• Shame on Log Cabin Republicans!
    The Log Cabin Republicans have officially endorsed Mitt Romney for President of the United States. This is a betrayal to service members who served under the "Don't Ask Don't Tell” policy. LCRs betrayed our hero, former-Congressman Patrick Murphy, and endorsed his opponent. Now they have betrayed the Commander-in-Chief, who made open-service a reality. Why do they continue to endorse candidates who oppose our civil rights?
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walker Burttschell
  • national and local election reform
    Electronic voting fraud. National elections in 2004 (Ohio) & 2010 (Pennsylvania).
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lowell Premer
  • Eliminate the electoral college
    In a true democracy everyone's vote should count equally. the whole system is broken, which becomes especially apparent when someone who has lost the popular vote can still "win" the election. The electoral college is an antiquated system that needs to be eliminated. Everyone should feel equally empowered, by their right to vote.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dana
  • No Private Romney owned voting machines in Public Elections.
    Voting machines can be hacked easily. It is a conflict of interest for a candidate to own the voting machines that will count the votes for the political race he is running in. This is absolutely insane. Let us remember Bush. We want a democratic election not another FRAUD.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue
  • Protect the right to vote: ask federal officials to investigate GOP dumping of Virginia voter reg...
    A contractor for the Republican Party of Virginia was arrested on October 18, 2012 and accused of disposing of voter registration forms in Harrisonburg, Virginia. The integrity of our elections is paramount, and every Virginian should be assured that their vote counts. There are indications that this voter registration fraud may be more widespread. The firm which employed this contractor has worked for the Republican Party of Virginia in multiple localities, including Chesapeake City, Fairfax County, Prince William County, Loudoun County, and Virginia Beach City. Additionally, just last month the Republican Party of Virginia terminated its contract with Strategic Allied Consulting over allegations of voter registration fraud. However, news reports indicate the party continued to employ many of Strategic Allied's employees, one of who has now been arrested. Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli has a long history of manipulating the law and his office for his own political gain. We can't trust him to impartially investigate the Republican Party of Virginia while simultaneously seeking their gubernatorial nomination. Our elections should be free, fair, and accessible. Virginians cannot be confident that every eligible voter who wishes may participate in our democracy without a thorough and transparent investigation into the extent of this fraud.
    5,772 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian Devine, ProgressVA.org
  • Demand that the VSBE Investigate Election Fraud
    The Virginia State Board of Elections has decided not to request an investigation into the case of voter fraud involving a contractor for the Republican Party, Colin Small. This represents a systemic attempt to disenfranchise Virginia voters, of which I am one. The SBE is hand-picked by Governor Bob McDonnell, and two of its three executive members are Republicans. I also understand that our Attorney General is also a Republican. I can see how this story would be inconvenient for these individuals and their party so close to the presidential election, considering the hypocrisy of the Republican party complaining so loudly about voter fraud up until this point, and then refusing to investigate it when it happens on their side. However, I believe that as a government agency, it is grossly irresponsible of the SBE to refuse to Investigate such a serious offense. The SBE is supposed to be a resource for Virginia voters that can be relied on to protect the sanctity of voting rights. Unfortunately, it is being used to do just the opposite of that. Once again, I am embarrassed by the partisan politics that have come to define our state, and I hope that some kind of reconciliation can be achieved by the pursuit of justice for the voting people of Virginia.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Rini
  • Virginia Attorney General: Investigate Trashing Voter Registrations
    It is the fundamental right of all U.S. citizens to vote in an election. Discarding voter registrations unlawfully takes that right away from citizens who have the right to vote. It should not only be investigated, but harshly punished. It is your duty to investigate every occurrence of situations such as this.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Shelor
  • Voter Fraud in Virginia
    Yesterday it was reported that Virginia's Republican Attorney General, Ken Cuccinelli, won't investigate a Republican campaign operative found discarding voter registration forms, because "he only looks into election issues after a request from the State Board of Elections." Folks in Virginia are upset that this clear instance of fraud is being swept under the rug. This petition is asking the Virginia State Board of Elections to request an investigation into the discarded voter registration forms.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Reznicek
  • Make Election Day a National Holiday Again!
    When I was growing up Election Day was a National Holiday. I think Election Day should once again be put in the spotlight as the important day it is for freedom and democracy. Stop and take time to think and vote! So many Americans have lost sight exercising this critical responsibility.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Manzolillo
  • Prayer Month in Government?
    Government presuming to to tell people when to pray is damaging to religious liberty.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Miller
  • Petition the Justice Department for Voting Rights Enforcement
    The Republican Party is trying to steal the election. We need to do something about this immediately. We should get together and demonstrate against the deceit and tyranny of those trying to block the vote for Obama. We cannot wait for election day to do something about this because it will be too late. This is the most important issue because it goes to the very heart of our democracy. We could lose it if we don't make sure we have a fair election.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol McCarthy
  • Absentee Requests at the Polls
    Convert fair-weather Democratic voters to reliable voters by getting them to sign up for absentee ballots. How? Assign volunteers to work Democratic polls and early voting sites with absentee ballot request forms. Have voters fill in name, address and date of birth or voter ID number and sign. The volunteers can submit requests to local supervisor of elections. Long term solution, It's far more efficient than canvassing because it targets actual voters -- not likely voters.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Blake