Early Voting Hours Denied DemocratsOhio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R) has limited access to early voting in Ohio counties with large Democratic populations. Now he wants to restrict early voting across the state. He will contact local boards of elections for feedback regarding this idea. This is your opportunity to tell the Clermont County Board of Elections that you support uniform, expanded early voting hours across Ohio.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vicki Lipski
Support Uniform,Expanded Early Voting HoursThe Ohio Secretary of State John Husted has personally acted to restrict early voting areas in traditionally "blue" or democratic leaning counties, while he has simultaneuously EXTENDED early voting hours in "traditionally red" or republican leaning counties. This double standard CANNOT stand.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Burstion-Young
Uniformly expanded early voting hours across Ohio2012 voting access in Ohio.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Gorse
Stop Voter SuppressionI have never experienced voter suppression in my 53 years of voting because I reside in New York state but what I read and hear in the news is appalling that people are being denied their right to vote3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shirley V. H. Cooper
Early Voting FairnessEarly voting might be restricted in certain counties for the upcoming election. This petition is in support of expanded, uniform early voting hours.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nicholas Slone
Support Uniform Voting HoursI know people who work long hours, do not drive and tend to vote in general elections during the last three days of early voting hours. In the 2004 election, the lines were so long that people could not wait to vote. I would like everyone to have to the opportunity to exercise this special right as a citizen.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dawn A. Ring
Support for early voting in OhioThe limiting of voting time could potentially effect all eligible voters, including me, in Delaware County. This is not the time, whether you're Republican, Democrat, or Independent, to limit voting in any way.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stan Blostein
Save Early Voting in OhioOn Wednesday, August 15, 2012, the New York Times published an op-ed entitled Overt Discrimination in Ohio, in response to the fact that voters in conservative leaning counties will be able to vote in the evenings and weekends while voters in more progressive and urban counties will not. This is not democracy. Every Ohio voter should have the same access and opportunity to vote early. Currently, many Ohio county Board of Elections are in dead-lock ties on extending early voting hours and choosing accessible early voting locations. That's why we're calling on the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to break these tie votes, making voting easy and convenient for all Ohioans. If we don't act now, voters in Ohio can expect long lines and confusion about times during the upcoming early voting period for the 2012 election. Sign our petition calling on the Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted to break these tie votes, making voting easy and convenient for all Ohioans.145 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Fighting for Ohio Jobs
Hamilton County: Support uniform expanded voting hours across OhioThe State of Ohio is moving to restrict early voting hours in urban areas. This is clearly meant to disenfranchise the high number of urban voters who have taken advantage of the opportunity to vote on evenings and weekends. Our democratic process calls on as many voters as possible to participate in elections - not just those who can get away from work in the middle of the day.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Thomas McCann
Protect Equal Voting Rights in OhioOhioans are being denied equal access to the polls this November because Board of Election officials, along with Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, have denied extended voting hours to counties with large Democratic populations. Every American deserves the right to participate in our democracy! Learn more: http://news.cincinnati.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=%2F201208052259%2FNEWS0106%2F30805005319 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Honig
stop voter supressionsecty. of state Husted intends to change early voting hours and days on a county by county basis---shortening the hours in DEMOCRATIC -INDEPENDENT MARJORITY COUNTIES .3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LOU STAMMER
Expand Early Voting in OhioIn previous elections 82 of voters in Frankin County voted on nights and weekends. Secretary Of State John Husted is considering limiting early voting hours running up to the election in November .and will be listening to local boards of elections concens on the issue. We need expanded hours to insure that everyone has the opportunity to exercise their right to vote.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Tovar