Stop Verbal/Media abuse at WORK!Please stop verbal abuse at work, you know it's legal for your supervisor to be verbally abusive to you at work? They train your supervisor to pit you against co-workers, so you won't get bored? Supervisors and co-workers can send you harassing emails, phone calls, and work you over and beyond everyone else (not equal treatment).4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vivian Yoakum
Voter Enfranchisement for students at age 16I believe that voting is a fundamental human right. I belive taxation with out representation is wrong. If a student age 16 can drive, work, get married, drop out of school, and pay taxes they should be granted sufferage and the right to vote in our democracy. By passing a civics test with a score of 70 percent or better on voting laws, students shall be enfranchised to vote in all Municipal, State, and Federal Elections.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lionel Washington
Voter Enfranchisement for students at age 16I believe that voting is a fundamental human right. I belive taxation with out representation is wrong. If a student age 16 can drive, work, get married, drop out of school, and pay taxes they should be granted sufferage and the right to vote in our democracy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lionel Washington
Jail for Future CrimesArresting and detaining a person indefinitely for a crime they have not yet committed and may not commit is contrary to the US Constitution. The courts require a charge be made within 1 to 3 days after arrest.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Mcmullan
Show Us Your Birth Certificate, MittMitt Romney should show his birth certificate. How do we know without proof Mitt was born in the US. Romney family has roots in Mexico. Was Mitt actually born in Mexico? Show Us Your Birth Certificate, Mitt.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gail Luck
Protect NJ's children not their predatorsNJ Lawmakers, Governor Christie: Pass bills S1651 and A2405 and make them law in NJ. Eliminate the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse and hold these predators and the institutions that harbor them accountable. Denying child victims of sexual abuse their day in court must stop. Which needs our protection more, our children or sexual predators and the institutions which harbor them?963 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Mark Crawford
Expanded VotingIt is necessary to defend expanded voting hours to more than Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. As citizens of the United States of America it is our constitutional right to vote. If shortened voting hours are placed into affect many Americans will not get to vote; and ironically, it would be the working class who lost their voice.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Proudfoot
Protect Free Speech Rights in TampaWith the Republican National Committee's convention starting on Tuesday in Tampa, Mayor Buckhorn needs to protect free speech by making sure City of Tampa personnel do not interfere with peaceful protests in association with Republican National Convention events.308 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Alex Levine
Help Expose Hidden Racism In This ElectionThe real elephant in this Presidential Election is the blatant racism attached to blocking the vote of people of color. A concerted effort has been maliciously constructed since the election of President Obama in 2008, to develop and present road blocks that would inhibit the inalienable rights of those who have and would vote again for President Obama. Let's call a spade a spade - Stand with me to expose the racism that is previlent in this campaign, and to restore the dignity and the unimpeded right of All the American people to vote.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Evie Stevenson
Voter Suppression: Where's the Press?Key GOP-controlled states such as Wisconsin, Ohio, Florida, and Ohio are using questionable methods of preventing probable democrat voters--young people, old people, minorities--from voting. This is un-Amarican and the press is not on top of it. Why not? They should be.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joel Rosenfeld
Homeless people have civil rights.Discrimination against the poor and homeless is rampant. Infringement of basic civil liberties is a given with current laws. (Vagrancy, loitering etc.) I have been homeless on and off for a few years and I know that Americans can be quite cruel to those who don't fit the capitalist's bill. Bias laws promote bias thinking therefore, I propose that all vagrancy laws be repealed. I also propose that public places provide shelter without bias instead of no loitering and no camping signs.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shawn
Voter supression lawssome Republican-leaning states have recently placed voter supression laws designed to prevent poor, elderly, disabled and those without transportation from voting, under the guise that they are designed to prevent fraud, without no apparent proof. If these laws are effected by states, they should apply only to state elections, and not to federal elections, as these are the domain of the federal government.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pete