder catheters, tracheostomy and chronic ventilator dependency. As an emergency physician for the past 15 years, I observe this immoral treatment of the elderly and disabled every day. And the financial burden to our health care system is staggering. We need a better way to honor our elderly and allow them to die with dignity.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Jennifer Ron, MD, FACEP