• The Disenfranchiased Voters of Florida.
    The disenfranchiased voters of Florida. 180,000 former voters that the Govenors office says are not qualified to vote for whatever reason. These people need help-NOW
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Hale
  • Thank Bob Page at Replacements Ltd for Opposing Amendment 1
    Replacements Ltd. of Greensboro, NC lost customers because it actively opposed the recently passed “Amendment 1.” Unfortunately, on May 8, 2012, NC voters enshrined bigotry and ignorance into its constitution with an amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. Not one single Fortune 500 company headquartered in NC had the guts to publically oppose this discriminatory measure. Replacements, Ltd. did. Led by Founder and Chairman Bob Page, the company lobbied legislators, contacted other companies, contributed big money, and did much more in public view to fight the amendment. Replacements Ltd. even tried to recruit other companies to join it, but most were too afraid. Big name company support in other states has been instrumental in helping advance marriage equality efforts. Despite receiving multiple negative emails, calls, and letters from angry customers withdrawing their business, Bob Page does not regret this activism. He doesn’t want other gay kids to suffer as he did and especially wants to help prevent teen suicide.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim M. Batson
  • Ronald Nesbitt: Public Internal Review of Police/Gov't Actions actions
    Demand that City Manager, Steve Hall publicly expose to the general public for review my 13 years of police services. The public deserves a right to know about their police services, and especially minorities who are under represented. The Olympia Police Department consistently covered-up my facts pertaining to complaints associated to racist practices, and actions that raised questions around their integrity as a public safety agency. The extent of racism in the City of Olympia alone warrants concern in, and of itself regarding the quality of justice being dispensed to minorities. By signing the petition, I'll seek compensation related to personal, and career damages, as well as create an independent citizen police review process.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Nesbitt
    Orwellian legislation is up for a vote this summer: the extension of the "FISA amendments" that allow the government to read our email and listen to our phone calls: and CISPA, the new internet censorship bill. Both have been passed by the Republican House. It is up to us to call our senators and read the riot act about these bills. Watch this short interview, "Senate AdvancesExpanded, "Orwellian" Gov’t Surveillance with FISA Amendments, CISPA" here: http://www.democracynow.org/2012/5/24/senate_advances_expanded_orwellian_govt_surveillance
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Olenska
  • Photo ID Volunteers
    I would like to propose that an organization be formed to provide legal photo i.d.s for those in need. I, for one, would volunteer to take photos of people who want to exercise their Constitutional right to vote, and there must be many more who are willing to volunteer their time..
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Clary
    Marissa Alexander is a 31 yr. old mother of three - a battered woman who only fired a warning shot at her attacker. This was in "Stand Your Ground" Florida...the same state George Zimmerman killed an unarmed teen and was initially allowed to walk, without charges. Marissa was not only denied that same right, and she didn't even KILL the guy. She successfully stopped the attack. And now she has been sentenced to 20 YEARS IN PRISON...an OUTRAGE.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Janet Garnett
  • Allow LGBT community to save lives in their communities by donating blood!
    My fellow Americans: Thank you for taking the time to read about this petition and an issue that is very near and dear to my heart. I work for the Nation's second largest blood bank and the issue of blood donation has been a cause of mine ever since my grandmother had breast cancer. While undergoing a double mastectomy she lost an immense amount of blood and required multiple blood transfusions. Had it not been for those in her community, which cared enough to donate their blood, I would not have grown up having a grandmother. Once in high school and discovering who I was and that I was gay. I soon discovered that I was discriminated against from further donating and helping save others lives just as others had done for my grandmother because of the threat or risk of HIV/AIDS infection into the blood supply. I understood the reasons and back then I was even ok with them. Because it was all about ensuring the blood supply was safe for everyone. Fast forward a few more years to 2007 when I was elected student body president of Los Angeles City College and with the knowledge that only 5% of Americans that are eligible and actually donate I doubled the number of blood drives we had on campus and recruited feverishly to make sure every drive was more successful than the previous. But, every with every blood drive it got more and more difficult to answer questions about why I wasn't donating and the excuses of tattoos and traveling often didn’t hold much water as everyone knew I hadn't done either in years. Having to turn away would be donors based on solely on discrimination and old science made me feel even worse. I don’t think I could ever manage to forget the inner turmoil those experiences was a catalyst to. During the last blood drive on campus I began to see clearly, because I was a man and loved another man, I was separate and not equal. If not for anything else, living with HIV/AIDS for over 30 years has taught society that it doesn’t discriminate but we do. Had we not come farther as a society? Now, some 5 years later I once again am championing the effort of saving lives through donating blood as a Donor Outreach Coordinator. Having taken blood banking 101, I was surprised to learn that it wasn't the Non-Profs or the numerous tests each donation undergoes, 11 test for infectious diseases and 3 specifically test for HIV, that were keeping the LGBT community from donating that in fact its the FDA. Whose 32-year-old policy of discrimination was not only keeping thousands of healthy Americans from donating but also innocent children from receiving much needed transfusions so they could once again leave their homes and attend school like other children who don't suffer from sickle cell anemia. After learning the facts it was clear to me that I could no longer sit on the sidelines and stand by as our government continues their policy of separate and not equal while thousands of Americans die or cannot live their lives to its fullest because of outdated interpretations of, “Anyone who is at risk of contracting HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.” This outdated and discriminatory policy needs to be updated and new interpretation needs to be based on science and not fear mongering. I believe that this petition, http://signon.org/sign/allow-the-lgbt-community, can change this and thousands of Americans will benefit as a result of changing the FDA's policies. I hope that you will stand with me against this policy of institutionalized discrimination, by doing so help build a bridge from one community to another and help individuals within our communities together as one America! Sincerely, Ryan C. Allen
    5,604 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Ryan C. Allen
  • Rescind "Bill 78" and uphold the right to assembly.
    Last night 518 peaceful demonstrators were brutally arrested in Montreal under a new law known as "Bill 78". Under this martial-law like bill, all public assemblies are effectively banned in clear violation of Article 20 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, a set of laws and principals to which both the US and Canada are signatory. Please join us in demanding that Jean Charest, the Premier of Quebec, abolish this draconian law and drop all charges against peaceful protesters.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin W. Sewell
    Stop the GAG order against Doctors. It is unconstitutional and a clear violation of the First Ammendment. Dr. Gina Makris
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina Makris
  • Justice for Vern Traversie
    Last year, Cheyenne River Sioux Vern Traversie, a tribal citizen of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, went to the Rapid City Regional Hospital for heart surgery, but a graphic photograph taken by a nurse upon his September return home indicates the procedures went far beyond normal medical care. The pictures show three distinctive Ks - or KKK - on his abdomen. Law enforcement and medical personnel have yet to satisfy Traversie and others with any follow up action against the hospital's staff. They maintain no one did anything wrong to Traversie. (Source: Native News Network)
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Eastman
  • President Obama on marriage issues
    President Obama point of view on same sex marriages shows the direction our sociaty is going. He said that his family is a christian one, but his way of thinking is showing that is not a reality in his own life. If you think that marriage still should be between a man a woman according with the Bible, share it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Mendoza
  • Stop HOA Power In Our Neighborhoods
    HOA are taking over the rights of Home Owners. Taking monthly payments, but realy does nothing for community? Putting leans on home owners property when they fall behind on payments and they can't park in front of their own home. Sign to Stop the this type of power of HOAs in our neighborhoods.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Forlesia Cook