• People United For Families
    This is a petition in support of the children and families whose lives have been touched or affected by the Department of Children and Families (DCF) .Our goal is to bring public awareness to the abuse and neglect of our children in the system along with the struggles and obstacles that the parents/families face while trying to regain custody of our children.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crystal McBride
  • Guts
    Governor Scott, Florida House and Senate,I do not believe you have Guts enough to change the way Florida allots its electors for the electoral college in Presidential elections. Go ahead if you can find the courage because if you think Democrats were united in the last Presidential election just wait til you try to steal an election from us. I dare you!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Hyde
  • Elections belong to the people
    Snyder plans to change the election process he plans to rig the electoral college
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert DeVries
  • Gov. Kasich's plan to rig the electoral college
    To stop Republican party from rigging the United States of America, The Republic...to keep them in power. If you are a believer in competition, then this idea of changing the electoral college is wrong, if you believe, and it has been propose By the modern day Tea party, that the founding fathers knew what they were about, then the changes to the electoral college is definitely wrong...Stand with me and let the Republican party know that can not change the rules just fit their whims, they most compete, they must represent, and know their constituents..
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Breckenridge
  • Patty Hampton
    I want the government of SC to bear the brunt of the Photo ID, in order to vote !!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patty Hampton
  • Patty Hampton
    I want the government of SC to bear the brunt of the Photo ID, in order nto vote !!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patty Hampton
  • Mental Illness Equality
    The mentally ill are legally prevented from protecting themselves from outright bigotry and hostility everywhere in our society. I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder and General Anxiety Disorder. Unfortunately, no law, federal or state, protects me from overt and directed hostility in the work place. Not even the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission gives a damn. In effect, the EEOC is a partner of the very crimes repeated every day by employers. 25% of Americans, almost 80 million people, suffer from a mental illness. If you don't stand up, who will? What family member are you willing to sacrifice?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Kittredge
  • PA State Assembly: Overturn Voter ID Law
    During the Obama campaign, we heard many horror stories from people who were unable to get Voter IDs because they lacked birth certificates, were given incorrect info by PennDot employees, were unexpectedly and illegally charged for IDs at PennDOT, were too old, poor, or disabled to get to PennDOT, were confused by constantly-changing State Department rules, had a name on their PA driver's license that differed from the one on their birth certificate, did not want to give up their out-of-state driver's license while attending a PA college, or were harassed for a variety of other ridiculous reasons designed to discourage those who traditionally vote Democratic. We should be ENcouraging people to vote, not DIScouraging them. Time to get Voter ID off the books in PA, once and for all!
    211 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gloria McVeigh
  • The Electoral College
    In light of other states considering changing the way in which Electoral College votes are cast for the election of President, I understand that some legislators and Governor Snyder are actively pursuing such a change which would, essentially, rig the outcome of a Presidential election regardless of the will of the people. I urge this nonsense to stop and preserve the will of the people in electing our President.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Warnock
  • Freedom to purchase firearms without Licensed Gun Dealers requiring membership in the National Ri...
    Certain licensed gun dealers in the United States of America require joining the National Rifle Association as a condition to buy a firearm. Certain licensed gun dealers, required by law to provide background checks to legally purchase a firearm, are using a citizens right to purchase and own a firearm granted by the Second Amendment to promote membership in the NRA or other organizations. The citizens of the United States view this as an encumbrance of a citizens right to legally own a firearm, without conditions or influence, granted to them by the Second Amendment. We view this as a violation of the Second Amendement and request Congress to pass a law that says that licensed gun dealers, required by law to perform background checks as a condition of owning a firearm, can not require patrons to join the NRA, or any other organization, as a condition to purchase a firearm.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norman Stapleton
  • Scott Walker & Republican State Legislators: No Gerrymandering the Wisconsin Electoral College Votes
    The Republican Party has decided to gerrymander electoral college votes in key states to steal the presidential election, Wisconsin is one of those identified states. Tell Wisconsin State Legislator and Governor Scott Walker that Wisconsin citizens do not want Wisconsin Electoral College votes to be gerrymandered in favor of any political party, especially the Republican Party. The will of the people must prevail and be upheld, every vote should be counted in our presidential elections and the winner should take all per our constitution!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Bell-White
  • Governor Snyder: Categorically Reject Rep. Pete Lund's Plan to Rig Future Elections
    Republicans in Michigan's Legislature are attempting to change the way Michigan's electoral votes are cast to reflect the district lines they drew to confine Democrats to as few districts as possible. We must preserve our democratic elections, so they continue to accurately reflect the will of the people.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Spencer