Ohio Board of Elections: Give Fair Access to VotingFor months, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has personally acted to restrict early voting in counties with large Democratic populations—casting tie-breaking votes to limit voting to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in urban areas like Franklin County, where in previous elections 82% of early voters did so on nights or weekends. Now, Secretary of State Husted said he is considering limiting early voting hours across the state in the run-up to the November election. Help send a message that voting should be accessible to everyone, regardless of his or her political affiliation.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roy Bielewicz
Ensure uniform, expanded early voting hours across OhioAll registered voters, including those with long working hours, should be able to find the poles open early enough (or late enough) so that they can cast their vote !3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julia Albertin
Gay Marriage NowMake Arkansas , allow gays to marrie there partners and raise there famileys ,2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Foy
2nd Bill Of Rights!!To stop abuses of employers, demanding too much work from their workers. Remember a time when there was even more people helping to do the job, living in a stress free environment. Most of todays employers ask or demand more, and people are getting sick, getting injuried, making family second to job, hiring illegals or foreigners,even cuting benefits, saying they cost more, but in reality its about GREED !!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard
End Voter SuppressionThough states actually elect members of Congress and the president, we need a federal mandate to stop all voter suppression nationwide. All political parties must remind all eligible americans to register and vote. All states must issue voter registration picture ID cards at states' expense. If possible, President Obama should issue the mandate via Executive Order in time for the November 6, 2012 elections.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John C Johnston
Support uniform, expanded early voting hours across Ohio!County election boards in Ohio, a closely contested swing state, are evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans. It is important that the election boards support equal, uniform access to voting opportunities across the State.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Piepsny
Dont be denied your right to vote!Support giving registered voters equal opportunity to exercise their right to vote. Publicly support uniform, expanded early voting hours across Ohio. We need to protect our voting rights so that they are not taken from us. Ohio Secretary of State has personally restricted early voting in counties with large Democratic populations-casting tie breaking votes to weekdays 8am to 5 pm in urban areas like Franklin County, where in previous elections 82% of early voters did so on nights or weekends. Now Secretary of State Husted said he is considering limiting ealry voting hours across the state in the run-up to the November election, and will "be listening to the local boards of elections' concerns on this issue."4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Monica Hegeman
Uniformity of voting opportunities for all OhioansI believe that all counties in Ohio should have open and expanded hours for voting in evenings and on weekends so that those Ohioans who cannot get to the polls on election day can trust that their votes for the candidates of their choice will be counted. We cannot have a situation like the one that disenfranchised those voters who stood in the rain on election day of 2004 and could not get into the polls before they closed. The situation of depriving voters in specific counties their right to the same voting opportunities as those in "red" counties is un-American. This is reminiscent of the situation in Germany under the Nazis. This is America, where the Voting Rights Act is affords all Americans the same opportunities in the exercize of their rights to vote. The Republicans are showing their lack of confidence in their candidate and have resorted to voter suppression to get votes for their candidate. Officials in Pennsylvania have even admitted that their policies on voter suppression will "get the job DONE in favor of Romney".1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marianne Davis
Voting Rights in OhioFor months, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has personally acted to restrict early voting in counties with large Democratic populations—casting tie-breaking votes to limit voting to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in urban areas like Franklin County, where in previous elections 82% of early voters did so on nights or weekends. Now, Secretary of State Husted said he is considering limiting early voting hours across the state in the run-up to the November election, and will "be listening to local boards of elections' concerns on this issue. We believe this is a violation of the rights of voters who are not able to comply with this voting window.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Weiser
Keep expanded early voting in Richland CountyThe Secretay of State in Ohio is threatening to curtail early and expanded voting to the citizens of Richland County. This will lead to low voter turnout because of the restricted hours available to vote.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by deborah walker
Cuyahoga County Board of ElectionsFor months, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has personally acted to restrict early voting in counties with large Democratic populations—casting tie-breaking votes to limit voting to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in urban areas like Franklin County,1 where in previous elections 82% of early voters did so on nights or weekends.2 Now, Secretary of State Husted said he is considering limiting early voting hours across the state in the run-up to the November election, and will "be listening to local boards of elections' concerns on this issue."3 1. "Jon Husted doesn't rule out limiting early voting throughout Ohio," Cleveland Plain Dealer, Aug 14, 2012 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=278941&id=48892-4564828-nRET8wx&t=5 2. "Ohio Early Voting Cutbacks Disenfranchise Minority Voters," The Nation, Aug 8, 2012 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=278942&id=48892-4564828-nRET8wx&t=6 3. "Jon Husted doesn't rule out limiting early voting throughout Ohio," Cleveland Plain Dealer, Aug 14, 2012 http://www.moveon.org/r?r=278941&id=48892-4564828-nRET8wx&t=71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rehan
Don't Restrict Early Voting HoursI'm concerned that early voting hours are being restricted to weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Many work during those hours, and choose to vote before or after work -- or even on weekends. Voting is a basic right in our country, and should not be restricted. I am petitioning the Board of Elections to make voting as accessible as possible.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kara Afrates