• Support Ohio's Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment
    Ohio has the chance to repeal and replace its 2004 Marriage Ban with a constitutional amendment that will allow a gay and lesbian couple the freedom to marry in a civil marriage. Marriage allows two loving people the right to make a public commitment to one another. Gay and lesbian couples want to marry for similar reasons as anyone—to make a lifetime promise of love, commitment, and responsibility to each other. Only marriage provides the protections families need in a crisis. The language of the Amendment has been certified by the OH Atty. General, unanimously approved the OH Ballot Board and has survived an OH Supreme Court challenge. Please support OH's Freedom to Marry and Religious Freedom Amendment. Provide family security and religious freedom by stopping the government from dictating to religious institution who may and may not be married.
    372 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ian James
  • Work locally to defend the Constitution
    There should not be one person in the United States that has their privacy invaded, their property rights ignored, or that is taken forcibly with no due process, by those who should protect the civil liberties that we are guaranteed under the US constitution. Yet many have, under the strength of the Patriot Act. The federal government will not acknowledge this destruction of civil rights, and so we petition state legislators to denounce the Patriot Act. Oregon has had a proud history of disagreeing with federal mandates, and takes invasion of privacy and property rights especially seriously. By acting locally instead of appealing to the federal government, we can at least keep our state free from this unconstitutional act.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurel Evers
  • No Voter Suppression Law in NC
    Possible voter suppression law in NC in 2013
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catherine Walters
  • Humane Treatment For All Persons Incarcerated
    Anyone Can Be Placed In Jail, Traffic Ticket Ect.,Innocent Or Guilty, Humans Should Treat Others Humanely. Such Was Not The Case For Myself, And Many Others In Eastern Ky. Jails Ran Like Auschwitz, I Was Severely Mistreated For My Sexuality, & Deprived Of All Humility,Civil Rights Ect. Please Help, This Is Continuing And Others Need Your Help.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jack d whitt
  • We Oppose a Voter I.D. Law that Disenfranchises Voters
    North Carolina residents are concerned about proposed so-called "voter I.D." legislation that requires voters to show varying forms of I.D. when they show up to vote. The simple fact that up to hundreds of thousands of voters may become ineligible to vote and that there have been virtually no cases of voter fraud makes it imperative that we protest such a law.
    9,678 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Tim Moreland
  • 40 Acres an a Mule!
    Here's the deal. Since the GOP likes to talk about America's Debt. How we've conveniently forgot and swept under the rug the debt America owes to the folks who really built this country and their descendents.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter Harris Gavin
  • 17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paramjit Singh
  • Credit History Privacy
    Many of those seeking employment in the current economy have have been unemployed or underemployed for some time. As a consequence their ability to meet financial obligations is impeded and their credit score suffers. Using an individuals credit score as a factor in determining whether or not to offer someone a job is unfair. A credit score has no bearing on an individual's ability to perform a job.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. Luellen
  • Educated Souls, LLC Advocates to End Classroom Discrimination
    All 4 of my children have experienced extreme prejudice and racism in the various districts that they've attended over the past 17 years. The State of Arizona is rampant with teachers who blatantly discriminate against black students and the various administrative/districts do nothing to reprimand staff hence the problem continues. I have been unsuccessful in fighting this fight alone as I have fought for mine along with other students while being a Substitute Teacher but am terminated for my advocacy. Please help me help the youth to be treated fairly as the Constitution reads and they recite daily, Thank you!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Phillips
  • Reinstate all police officers fired for supporting the truth about Cannabis.
    Reinstate all officers who have been relieved of duty by their police forces for either publicly or privately supporting the decriminalization of Cannabis. The majority of the public now supports Cannabis legalization. End the irrational prohibition of Cannabis, and initiate rational legislation to prevent the unjust abuses currently taking place against those who support or advocate for its well-documented benefits. Peace officers have the right to support the scientific, industrial, medicinal and institutional benefits of Cannabis legalization.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Curry
  • Pass Earned Sick Days in Philadelphia
    Later this month, the Philadelphia City Council will introduce legislation that would guarantee all workers in the city have paid sick days off from work. It's about public health. It's about family health. It's about employee respect. Four Philadelphia City Council members could stand in the way of this important legislation. Contact them now and make sure they do the right thing.
    343 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kim McMurray
  • Supreme Court: Review Appellate Dismissals of National Corporate Pension Reduction Cases
    Please sign this petition to ask the Supreme Court to review Judge Trump Barry’s (Donald Trump's sister) decision in the AT&T pension reduction case, and to review the decisions in all other corporate pension cases. Judge Trump Barry stated “I keep thinking of my father’s words, “Work is its own reward.” You know, just keep working no matter how old you get”. (See link to transcript below to see her statement) WHY THIS PETITION IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO SIGN, even if you did not work for AT&T: 1. The loss of the AT&T pensions and layoffs has caused significant damage to the US economy, including: a. increased state and federal expenses for unemployment insurance, b. increased state and federal expenses for older worker retraining, c. increased state and federal expenses for food stamps and welfare, d. decreased state and federal tax revenues, e. increased state and federal budget deficits, and f. decreased consumer spending. This is an issue important to ALL Americans! 2. If you’re younger, you may think that a pension issue isn’t important to you. If that’s what you’re thinking, re-read point #1 above. 3. If you’re a former employee of many other national corporations, your pension lawsuit may have been thrown out of the courts. If we can get the Supreme Court to review the AT&T decision, your corporation’s lawsuit may be reconsidered as well. 4. Re-read point #1 above! In 1997, AT&T changed its pension plan from a traditional, defined-benefit plan, to a cash-balance, defined-contribution plan. In 1998, a lawsuit was filed alleging that the conversion was done in an age-discriminatory manner, causing older employees to lose large portions of the amounts that had previously been accrued in their pensions. At the time, this lawsuit was the largest age discrimination lawsuit in US history; 24,000 class members who opted-in, and $2 Billion in damages. I was identified as the employee who had the worst case of “wearaway”; I had 19 years of service at the time of the conversion, but the new plan took away 13 years, leaving only 6 years of my service in the new plan. (See link below to where this fact is mentioned in court documents). I never even had the chance to recover those lost years, because AT&T offshored my job and laid me off in 1999. This happened to tens of thousands of other employees. After this case was stalled in the courts by AT&T for 13 years, it was thrown out in 2011 in the Federal Appellate Court in Philadelphia by a 3-judge panel, presided over by Judge Trump Barry, who is Donald Trump’s sister. Judge Trump Barry showed her attitude against retirement and pensions by stating, “I keep thinking of my father’s words, “Work is its own reward.” You know, just keep working no matter how old you get”. (See link to transcript below to see her statement) The 24,000 class members, who suffered age discrimination at the hands of AT&T via pension reductions and subsequent mass layoffs, never had their day in court. The Courts have thrown out the pension reduction cases of many other national corporations. Because all these pensions have been greatly decreased by corporations having reneged their fiduciary responsibilities to their former employees, there is a cascading significant loss to Federal and State income tax revenue, as well as a significant loss of money going back into the economy through consumer spending. The lead attorney in this case was Stephen Bruce of Washington DC, a recognized expert in the pension field, who had previously testified in Congressional hearings on pension issues. Mr. Bruce had successfully argued a similar case for Cigna employees in front of the Supreme Court, and he won the case (see link to Supreme Court decision below). However, the Supreme Court denied hearing the AT&T case, even though the Appellate court had ruled differently on the AT&T case to the Supreme Court’s decision in the Cigna case. RELEVANT LINKS: Link to Judge Trump Barry’s statement: “Work is its own reward.” You know, just keep working no matter how old you get”. http://erisapensionclaims.com/AT_T/Engers2011/Engers%20v%20AT&T%203rd%20Circuit%20Transcript%20final.pdf (page 30, line 19) Link to Supreme Court decision for the employees in the Cigna lawsuit: http://erisapensionclaims.com/CIGNA/pdfs2011/Cigna%20v%20Amara%20Supreme%20Court%20Opinion%205162011.pdf Link to Bonny Berger’s 13-year wearaway: http://www.erisapensionclaims.com/AT_T/October2004/ReplyBriefEngers.pdf (page 12, paragraph 3)
    987 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Bonny Berger Kelter