Separation of marriage and governmentThere is only one way to solve the gay marriage issue. We need to separate marriage from the government. Let churches marry whom the may according to their beliefs, but get government out of the marriage business altogether. Religious issues and civil rights cannot and should not be decided by vote, thus both sides of the gay marriage argument have nothing further to argue about.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan Montez
Police abusing their power towards black males in Louisville, KYFrom André Mulligan a very important a must read, can I live? The days of being a black man in Louisville, KY is now at a point of fearing for your life. Where the police can do as they please! Last night, some friends and I were sitting outside of Club 116 located between 1st and 2nd on Main St. When a police car drove past speeding, I yelled out ”slow down”, right then and there the officer stopped and asked me to put my hands on top of his squad car. As I walk up to do as he asked while placing my hands on top of the car I asked “what did I do”? He then asked did I have an ID, now taken I had just took it out of my pocket and it was sitting in my vehicle I stated “no”. He then said you’re under arrest for public intoxication, not knowing I had not had a drink at all. While placing my hands behind my back, several in the crowded yelled give him a Breathalyzer test. He then yelled" your resisting arrest and I was like sir I’m not and he stepped over with his right leg and drove me to the pavement. Once on the ground he yelled let your hands go, but I didn’t have them anymore they were behind my back but he wasn’t reaching for my hands and he then reached over and punched me in my face with his right hand. Placing a knee over my neck, he waited until another officer ran up, who began trying to push the crowd back who was watching this injustice happen right there in their face. However, he then began threatening the crowd to be tased if they didn’t put away their cells phones. They the officers than picked me up and smashed my head in the back window of the trunk and grabbed me and threw me in on my face in the squad car. Once I was in, I yelled to the officer, "You’re a sorry ass cop” and he then says “Oh yell”. Opens the car door back up and jumped in on top of me and began to punch me in my face again. The second officer with a gray shirt then ran on the other side grabbing my neck and began to twist it. Once I noticed what was going on, I yelled to him why are you trying to break my neck, yelling out loud as he twisted and cranked for 45 sec before reaching under my head as him and the other office played tug of war with one grabbing my feet and one my head trying to hurt me as much as possible. However coming to an end the officer with the gray shirt walked around to the other side and put a seat belt on me and both officer drove up to the light at 2nd in main and one yells in the car window to the other and says “This nigga is crazy" the officer in the other car said “Hey, you wanna take him somewhere” and knowing that they were being tailed the officer driving me declined the offer. Pulling up to lock up, i was met by some 5 white police officers that all rushed to aid of their Klan style beating that their officers did to me only to be met by the sergeant who began taking pictures of me and asking some questions of what happen. Declaring it will now be an internal affairs case. Black people in Louisville, I feared for my life last night, I really thought that I wasn’t going to live another day at the hands of the police and if they had their way I would be dead! I have a mild head concussion, a broken nose and a sprained thumb. I’m a great citizen and I love my city, but we have to get these police out. They are suppose to serve and protect, they are supposed to read you your rights? Which I received none. I’m sick of this hurt, I’m of being treated like a nobody, like a nigga, like an ant. Well it’s time to start voting these mayors and judges and captains out of office. We are the citizens and us as blacks need to come together, build together, and stop this injustice.64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andre Mulligan
Stop Hate In The SouthBlack people in the south are even to this day being put in harms way. Just by the shade of someones skin in States like WA,NC,SC,GA, and others people are beat and raped ever day in the south. This is not the American way of being we need to help our friends in the south and put a stop to all forms of hate. ware ever it lives.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brice A Cook
States: No New Laws that Permit Changes to Voting Rules Shall be Passed During a Presidential Ele...I am concerned about states changing voting rules within months of a presidential election. I personally believe this undermines the democratic process in America, especially when the "new" rule is targeted to prevent, deter or eliminate votes from a particular class/type of voter.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by F. Russell
States: No New Laws that Permit Changes to Voting Rules Shall be Changed During a Presidential El...I am concerned about states changing voting rules within months of a presidential election. I personally believe this undermines the democratic process in America, especially when the "new" rule is targeted to prevent, deter or eliminate votes from a particular class/type of voter.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by F. Russell
Support the "Mexican Spring"The “Mexican Spring” is a general term applied to the current pro-democracy, anti-corruption movement occurring now in Mexico but largely unknown by Americans due to distorting and under reporting. "MEXICAN SPRING" leaders are being jailed and going missing. They face overwhelming internal corruption of the Mexican Government, Police and Justice Systems overseeing 100,000+ murdered and missing citizens including journalists terrified into silence in recent years. Where is the Global Media? Why the inconsistent U.S. Government responses? With the Mexican people bravely standing up to protest amid serious fraud charges clouding their current election, terror tactic intimidation and evidence of Mexican Federal Police in service to Cartels including targeted killing of Americans the “Mexican Spring” deserves our urgent witness for truth and justice to prevail. Please help launch an independent investigation in the U.S. Senate outside of the situation within Mexico and the U.S. agencies closest to the corrupted dysfunction. We are all North Americans. Our security is intertwined. Please sign and share.72 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Callens
The Right to VoteVoter Supression6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John DeVita
Presedential Order to stop voter suppressionThe hardships anf hurdles being forced upon voters in some states is against federal guidelines and laws. It is another attempt to dismantle rights of Americans for political gain. Using homeland security bill if neccessary, have the President stop all rules that infringe upon voters rights before this election . After the election with a reasonable period of time both houses of congress can work on a proper bill, if needed. This is a matter of national security and the states may not fool with our nations voters rights.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Greengus
Explain discrepancies in marijuana stance.While the government insists that cannibis needs to remain a Schedule1 drug, it simultaneously holds patent #6,630,507 which clearly outlines all the medical benefits of the herb. The people deserve an explanation regarding these contradicting stances.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hope Jentis
Voter SuppressionI am concerned about possible voter suppression. Therefore, for voter ID, if you voted in a prior election, whatever the method of identification that was used by you and accepted; thus allowing you to enter the voting booth to mark your ballot and to submit your vote, can and will be used as your voter identification in perpetuity. That is, you grandfather the voter, much as we do in most cases when a standard is revisited and or revised. And, to eventually lead to a standard nationwide ID; at reaching the voting age of 18, people must register to vote, much like the process which was in place when we turned 18 and registered for the draft in the fifties. That gives an individual anywhere from one to four years to acquire the needed voter's ID before election time.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Cortez
Election Day National HolidayNational Elections occur on Tuesdays. This is a work day, making it difficult for working people to vote. Let's make it as easy as possible for EVERY citizen to vote. Let's make Election Day a National Holiday.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joel Cohen
Fair Wages for Individuals with DisabilitiesSection 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) allows employers to hold something called “special wage certificates” - which allows employers to withhold compensation or pay less than minimum wage to individuals with disabilities. (Hard to believe this type of discrimination exists) On October 4, 2011, Congressman Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and Congressman Tim Bishop (D-NY) introduced the Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2011 (H.R. 3086). The bill would phase out Section 14(c) of the FLSA over a three year period. The support and passage, of this important bill, is essential to ending discriminatory pay practices for individuals with disabilities.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by meredith kuempel