Mr. President: Mandate Sex Education Classes and Testing for All Government Officials; Make Test ...State and Federal employees cannot lead men and women if their sex and gender perceptions are stunted like Senator Akin and all the (few) people who supported him. Such men need to be exposed and removed from office as they are ignorant, prejudiced and clearly just members of the "good ol' boy" club. Perpetuation of sexual and ignorance costs our society far too much in terms of discrimination, sex abuse, child abuse and sex trafficking.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Glen Roethel
EXPOSE The Veterans Administration's Inability to Process One Million Backlogged Claims!My Own Claim Unprocessed/ Unrealized Claim was Filed in 2006, going back to 1970. The "Black Hole" existing in V.A. Regional is unacceptable V/S Budget of 85 Billion$$.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael
Tell Clear Channel: Take Down These BillboardsIt’s one of the nastiest voter suppression schemes we’ve seen: this week, in Black and Latino neighborhoods in Ohio and Wisconsin, an anonymous group started running outrageous billboards which try to scare people away from voting. Allowing an anonymous advertiser to create an atmosphere of fear around voting just as the early voting period begins is unacceptable. Clear Channel, owned by Bain Capital, has rejected billboard ads many times in the past. Please join us in demanding that Clear Channel immediately take down these offensive and dangerous billboards.467 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Rashad Robinson, ColorOfChange.org
Democracy dayDeclare election day in November Democracy Day and make it a national Holiday5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Klemash
Abolish the Electoral CollegeSection 1 Art 2 of the constitution specifies how the president will be elected. The Electoral College is outmoded and robs voters from being counted in the Presidential Election. I needs to be abolished by a Constitutional Amendment specifying one person one vote. My vote for a Democratic President has not counted for several elections because I am in a majority Republican state, Texas.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James E Bridges
Create Federal Election Laws for Consistent Voting Accessibility Across All StatesThe rash of changes to voting eligibility across the country indicates a need for a law to specify consistent voting hours and days in all 50 states in all federal elections. It makes no sense for state or county officials to decide these matters in a haphazard way that results in less access for some citizens than others.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wayne Rhodes
GET MITT ROMNEY TO DENOUNCE STATE VOTER SUPPRESSION LAWSPetition Mitt Romney to publicly denounce state voter suppression laws before the November election. Laws which at the very least cause confusion among voters.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paula W
Full Representation in Congress for DC CitizensThe people of the District of Columbia, who live in the capital city of the world’s greatest representative democracy, the United States of America, are entitled to the basic rights of free people everywhere, including • The right to participate in their own governance as citizens of a Republic. • The right to full and equal representation in the Congress of the United States as citizens of a Democracy.128 of 200 SignaturesCreated by David Krucoff
Stop mandating flu vaccines for healthcare workersI am a registerd nurse whose employer is mandating the flu vaccine. Health care workers in the United States should have the right to choose whether they consent to medical procedures, medications, and vaccinations, including the flu vaccine, which is now being mandated for healthcare workers across the country. Health care workers should be able to opt out of the flu vaccine on the basis of their philosophical, religious or other medical conditions based on informed consent. As a patient, healthcare workers are entitled to refuse or decline medical interventions including, but not limited to, the flu vaccine based on informed consent. Now, health care workers are losing that right as employers mandate the flu vaccine. Many workers will be terminated from their positions by the end of the year if they fail to comply with the mandates.209 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Tamara Graham
Equal Civil Rights for the Mentally DisabledThe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which is a Federal Act has forgotten the mentally disabled community! Our law makers have failed to protect this very vulnerably and often indigent part of our society! This leads to bullying! Bullying of human beings that don't have the ability to protect themselves.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S. Lynn Harris
Clear Channel Support Voter SuppressionI saw one of the Clear Channel Communications billboards designed to suppress the black vote in Ohio today and am nonplused. It is bad enough that Clear Channel pays Rush Limbaugh but at least I can turn the radio to another station. I can't shut the billboard off.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy Zaidlicz