"Ushering in an AIDS-free generation," means keeping HIV/AIDS medications accessible.The battle against AIDS has some remarkable recent successes to report: 1 million babies treated with medication to prevent HIV infection at birth. 5 1/2 million people accessing lifesaving treatment in 2012, up from 50,000 in 2005 We are on our way to ZERO! Zero new infections and zero babies infected at birth; Zero AIDS-related moralities; Zero discrimination against those impacted by HIV/AIDS. But at the same time there is an imminent challenge to maintaining the good news: A massive global trade agreement, the Trans Pacific Partnership, is currently being negotiated without public input. The agreement contains articles which would impose intellectual property and patent protections that would cut off access to lifesaving medications for millions living with HIV/AIDS. Through signing this petition you will be urging our President to fulfill his commitment to, "Ushering in an AIDS-free generation," while at the same time bolstering the image and perception of the United States throughout the World.318 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Benjamin Gerritz
Demand Gov. Brown launch an investigation into the mass sterilizations of women at California pri...The LA Times, NYTimes, NPR and other media report that 158 women have undergone sterilization in California prisons without the required approval of the state medical committee between 2005 and 2010. The sterilizations were not medically necessary and the victims report that they were coerced into the procedure. We demand answers -- the idea of forced sterilizations bring up the worst of eugenics and of 1939 Germany, not 2013 California. Who was responsible for these sterilizations? Why were they performed when not medically necessary? Why was one of the women's ovaries removed when she specifically told her doctor she intended to have children in the future? Involuntarily removing a woman’s ovaries or pressuring her into a sterilization while incarcerated is absolutely unacceptable. Demand Gov. Brown immediately launch an investigation to determine who is responsible and to ensure this never happens again.80 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Callahan, Courage Campaign
Criminal action against Bankers and Wall StreetBoth the large banks and the Wall Street firms (e.g. Goldman Sachs) conspired to develop and sell financial instruments that were illegally represented and sold to individuals and companies around the world. These investments eventually failed causing individuals and their investments to fail while Wall St were betting against the success of these investments and profited from the failure of these investments. In every case, an individual that attempted to perpetrate this type of fraud would be prosecuted and if found guilty, send to jail and fined (e.g. Bernie Madoff). The same should be true for executives of these financial institutions, they should be criminally prosecuted to the full extent of the law and held accountable. The SEC only has the charter to pursue these situations on a civil basis. The US Dept. of Justice must pursue this to insure criminal actions are prosecuted. To date, the Dept. of Justice has not taken on this challenge. If successfully prosecuted, the financial penalties should be returned to the individuals affected. The Sec, the White House and the Dept. of Justice have been communicated to without even a response! The petition is to "find and prosecute the guilty for this illegal action against innocent investors, fine them, send them to jail and return the lost amounts to the people negatively affected".77 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Randy baker
Junk Mail is Killing the Post OfficeJunk mailers are driving our post office into bankruptcy. But no one in congress will discuss the elephant in the room: corporations which bombard postal customers with unwanted junk mail at subsidized rates.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claude LeBrun
Label GMOs in MississippiGenetically Modified Organisms (most of our corn, soybeans and cotton) are being grown and consumed in Mississippi and they have never been properly, independently tested. The first independent testing being done in Europe shows reasons to be concerned. We should not be unknowing guinea pigs in this mass experiment. We should have the right to know if the food we buy has GMOs in it.446 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Luke Lundemo
Motgage Bankers Destruction of Our NeighborhoodsThe destruction of my neighborhood1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathleen Valenti
Consumers have a right to know if they are being experimented on! ¡Los consumidores tienen derech...Big Agriculture companies have invested huge amounts of money to prevent originators of food from being legally required to disclose whether that food contains genetically modified ingredients. Why do consumers want to know if their food contains GMO ingredients? Because the long term safety -- and even the short term safety -- of Genetic Modification is not established -- and worse -- there are studies in European countries that it definitely is NOT safe. Monsanto and other companies invested in Genetic modification want the right to experiment on consumers without their consent or knowledge -- and with no risk of liability! Connecticut just overcame corporate opposition and passed a law requiring that GMO content be disclosed. We can do that in New Mexico also. Grandes empresas de agricultura han invertido enormes cantidades de dinero para evitar que los originadores de alimentos están legalmente obligados a revelar si el alimento contiene ingredientes genéticamente modificados. ¿Por qué los consumidores quieren saber si sus alimentos contienen ingredientes transgénicos? Porque no se establecieron la seguridad a largo plazo--y ni siquiera la seguridad a corto plazo - de modificación genética, y peor, existen estudios en los países europeos que definitivamente no es seguro. Monsanto y otras empresas que invierten en la modificación genética quieren el derecho a experimentar con los consumidores sin su consentimiento o conocimiento--y sin riesgo de responsabilidad! Connecticut sólo superó la oposición empresarial y aprobó una ley que requiere que se revelen el contenido de OGM. También podemos hacer eso en Nuevo México.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Patamia
Right to know: Label genetically modified organismsLabel genetically modified organisms in our food.1,448 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Alissa Laurito
Colorado Democrats: Support Investigation of EAGLE-NetBroomfield, CO-based federal grantee EAGLE-Net has, in the last two years: a) blown through some $93 million of its $100.6 million grant and has less than 40 paying customers (of a promised 230) b) cannot account for $25 million of the grant c) is trying to "sell" the taxpayer-financed network for $8 million and its not clear that they have any takers even at that price and d) provides service to only a very small handful of Colorado's rural school districts. Where did all the money go? Most of the $100.6 million in taxpayer money went to the construction contractor for the project, multinational corporate giant, G4S, headquartered in the UK (not Colorado, not even the US). G4S is also the corporate parent of operators of private prisons and alleged human rights abusers. Leading the charge to investigate EAGLE-Net’s alleged taxpayer rip-off are the four (4) Republican members of the Colorado Congressional delegation to the US House of Representatives, NOT the five (5) progressive Democrats in the US House and Senate. Despite many letters, communications and petitions from constituents, communities and civic organizations across rural Colorado, Democrats in the Colorado congressional delegation consistently refuse to support any investigation into alleged fraud, waste and abuse in EAGLE-Net's $100.6 million rural broadband grant. Please sign the petition calling on Senators Bennet and Udall, Representatives Polis, DeGette and Perlmutter to join their Republican colleagues Representatives Garner, Tipton, Lamborn and Coffman in supporting a non-partisan, independent investigation by US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritkzer, the General Accounting Office (GAO) and the US Senate (Request for an oversight hearing) into EAGLE-Net's alleged misuse of $100.6 million in taxpayer dollars 2011 through 2013. The failure of the EAGLE-Net grant means hundreds of thousands of Colorado school kids are denied access to 21st century online learning tools. Fraud, waste, non-transparency, non-compliance, lack of oversight and blatant abuse in federal spending are NOT partisan issues.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Franklin D. Ohrtman, Jr.
Pass Elizabeth Warren's Glass-Steagall BillElizabeth Warren introduced a new Glass-Steagall bill to stop Wall Street banks from gambling with the life savings of regular families. It will also help prevent future bailouts. Sign the petition, which we'll deliver to Congress. (And, watch Elizabeth Warren talk about this petition on MSNBC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyRR-PsmPFM)175 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Save Pohoiki - Keep Puna Clean and GreenPrior geothermal activity in the Pohoiki area of the Island of Hawai`i has caused serious community harm, resulting in successful lawsuits by more than 100 residents. Hawaii Electric Light Company's present effort to contract for new geothermal development without considering the community's concerns is unreasonable and should be stopped. For further information please visit http://punapono.com/index.php/save1,809 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Puna Pono Alliance
Ban GMO's in Illinois.We are not science experiments to Monsanto1,916 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Alec