• Stop cruelty and abuse in Mental Hospitals
    Mental hospitals are rarely pleasant places to be. Obviously, that makes some level of sense, but when a respected hospital changes one's medications on a near-daily basis, there is something wrong. They also give "smoke breaks" in almost every hospital where everyone is offered a cigarette whether or not they smoke.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jesse
    My name is Paula, and we are in a fight with Bank of America to save our home. Please help us! We have tried everything. Bank of America kept our $7,700 in insurance money after we spent over $12,000 of our own savings to repair our home after a devastating tornado and hailstorm in 2010, advised us to miss a house payment so that we would qualify for a loan modification (we had never missed a payment before), lied to us and the judge repeatedly about granting us the loan modification Sept 6,2011 where is the modification? GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK PLUS INTEREST!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Wessling-Choate
  • Restore Voting Rights
    In Kentucky, ex-felons who have paid their debt to society are permanently denied the right to vote. This law is an extentsion of the old discriminatory Jim Crow Laws because it impacts already disenfranchised citizens such as minorities and the poor. We must end voter suppression in Kentucky. Please sign if you agree.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Luna
  • stop the ban on gay blood donation!
    Gay people are not allowed to donate blood if they had sex within a certain period of time due to the risk of AIDS. This is extremely discriminatory
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stan Zuba
  • Romney Must Answer
    As a senior at a prestigious school, Romney and cohorts held down and cut the hair of a junior student whom Romney believed was gay. The school did not punish Romney in any way. Romney says he does not remember the incident although his cohorts remember the incident well. Was such behavior such a core element of his personality and behavior that this particular incident is not remembered? Romney's behavior today would be prosecuted as an assault, false imprisonment and possibly a hate crime. Yet, amazingly, Romney claims he does not remember the incident where a child was so traumatized he had to take time from school to recover. Is such behavior part of Romney's personality? How does he believe such behavior should be punished?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Trice
  • Free Speech at Town Hall Meetings
    Paul Ryan's constituents have a right to be heard in a democracy. Public town meetings must be required and people must have the freedom to speak at these meetings without being arrested. He should be denounced by Boehner and Romney for arresting his own constituents for speaking their mind.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Berk
  • End voter ID in New Hampshire
    Voter ID is not needed or wanted in New Hampshire. We are a small state with lots of connections. There is no reason to have voter ID when no fraud has been identified. It is unnecessary and only serves to disenfranchise legitimate voters who may not be able to access the required ID.
    2,170 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Catherine McDowell
  • national day to vote
    Every american should have the right to vote on election day.It is not fair that middle income and lower income people are usually the ones that find it harder to take time out of there work schedules to get to the polls.There must be reform in this area.Whether it is a weekend day or a regular work day,the goverment can and should prvide an oppurtunity for every eligble american voter to take the neccesary time out to vote.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bret aker
  • Emergency Manger Appointments; cities/schools
    It appears that this Republican led effort is targeting urban minority areas and effectively eliminates the rights of citizens who have voted and elected officials to mange the cities and or schools. Although one may questions the capabilities of the elected officers, NO ONE should be able to remove them from the authority that was given to them by the vote of the people.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Constance Rowley
  • Labor Union Boycott
    Stop Giving Money To Labor Unions !!!!! -- Joining Unions Should Be VOLUNTARY -- NOT MANDATORY !!!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bunk Orion
  • Stop illegal voter suppresion tactics in Florida
    thounsands of voters are purge from the voters list without concrete evidence that they inmigrants or not checking their citizenship.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by choky alvarez
  • PA, Vote Atticus Finch
    Shockingly, 52 Pennsylvania architects of the recently halted Voter ID Law are running unopposed in the November election. That means no matter how voters in these districts feel about these representatives, they will be re-elected! This is outrageous! That’s why we’re asking voters who live in these districts to write in Atticus Finch, the hero of Harper Lee’s Civil Rights masterpiece “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Atticus is a figure who truly stands for the idea that civil rights, including the right to vote, come first and that our elections should include everyone–not just those who can jump through the hoops to get a state-approved photo ID with an expiration date. 51 of the 67 Pennsylvania counties have at least one Assembly member running unopposed. Go to http://voteatticusfinch.wikispaces.com/home to find your Assembly Member and if they are running unopposed. So this November, send a message to the cynical opportunists who tried to take away your right to vote. Tell them “I’m voting for Atticus Finch!” For more information about this campaign and a cool "what would Atticus say," check out http://svteach.wikispaces.com/
    1,065 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Seltzer and Steven Singer