• Preservation of the Constitional Rights of Free Citizens
    The founding fathers of our great nation thought highly enough of free citizens being armed that it is 2nd only to the right of free speech in the Bill of Rights. All other civil liberties are less secure without it.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Darren Hyde
  • Stop Voter Suppression
    Throughout the United States, in states key to the upcoming presidential election such as: Ohio, Florida, Virginia, Texas, Iowa and Pennsylvania. Republican held state governments are enacting laws which require never before needed and costly voter identification cards, limit access to the polls in areas known to already be restricted and target low-income, elderly and minority voters. A fair election wherein all citizens can perform their civic duty and vote is central to a free democracy. Most of these restrictive laws have been enacted within the last few days or months giving the electorate little time to respond and determine if they are still eligible to vote.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meg Harris
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by lhenderson
  • Early voting should be the same in all districts in Ohio.
    Voters in Republican districts will generally have broader access to early voting than voters in Democratic districts in Ohio. Ohio's Secretary of State, Jon Husted, claims Ohio is "not 7-Eleven and can't stay open 24-7 and let anybody vote by any rule…we have standards" (Laura Ingrham radio show...as quoted on The Rachel Maddow Show 8/10.) This is a sad day for democracy in Ohio. All voters in all districts should have equal access to early voting.
    448 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Carol Sheffield
  • Stop trap wire and put and end to NDAA
    Our government has already legalized the use and surveillance of the American public. Used in conjunction with the ability to detain citizens under false pretense or suspected terroristic activity, ie freedom of speech, free journalism without trial is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tiffany Duvall
  • TN Supreme Court: Overturn the Voter ID Law
    Tennessee Supreme Court should overturn the new Voter ID law. It actively disenfranchises many groups of people including those who do not drive and is classist.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Baer Bradford
  • Stop Voter Purge in New Mexico
    Every eligible voter in New Mexico should be able to vote in this coming election. The percent of voter fraud in New Mexico is less than 0.01%. As the first Republican in this position in 80 years, Dianna Duran, Secretary of State, wants to strip eligible voters of their right to vote.
    4,756 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by CR Howell
  • Felons have not life, liberty or pursuit of happiness
    I have two felonies one in 1986 and the other in 1990. However, since these I have obtained two degrees and have been a model citizen. But, I have been denied jobs because of my past wrongs and the companies do not look at what you done right or how long those occurences have been. It has been over twenty years and I am still serving my sentence. What is rehabilitation?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn Walker
    As a life long voter, first in New York and now in Ohio, I thought my voting rights were secure. But The Powers That Be is trying to take that right away by cuting early voting times in Cuyahoga, Summit, Lucas and Franklin Counties, where I live. Is this how The Republians intend to win the election? We must not let them win!!!!!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Williams
  • T I s actions to find Human Dignity and Human Rights
    Stop Targeted Indivduals, Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons assaulted on civilians, manipulated human brain and mind, deprive on any aspect human life to any one they picked, invisible anemies and weapons, untouched torture day and night high-tech rape to humiliate human victims.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phiem Nguyen
  • Social Security and Marriage
    Why should we lost our heard earned Social Security just because we get married. Married Couples that get married after they get on disability, lose some of their benifits. Each party has worked heard of any benifits they have. Why take that away, just because they get married. No one wants to be alone. Some couples are separating, just to keep their benifits.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudia Jackson
  • Take action against Bryan Fischer
    Bryan Fischer of the American Family Organization has called for an "Underground Railroad" to "rescue" children from same sex marriages. This is not only disturbing but it might even be illegal. There certainly are people out there ignorant and crazy enough to follow Fischer's decree. We cannot allow even ONE CHILD to be abducted and I'm sure that even some of the biggest proponents of so called "traditional marriage" would agree. Please sign the petition to encourage MoveOn to either investigate the possibility of taking legal action or at the very least to condemn Mr. Fischers actions. http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2012/08/08/655951/bryan-fischer-children-of-same-sex-couples-must-be-sav
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathan Cox