• City Of Waltham, MA: Allow for a Cat Shelter
    The City Of Waltham should have an official place to house stray and feral cats during the vetting and adoption process.
    662 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Linda vanNederpelt
  • Take Church Out Of Our City Council
    The City Council in the small Texas Hill Country town of Bulverde, insists upon invocations that begin their monthly meetings with blatantly sectarian prayer. They feel fully entitled, as they are "the majority". I, on the other hand, believe what Thomas Jefferson explains, that "it is the responsibility of the majority to ensure that the rights of the minority are represented." Out of realization that I have no voice, and I certainly have no representation, I now make it a point to personally attend each meeting; stand up when called; and (nervously) present the council with my words that fit into the 3-minute Public Comments format afforded citizens. This public, government entity fails to grasp that it is not in compliance with our Constitution, and must somehow be reproached. The lone, individual citizen, grassroots approach is the only way I know.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandi Root
  • Allow gay men to donate blood
    My petition is to make people aware of the unjust discrimination of a ban on gay men donating blood.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lori
  • Save Our Children
    In regards to the recent killings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Gernhardt
  • Sign an International Bill of Rights -- Humanity's Written Agreement to Live Together
    We must take a big step along with our many small ones. The United States Bill of Rights works well to protect our fundamental freedoms because it's enforceable in court. There is now an European Bill of Rights that is enforceable in the courts of 47 countries as diverse as Turkey, France, Romania and Denmark which also works well. It is time for an International Bill of Rights that is enforceable in the courts of all countries -- this is humanity's written agreement to live together. Please go to www.internationalbillofrights.org and sign the document!
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. John Kirk Boyd
  • Free Black males from systematic imprisonments!
    Black males are systematically being imprisoned in Louisiana for profit. It is call "warehousing negroes for profit!" Black males from ages 18 to 38 are an endangered species in Louisiana. This state has the highest incarceration rate in the nation due to outright institutionalized racism by the good ol boy network of white males ages 35 to 75 from district attorneys to judges to racist police.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by P O W E R - the actions civil rights org.
  • Fairness for Disabled Veterans
    I am a 40% disabled veteran, who loves to golf and the rules governing the Westchester County courses severely and unecessarily limit my and other disabled veterans access to these courses.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Kalfus
  • Stop the use of N word in movies
    Since "Django Unchained" was released, it's been revealed that the racial slur known as the "N word" was uttered over 100 times in the movie. I understand the value of free speech and creative license when producing movies, but it's troubling that this word is used excessively. Many of us know the history of the word and understand the different facets of how the word is used, but my point of view is that this word is ultimately a negative reflection of a people.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louis Moore
  • I Pledge not to Vote for Politicians Supported by NRA
    I work with families affected by gun violence. Too many children are being killed or losing their parents to this scourge.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Van Horn
  • Ban Robo Telephone Calls (with certain exceptions)
    Robocalls are becoming a vast nuisance. Even though I have been on the "Do Not Call" list since they started, I get at least two or three, often more robocalls which tie up the phone that I pay for, interupt what I am doing and are an invasion of my privacy. These calls should include all political calls, solicitation and sales calls. The only calls that should be permitted should be from local governments for emergencies, schools for the same reason or calls that one has given written permission to be made. These calls even come in on my cell phone which costs me minutes.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wilda Russell
  • Open Carry Gun Permits
    It would be nice to have openly armed citizens with legal permits on the streets to counteract the illegally armed criminal crazies who are running around in our society freely killing anyone nearby simply because there aren't any cops around to stop them. If there were more law abiding armed citizens on the streets then they could stop the crazies cold and save a lot of innocent lives.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Jones
  • Moondo's Anti Bullying Campaign
    My petition affected me personally and caused me to spin out of control as a child and ended up as a problomatic and complicated child. My face book friend Lisa Smith lost her daughter Felicia Ann Smith Dec-2-2010 to "SUICIDE", because of "BULLYING"!!!!!!!!!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymoondo Juan Kwatoko Lee