• Expand National Volunteer Service
    Cooperation, Community, Participation, Shared Sacrifice, Broad life experience, all strengthen both the individual and the groups to which we belong. Citizens of the United States are part of a group to which we owe allegiance, duties, and responsibilities. Many of us have strengthened ourselves and our country by volunteering for such organizations as the military, the Peace Corps, VISTA, Doctors without Borders, World Vision, the Red Cross, local volunteer fire departments, etc. We would all benefit if such efforts were greatly expanded by offering volunteers appropriate benefits as living allowances, deferral/reduction of student loans, medical coverage, college credits towards professional licenses, social security credits, etc. The value of such benefits should be proportional to length and type of service. Such benefits and opportunities for service might be especially suitable for people near the beginning or end of their normal working career. Organizations for volunteer service need not be federally run, but would exchange federal support for some federal supervision in the same way that tax exempt charities must observe certain regulations.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lyle and Ann Bjork
  • Would you like to see international peace,a nuclear free world,climate change addressed and the f...
    We, the citizens of the world, recommend that President Obama work with the United Nations and other international Organizations to: 1.Make sure fundamental rights of all children on this planet regardless of race or creed are respected e.g. access to health services, food and education. 2.Work on and promote programs for a nuclear free world, addressing climate change and international peace.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcel Duret
  • Protect Piers Morgan 1st amendment
    Some American Citizens decided to sign on a petition to the White House to deport CNN British anchor Piers Morgan. He has been actively using his airtime to promote gun regulation particular only to semi/full automatic weapons such as the ones used at Sandy Hook Elementary. For this, he has been accused of wanting to prevent American citizens from their second amendment right: the right to bear arms.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudia Alvarez-Garcia
  • Repeal Amendment 43
    We need Amendment 43 (definition of a marriage as being only between one man and one woman) repealed. Colorado is not a backwards state, and we do not have a record of being on the wrong side of history.
    9,417 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Katie Allen
  • Ex-offenders and Exemptions To Work
    This petition is about people who are ex-offenders whom have served their time in jail or prisons.They are leading a productive life. Who has changed their lives. We are talking about ex-offenders who are nurses, nurses assistance,. teachers, home health aides, students,etc.The state legislature continues to change the rules.In order for these ex-offenders to work they must apply for an exemption.It is hard to get this exemption because the state legislature what them to provide documents from 20-30 years ago.There has to be a cut off point to trying to locate the documents needed.There should be a 10 year cut off for documents. People should be concerned about this because if you apply for and exemption and can not get the documents needed then you will not be able to work. I personally have been affected by issue, I cannot work because of something I did 38 years ago, and I can not get the documents I need to get this exemption. This law has to change and be stopped. If not there will be a lot of you out of work. Lets make a change.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Molita Spaulding
  • Stop the Drones
    I am sickened by the reports of innocent people killed or maimed by these drones. Children. Other human beings. Like us. This is not right! This is no way to conduct ourselves in this society that seeks to be civil! I'm a citizen of the country that makes these choices, in my name... I feel so deeply sad and disturbed by this policy. I cannot, in my heart be silent, any longer... STOP THE REMOTE KILLING BY DRONES!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Lee
  • Universal Movement of Consciousness
    for worldwide children to give our contribution to the planet and improve the lives of millions of children whose suffering all sorts of abuse and violence without prospects.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edson Udson
  • We must restore balanced media
    I tried to listen to my favorite Progressive radio station, AM 1090 KPTK Seattle today and found that corrupt right wingers have replaced Washington State's only Progressive radio station with mindless sports broadcasting. However, right wing stations spewing right wing propaganda are all over the dial and hard to avoid.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel
  • The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution
    How will we protect your families & property when someone will try to harm them or try to take them from us.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francisco Lazaro
  • 2 Amendment/Gun Rights
    The 2 Amendment right bear Arms for law abiding citizen.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Danielsen
  • Remove the sex offenders from less than 100 feet from a daycare college center
    This issue concerns the Sex Offender Rehab Center in Norfolk, Nebraska. The city officials decided that it was OKAY to remove the well tampered mentally ill patients to Lincoln or Kearney, where they are already overcrowded. The Rehab center is in sickly close proximity to the day care center. I am very irritated and disgusted by this, those people should be NOWHERE near a day care center, regardless of the feet of distance. I want these sick people out of here, especially the child molesters. They have a apartment complex right next door to the rehab center, which I (Alicia Steffen) personally stayed at, and the private manager does not allow children. Gee I can't imagine why?! Please sign this petition and get these jokers OUT of here! Or somewhere far far away!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Alexis Steffen
  • Stand up against State of Kansas forcing sperm donor to pay child support
    Ks Dept of Children & Families trying to force sperm donor for lesbien couple to pay child support.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bonny L Martin