IOWA Legislators: Stop sexist employers from firing their innocent employees!We, the people of Iowa, are outraged by a recent ruling by the state Supreme Court that gives employers permission to fire employees that they find to be too sexually attractive, even if the employee has done no wrong. This needs to be stopped.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emily Elliott
Take Action on Age Discrimination in the USEveryone knows age discrimination is rampant in the workplace across the US. We are even told to take experience and education off of our resumes in order to not give away our age. The onus is on the victim to be labeled as a complainer or a whistle blower.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carla Davis
Bring War Crimes Charges Against Bush, Cheney, RumsfeldThere is no disputing the fact that the U.S. conducted water-boarding on suspected members of al Queda. Bush admitted on TV that he authorized it. Yet this is just a well-known example of the kinds of war crimes ordered by the highest levels of our executive branch. We let these few blacken our countries reputation for fairness and morality when we turn a blind eye to their war crimes.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Al Fisher
Gay men in Oregon PrisonsRespecting gay men in prisons and outside and allow visiting.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louis
IU Health University Hospital: Re-Hire Illegally Fired WorkersIUHUH fired eight employees after they refused mandatory flu shots. The hospital prioritized a controversary immunization to prevent the spread of influenza over an employee's right to refuse certain medical procedures. These employees had the right to refuse their flu shots under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits religious discrimination of employees.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leslie Vandervort
TheEndOfPoverty.TVAll humanbeings sign a new agreement to ShareTheWealth.TV and usher in on a new singular, anit-big brother, global system that embodies total equality for all humanity initiating the new era, Genii, of peace and abundance for all.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Earl Jenshus
"Reinstate voting rights for felons after prison time has been served!"This right should be satisfied after time served for the crime has been satisfied. It denies many citiizens who were entangled in the law at an early age and victimizes them repeatedly with very little hope for being renstated to society with the privilege of participating in this honored civic process which can empower people to evolve into productive citizens.My son and numerous other young people have experienced this has experienced this and would like to see their rights restored!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Belinda J. Cronin
Repeal the Voter Registration RestrictionOn January 1st, 2013, a proof of citizenship requirement for all citizens registering to vote for the first time in Kansas went into effect. This marks the full implementation of new voter restrictions outlined by the Kansas SAFE Act. Photo identification requirements at polls outlined by the SAFE Act went into effect in 2012, resulting in 532 votes blocked in the last general election. With the number of votes blocked by partial implementation of the SAFE Act far exceeding the number of alleged cases of voter fraud in Kansas, not to mention the almost non-existent instances of those prosecuted, KanVote is calling on lawmakers to repeal the proof of citizenship restriction this legislative session. New voters in Kansas are now required to produce expensive and difficult to procure proof of citizenship documents before being allowed to register to vote. For those born in other states, a replacement birth certificate can exceed $40. A U.S. passport costs $135. For naturalized Americans, replacement citizenship documents cost at least $220. New Kansas voters now have to jump through bureaucratic hoops, provide supporting documents, fill out forms, and wait as long as a year for their requests to be processed. If the cost and effort to obtain these documents doesn’t disenfranchise a voter, the time waiting can and, for some, will. Additionally, the new voter registration restriction is a blatant obstruction of traditional grassroots voter registration efforts. No longer are volunteers, citizen’s organizations, or even political parties able to table outside of community events and grocery stores, or walk door to door registering voters. Unlike the 532 voters whose provisional ballots provided evidence of their disenfranchisement, Kansas will not know how many of its citizens will be prevented from voting under voter registration restrictions. Like all of those who simply did not attempt to vote due to lack of photo identification, those who cannot register will simply go uncounted. Not only will the voter registration restriction present challenges to voters, it may also present the state with legal challenges. After several legal disputes, a federal appeals court has blocked Arizona's proof of citizenship requirement. The court ruled that the state requirement is "seriously out of tune" with the requirements presented on the federal voter registration form established by National Voter Registration Act of ‘93. Kansas' implementation of the proof of citizenship requirement will create similar conditions for such a challenge to be leveraged against our state.1,350 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Louis Goseland
Homeland Security as Responsible Agency for Reporting of Internal TerroristsI would like Homeland Security to assure that internal terrorists are reported anonymously, investigated, institutionalized or incarcerated as applicable for their sociopathy or psychopathology, or evil natures. The mentally ill or developmentally disabled who have not received the benefit of treatment interventions and families who make their cases known are more likely to suffer pscyhotic breaks. It is my opinion and that of my friends and colleagues that there needs to be mandatory and obligatory, anonyomous reporting and processes required to assure the safety of our citizens, especially our innocent children. Newtown was the most recent example of internal terrorism (massacre by guns) but others have occurred without anyone forewarning authorities of the mental illness or evil nature of the suspect/perpetrator. This type of closed society allows the rights of one to preempt the rights of all of our citizens by assuming the family will get treatment and the psychologist or psychotherapist or the school will report. Our current status of external terrorist suspect reporting is defined well and executed presumably well at the Homeland Security site on the internet or by telephone. Anonymous reporting is available. Homeland Security never responded to my report that there are suspects out there, and their psychotic breaks are imminent contingent upon their actions and our security. Safety is our right as citizens. Homeland Security needs to step up to a formalized reporting system, so we experience fewer massacres in schools, colleges, public malls, churches, synagogues and temples. We are the USA and not the Middle East, but that makes our internal massacres no less lethal; and no less a reason to report dangerousness or suspicious behaviors.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Reed
Reorganzation of the Three Major Credit Reporting Agencies.Yes I have been damaged by this type of credit reporting. When certain things are suppose to be removed in two years or seven years or even ten years and they are not removed, then you have to fight them to get bad reports removed and after all of that, you can apply for credit again thinking they have been removed and the credit bureau puts them back on the report, now you have another strike against you for even applying for the credit and being denied, then you are still penalized for paying items off and forclosures or repossessions that were not your fault, they are practically unfixable. Now it even effects your ability to get a job, because employers are now asking for credit checks. This is not a good system and it is helping to destroy this countrys economic balance and recovery. Something needs to be done and Equitable is the worst one of them all, because for some strange reason, they always report lower ratings than the other two, why are there three major credit reporting agences and why don't they all report the same credit rating. I now have 167 as my new credit rating since I lost my job almost 2 years ago and UC Benefits were scatterly coming in, if and when they could be reached by phone or you could go to a CareerLinks office and get directly through to them without the two hour wait.. Also when we have an enormous economic down turn our credit rating just runs off the track like a runaway locamotive, how is it the fault of the person when they loose their jobs and don't have an income. What are they suppose to do to stop this train wreck from happening. Any assistance with this horrific issue would be greatly appreciated.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donna Reviere Dorman
Gun Control MarchThere are too many mass shootings. There are too many children losing their lives. Politicians are openly asking the public to take a stand for gun control legislation.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by B Jesrani
Reform Family LawIn 2003, I filed for divorce. I wanted it to be amicable but little did I know there is an industry out there that makes millions of dollars from the misery of others. What happened next set off a chain of events that included fraud, back door dealings, and sometimes direct violations of law and constitutional rights by court officers. In the end I went over 7 1/2 years without seeing my son. I have met other men, women, grandparents who also lost relationships with their children. There are millions of noncustodial parents who have lost the relationships with their children due to corrupt and biased court officials and social agencies intent on keeping your case a part of the system to ensure future income for their industry. Research shows this is major factor in most of the social ills in society today (behavioral problems, drugs, teenage pregnancy, teenage suicide, dropouts, etc.).204 of 300 SignaturesCreated by General Parker