It's Time to Control Permanent Part Time EmploymentFull-time working citizens are paying taxes to subsidize the employees of large retailers like Wal-Mart and Applebee's who cannot get full time hours and, therefore must seek food stamps and other government aid. Employers must be required to provide pro-rated benefits to all permanent part-time employees. It is time to end this scam perpetrated on the American public by these employers who exhibit no sense of moral responsibility.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thereasa Crabb
Change the drinking age back to 18The legal drinking age at 21 has increased pregaming by underage drinkers. When pregaming (drinking before going out so they don't have to show ID) the risk of : drunk driving increases, alcohol poisoning increases, risky behavior increases. When the legal age was 18 it was appropriate. At 18 kids went away to college, entered the service and went out on their own. College students (and anyone else for that matter) will drink no matter what, especially when they are away from home. By making it legal, these kids won't have to resort to drinking as much as they can before they go out to avoid using phoney ID's.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Derison
Refuse NRA ContributionRefuse NRA Contribution3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mansur
No to Credit checks for job applicantsIn California and maybe in the rest of the country it has become common practice to do credit checks on applicants and then deny them a job soley on the result of their credit. My wife has applied for nearly 50 jobs since moving to California and october and it has become clear to us that on a number of occations when she was flat out told she was the best applicant, she was denied a job soley based on her credit report. Why is this wrong? because this disproportionately will affect certain groups of people. Just because you have bad credit does not mean you are an irresponsible person. Especially when you consider the recent economic down turn. Also just because you have good credit does not mean your responsible. Groups that will remain disproportionately affected include anyone who was not born with a a silver spoon in their mouth including minorities, immagrants (legal or illegal), single mothers, and so on. My wife and I are going to be okay because I have a good job. But this is simply unethical and we cannot stand for this. Please join me in saying no to this classist, racist, sexist practice.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jean Howell M.D.
same sex maragieto get same sex marraagie in fl lets vote again i dont want to marry in anthoer i waant to marry in my state1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simeon Evans
restrictions for TSATSA infringement on American's right to probable cause for 'search and seizure'.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Benjamin J Ward
For President to enact a federal gay marriage amendmentGay Marriage Legalization15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Geetam Gebhardt
RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERSHIP0ver 80% of gun homicides are committed with guns that the original purchaser has left unsecured, lost, sold, given away, pawned or lent. If purchasers bought in the knowledge that they would be responsible for the weapon's use during its entire lifetime, they would be much more careful about the purchase they make, and they would be much more respected by the public for being so responsible.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by chuck gregory
Democrats for Gun Rights!Not all Democrats are "anti gun". Many Democrats are law-abiding citizens who own guns and wish to preserve our rights as guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Not only are we Democrat or independent by party affiliation, we are willing to VOTE to show our support for Second Amendment rights and we request our party RECOGNIZE THAT WE EXIST and STOP DISPARAGING GUN OWNERS BASED ON THE ACTIONS OF A MENTALLY ILL INDIVIDUAL.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger Yates
Legislate gunsToo many people have been killed or wounded for the current situation to continue.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter
In God, not guns, we trustRecent horrific events such as Sandy Hook bring the issue of gun legislation squarely into view. The second amendment right to ownership does not justify access to and use of weapons intended for warfare. Assault weapons and the availability of multiple rounds of amunition belong to the military only. We do not address a culture of violence by placing the answer in more firearms and armed individuals.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eleanor Wagner
Post Office Voting CentersPost offices should manage voting sites with month-long early voting windows for registered residents.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by R. Harper-O'Connor