• Governor of PA-Tom Corbett- Allow all PA residents the right to vote!
    The Republican governor in PA and the Republican Congress are making it very difficult for almost a million people in the state of PA to vote in the Presidential Election in November, 2012. They are forcing people to get an ID in the next 60 days. They are demanding that people get the ID yet making it difficult to acquire those ID's. Pennsylvania House Majority Leader Mike Turzai said that a recent voter ID law passed in his state "would allow Governor Romney to win Pennsylvania."
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Parkinson
  • Abolish the Electoral College
    Its time to abolish the Electoral College and the medieval way in which our President is elected. The system has no place in a true Democracy.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Juan Jimenez
  • Alabama, Rebuke Tony Perkins!
    I am calling on the. Alabama Legislatureto officially rebuke Tony Perkins' for his stance blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center for the recent wounding of a security guard at his base of hatred, The Family Research Council.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mixti Cox
  • Extend early voting in Florida
    Changing the end of early voting to include the Sunday before the election would allow more voters to place their vote at their convenience rather than being caught up in the rush of Election Day.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Carnine
  • Stop The Poll Tax
    States that require photo ID cards to vote should be made to offer them for free.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Kundrot
    Rudwan Dawod spent six months in Sudan and South Sudan last year leading a number of humanitarian projects and was featured in an Al Jazeera documentary titled, "How to Mobilize a Million" (watch it on YouTube). In his most recent trip back to South Sudan at the end of May, he was leading a reconciliation effort in which Muslims would help re-build a Catholic church in protest to a recent church-burning in Khartoum. The government of Sudan was aware of Rudwan's plans to enter his native country and they were waiting for him. Approximately ten days after he arrived in the north, Rudwan was arrested along with a dozen others in Al Haj Yousif at a demonstration he helped organize through Girifna, a youth movement calling for change in Sudan through peaceful, non-violent protests. They were speaking out against the austerity measures and increasing cost of food and basic goods, and against the violent crimes of the government. The police beat Rudwan unconscious and then went to his home to arrest his father and brother. They vandalized their home, stealing their money and valuables. Shortly after, Rudwan was taken to the NISS headquarters while the others remained in Haj Yousif Police Station. He was deprived of sleep and was tortured for days as they mocked and insulted him for his work in re-building the church in South Sudan. They beat him on his back and feet until he fainted, trying to coerce a false statement from him that he was CIA. Local government-controlled papers featured front page stories that a “terrorist cell” had been arrested and the leader was married to an American. It claimed we were part of a Darfur military movement supported by South Sudan to bomb several market places in Khartoum. While initially held incommunicado with visits denied to any lawyer or family member, Rudwan was soon transferred to a prison in Omdurman by order of the court after he appeared visibly exhausted and unable to walk well. We believe media pressure also played a key role in his transfer. The others being held in Haj Yousif were brought to Omdurman Prison to join Rudwan, where they remained until everyone except Rudwan and Ahmed Kawarti were acquitted on July 25th. There are five (5) charges against Rudwan and Ahmed, including Attempt, Abetment, Rioting (with violence), Calling for opposition to public authority (with violence), and Criminal and terrorist organizations (with violent intent). The most serious charge is punishable up to ten years in prison or the death penalty. The court will make their decision on August 13th. Armed with only a flyer, Rudwan and Ahmed are completely innocent of any of these accusations and fabricated lies. The flyer called for others to demonstrate against the lack of food, increasing transportation fees due to loss of oil subsidies, and unemployment rate after graduation. They asked others to take to the streets and protest against the corruption of the government that caused the secession of the south, destruction and death in Darfur and the mass killings in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile. (Copy of flyer available upon request.) Please help us keep the pressure on Sudan 's government to release Rudwan, Ahmed and the thousands of other peaceful protestors being held. It is NOT a crime to call for peace, equality, justice and democracy in Sudan !! For the love of his country, it was Rudwan’s conscience-duty. “The only guide to man is his conscience; the only shield to his memory is the rectitude and sincerity of his actions. It is very imprudent to walk through life without this shield, because we are so often mocked by the failure of our hopes and the upsetting of our calculations; but with this shield, however the fates may play, we march always in the ranks of honor.” Winston Churchill Nancy Dawod Springfield, Oregon
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nasr Haggam
  • Assign Presidential Election Day as a Holiday
    Businesses (Public & Private), Schools, etc. closed to participate in an event that is more American than "apple pie". An event that assures we remain a DEMOCRACY!!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Toni Meeks
  • Remove J. Edgar Hoover's name from the FBI Building in Washington, D.C.
    J. Edgar is the disgraced former director of the FBI. His misdeeds are legendary as are his violations of civil and Constitutional rights. It is a national disgrace and embarrassment that his name remains on the FBI Building in our nation's capitol. This petition is to encourage members of Congress to pass legislation removing J.Edgar Hoover's name from the FBI Building.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Weiner
  • Ohioans support giving all registered voters equal opportunity to exercise their right to vote.
    For months, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has personally acted to restrict early voting in counties with large Democratic populations—casting tie-breaking votes to limit voting to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in urban areas like Franklin County, where in previous elections 82% of early voters did so on nights or weekends. Now, Secretary of State Husted said he is considering limiting early voting hours across the state in the run-up to the November election, and will "be listening to local boards of elections' concerns on this issue." We need to let local Boards of Elections across Ohio know that Ohioans support giving all registered voters equal opportunity to exercise their right to vote.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Mattson
  • No New Poll Tax
    Voter ID laws are a new form of Poll tax that requires eligible voters to in effect pay a fee to vote. Please think about this and if you agree pass this message along to your state and federal representatives.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eben Morris
  • Lake County Bd. of Elections: Support our Right to Vote
    According to an article in the August 14 "Plain Dealer", Ohio's Sec. of State Husted is considering restricting voting hours all over our state to between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., exactly when most of us are working to earn a living. What is happening to our democratic way of life, for which thousands have given their lives, when public officials are actually trying to limit voting hours and therefore our voting rights?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S. W. Marcy
  • Keeping Federal Inmates and their Families together approve Conjugal Visits and Family Time
    This is about keeping marriages and a entire family together. There need family time in the Federal Prision System the state has it in place. It is affecting me i have a cousin in federal that we can only visit on assigned days but no family time permitted i also have a very good friend also in federal prison....
    4,304 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Dawana Burns