• Reproductive Justice & the Media
    The language the media uses requires accuracy.
    303 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Miriam Hipsh
  • Tell Unilever: Let Ben & Jerry’s Respect Palestinian Lives
    Ben & Jerry’s is in court protecting their decision to stop selling ice cream in occupied Palestinian territories, after a betrayal by their parent company, Unilever. To appease the Israeli government, Alan Jope, CEO at Unilever, authorized a backroom deal to sell the franchise to an Israeli company – essentially overriding Ben & Jerry’s decision. Sign the petition: tell Unilever to stop its betrayal of Ben & Jerry’s and Palestinian human rights. Ben & Jerry’s made the human rights-affirming decision in 2020 to stop doing business in occupied Palestine, following a decade of grassroots organizing and campaigning by Palestinians and allies across the globe. In 2021, Ben & Jerry’s finally went public with their decision — after a particularly brutal Israeli military assault on Gaza which killed over 200 people — and during a huge surge of international support for Palestinian freedom. Now, a year after Ben & Jerry’s public announcement, their parent company, Unilever, has made a backroom deal to sell ice cream operations to the Israeli licensee rather than honor Ben & Jerry’s decision to respect Palestinian lives.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Granate Kim
  • We demand justice for Jayland Walker
    On June 27, Jayland Walker was pulled over for an alleged “traffic and equipment violation.” Eight Akron Police Department officers shot at Jayland more than 90 times in seven seconds. Jayland suffered 60 gunshot wounds. Then the same officers who murdered him handcuffed his lifeless body. The police bodycam footage reveals eight cops killed a Black man while five officers stood by and watched. Our hearts break for Jayland’s family and the Akron community. Jayland was a young man with a family and a bright future, a human who deserved to be treated with dignity. Instead, Akron police murdered him. The officers who fired more than 90 shots at Jayland are on paid administrative leave. As we mourn and turn our outrage into action, this moment requires us to recognize a painful truth: The police murder of Jayland Walker is not an anomaly. We’ve been here before. • In South Carolina, Walter Scott was stopped by police for a non-functioning brake light. • In Michigan, Patrick Lyoya was stopped for improper vehicle registration. • Just outside Minneapolis, where police murdered George Floyd, Daunte Wright was pulled over for minor traffic violations and an air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror. All of these Black men were murdered by police during routine traffic stops. In a country where armed, militarized police are the response to every incident and crisis — and Black people are viewed as threats, not human beings — Black people aren’t issued tickets or citations; we receive death sentences. Now, as Jayland’s family and neighbors take to the street to demand justice, the Akron Police Department has initiated a terror campaign against protesters and journalists. From tear gas and rubber bullets to false imprisonment, Akron police have waged war against people demanding justice for Jayland as demonstrated by the violent arrests of Bianca Austin, the aunt of Breonna Taylor, and Jacob Blake Sr., the father of Jacob Blake. Police terrorism continues to target Black and Indigenous communities. And when people stand up to protest police brutality, cops douse them with chemical weapons and beat them with batons. This is who the police are, and dehumanizing and terrorizing Black people is what they’re paid to do. The murder of Jayland Walker and the violent police response in Akron are just the latest cruel examples of what happens when elected officials prioritize policing over investments that actually keep communities safe. That’s why we’re standing with The Freedom BLOC to demand Akron’s elected officials: 1. Protect protesters: Immediately end the use of tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets. 2. Stop arresting protesters and free those who have been detained: Immediately release all protesters from jail, expunge their records and remove all fines and fees. 3. Create and fund an unarmed traffic enforcement unit for routine traffic stops. 4. Invest in community-led public safety solutions. Invest in what keeps Black communities safe, including reparations, housing, public transportation, food security, health care and community-controlled public safety alternatives. According to Mapping Police Violence, Black people are 4.9 times more likely to be killed by police than white people in Ohio. And when we protest police violence, we become the next target of police brutality. We must take action to end this vicious cycle.
    26,336 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson
  • Tell President Joe Biden: Don't nominate anti-abortion extremists to the courts!
    In the aftermath of the Supreme Court's outrageous and harmful ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, President Joe Biden has reportedly caved to a demand by Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to appoint an anti-abortion extremist to a lifetime appointment on the federal bench. The federal judges below the Supreme Court are the only ones protecting reproductive rights at this point, and we can't afford even one new anti-abortion jurist on the bench. We cannot imagine a more out-of-touch move at this moment. Women overwhelmingly backed Biden over Trump in his bid for the presidency, and now he is taking our votes for granted and using us as bargaining chips. Let's take a look at the record of Chad Meredith, the Kentucky attorney Biden is considering awarding a lifetime position: Meredith has devoted much of his career to defending abortion restrictions in the Bluegrass State, including a controversial law on the books that requires doctors offering abortions to conduct fetal ultrasounds while playing audio of the heartbeat and giving vivid descriptions of the image. Meredith is also a member of the radically conservative Federalist Society, which also counts in its rolls anti-Roe Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. The fact that Senator Mitch McConnell wants Meredith on the federal court bench is all we need to know about Meredith's fitness for the job. We are a resolute NO on this appointment. Tell President Biden he must not consider Chad Meredith or any anti-abortion extremist for our courts!
    31,933 of 35,000 Signatures
    Created by UltraViolet Shaunna Thomas
  • Boycott Banned States for Conventions & Sporting Events
    Join others and demand state legislatures stop violating the rights of their citizens. A majority of Americans support access to abortion and state laws must reflect that. Let your voice be heard!
    186 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kimberly Dudik
  • San Antonio Must Consider an Abortion Protection Act
    The right to an abortion has been proven to lower the risk of death and injury. San Antonio must be dedicated to protecting the safety of its people. San Antonio must continue to honor the rights of pregnant people to bodily autonomy and private medical decisions.
    284 of 300 Signatures
    Created by J M
  • DOJ: Investigate the police killing of Jayland Walker
    On June 27, eight officers fired more than 100 shots at Jayland Walker. Over 60 of them struck his body, and he was killed instantly. Currently, the Akron Police Department and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigations are examining this horrific incident. We know that Jayland was unarmed when he was killed—despite what police claim, and that his murder fits a pattern of racially-charged killings of Black people by police. Local organizers in Akron, including the Akron NAACP, are calling for an independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. Ohio elected officials must use their platforms to call for a DOJ investigation, as well.
    1,885 of 2,000 Signatures
    This amendment bars the use of federal funds for abortion healthcare. This means that medicaid recipients, service members, and young people who are most dependant on federally-funded health services cannot access abortion services through their healthcare plan and are left to find the money and resources to seek out this procedure on their own. For many people, this is equivalent to an abortion ban. This amendment unfairly targets our most vulnerable citizens. Abortion healthcare and bodily autonomy should be a human right, not a luxury that only the privileged can afford. We believe all pregnant people deserve access to abortion healcare regardless of their financial status, and demand that this amendment be excluded from the next federal budget.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Keller
  • Highland Park: Ban military-style assault weapons and high-cap magazines now!
    A Fourth of July neighborhood parade. Another young white man with a military-style semi-automatic assault rifle, who, this time, killed six people and injured 26 more, many of them children. Our scarred hearts are again aching for the victims, their families, and the Highland Park community. There’s no good reason for civilians to own high-capacity magazines and weapons designed for war, especially civilian young men who would barely be considered adults. In the United States, military-style semi-automatic assault weapons are used in the majority of mass shootings, and the majority of mass shooters obtain their deadly weapons legally due to our lax laws. Meanwhile, our overall epidemic of gun violence, of which high-profile mass shootings are only a small fraction, continues to rise. In 2020, the last year with complete data, gun deaths exceeded 45,000, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier, and a 43% increase from a decade prior. Tell Congress we need comprehensive gun policy reform now, including a ban on military-style semi-automatic assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and raising the age of gun purchases to 25!
    221 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Joy, MomsRising.org Picture
  • Roe v. Wade has been overturned. Expand the Supreme Court to protect our rights.
    From their unelected perch, the 6-3 conservative majority on the Supreme Court handed down decisions designed to take away our personal freedoms and make our country less safe to live in. If we don’t do something to stop Mitch McConnell’s handpicked, right-wing extremists on the bench, they’ll continue to attack our rights until we no longer recognize the country we live in. To protect our fundamental freedoms, Congress must rebalance the Supreme Court by adding four seats. We can’t let Mitch McConnell or Donald Trump hide behind their hand-picked Supreme Court to enact their extreme agenda. Our rights are too important for that. Congress has changed the Court’s size seven times throughout American history. In order to protect our fundamental rights, it’s time to do it again. 58 members of the House of Representatives have already signed on to the Judiciary Act, a bill that would rebalance the Supreme Court by adding four new justices. Sign your name today to support expansion of the court.
    957 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Freeman
  • Guarantee the Right to Marry for LGBTQ+
    Roughly 20 million people in the United States identify as LGBTQ+, nearly every American has a relative, classmate, or neighbor who identifies as LGBTQ+. All of these people are afforded the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness afforded to them in the constitution. Now, put that in the law!
    256 of 300 Signatures
    Created by George Tombaugh
  • "The People's Mandate" (includes abolishing the filibuster and codifying Roe)
    This is important because the people of the United States cannot allow a currently undemocratic institution like the Supreme Court to make incredibly dangerous population-wide decisions which go against facts, logic, and the will of the people.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by People's Mandate Picture