• Hey Walmart: Stop trying to bully the DC government
    Walmart is considering opening three stores in Washington, D.C., but now the Washington Post is reporting that Walmart execs are telling the D.C. Council they will abandon plans for all three stores if the Council passes a living wage so that workers get a fair salary of $12.50 an hour. (Here's the Post story: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/wal-mart-says-it-will-pull-out-of-dc-plans-should-city-mandate-living-wage/2013/07/09/4fa7e710-e8d0-11e2-a301-ea5a8116d211_story.html) $12.50 an hour is only $26,000 a year for a full-time worker -- barely enough to be called a living wage in a city as expensive Washington D.C., but apparently Walmart thinks even that paltry wage is too high. To each their own, I guess, but now Walmart is now trying to throw its weight around and intimidate D.C. Council members in order to prevent the living wage from passing for any workers in the city. That's outrageous, and the Council shouldn't allow fair wages for workers to be held hostage by Walmart. If Walmart doesn't want to pay workers a fair wage, then they should take their stores elsewhere.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nick Berning
  • WE THE PEOPLE Demand THAT all of the $100 billion in business subsidies be revoked,
    WE THE PEOPLE Demand THAT all of the $100 billion in annual business (give aways) subsidies be revoked and all Tax breaks for both exporting jobs, and Hiring overseas for Jobs in America be recinded !
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William J Ryan
  • Overturn Citizens United
    unlimited, often secret spending from billionaires and multinational corporations has been a disaster. If we do not act, money wil continue to inundate our elections and overwhelm the voices of voters. This corrosive system can result in a government for the highest bidder, rather than of, by, and for the people.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Anderson
  • Democrats: Oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership
    WHEREAS the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement ( hereinafter referred to as TPP) is being negotiated in secret as a “trade agreement” while 24 of the 26 chapters are about new enforceable corporate rights and privileges and restraints on government regulations on drug patent monopolies affecting the price of HIV/AIDS drugs among others, on the offshoring of jobs, on the preservation of natural resources, and on financial services, land use, food safety, energy, tobacco and threats to internet freedom; AND WHEREAS these new rules will be enforced through trade sanctions enforced by corporate –appointed tribunals which will have the power to sue the US government and other governments for compensation for losses caused by enforcement of financial, health, environmental, land use and other laws which they deem to have caused them financial loss; AND WHEREAS after Obama’s election US trade officials were instructed to withdraw from the TPP negotiations launched by President Bush and instead to sort out a new approach to trade which would fix the NAFTA model and prevent the corporate control of international trade of which TPP is an extreme example;
    269 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Reik
  • Congressman Daines, Give It Back!
    Congressman Daines recently accepted a $10,000 contribution from Citizens United for his 2014 campaign. Last November, in the same election that Montana voters sent Steve Daines to Congress, Montanans called on our elected officials to overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision when we passed Initiative 166 with 75% of the vote. But instead of heeding the will of the voters, Daines is aligning himself with the very group leading the assault on our clean election laws. Please join me in demanding that Congressman Daines return the Citizens United money.
    721 of 800 Signatures
    Created by C.B. Pearson
  • Label GMOs in Maryland Etiquetar los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados (GMOs, en inglés) en M...
    Genetically modified food is controversial. Many scientists reveal multiple studies showing its harm. We demand the right to choose which food we eat by demanding that the Maryland General Assembly pass a labeling law. Los comestibles genéticamente modificados son polémicos. Muchos científicos han revelado múltiples estudios que demuestran su peligro. Exigimos el derecho a elegir lo que comamos exigiéndole a la Asamblea General de Maryland que aprueben una ley de etiquetación.
    606 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mark Patro
  • [email protected]
    When IndyMac Bank failed on July 11th 2008 I was one of the uninsured depositor's that lost $105, 000.00. But if it was not for Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, and President Obama signing the Wall Street Reform the FDIC is now holding $61,000.00 of my deposits..
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael J. Latreille
  • JP Morgan CHASE Bank vs. the little guy
    The practices of Big business and the people they take advantage of, you, me, the everyday hard working customer
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valerie Lesly
  • Take Back Our Democracy, Now! ¡Recuperar la democracia ahora!
    I am sick and tired of our financial systems robbing and cheating us while nothing gets done about it! Are we really powerless? Are the people of the United States of America truly voiceless in this matter? We cannot sit back and do nothing as our elected officials have done. We have to try to change this, or the majority of us will continue to suffer while the wealthiest continue to amass greater and greater fortunes at our expense. We WILL become the new serfs of this age if we fail to act! There is, believe it or not, a silver bullet that can solve this problem if we can just persevere. There is no choice but to publicly finance the campaigns of our elected officials. Let’s take the power the banks and corporations have over our government back! If you want to do one small - yet powerful - thing, sign this petition to change our Constitution, and pass it on to others who want to stop this downward spiral. Estoy harto de que nuestros sistemas financieros nos están robando y engañando mientras nada se está haciendo al respecto! ¿Somos realmente impotentes? ¿Las personas de los Estados Unidos realmente no tienen voz en este asunto? No podemos quedarnos con los brazos cruzados y no hacer nada como nuestros funcionarios electos han hecho. Tenemos que intentar cambiar esto, o la mayoría de nosotros seguirá sufriendo mientras los más ricos siguen acumulando fortunas más y más a nuestra costa. ¡Nos convertiremos en los nuevos siervos de esta época si no actuamos!
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul Polsinelli
  • Make Monsanto Pay for Agricultural Terrorism
    Monsanto needs to be stopped, their patents on seeds repealed, and all the top-ranking government officials with ties to the company must be investigated and persecuted accordingly for conspiracy to commit agricultural terrorism in the USA and abroad.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catriona
  • Support Michigan Anti-ATM Bridge Card Abuse Laws
    The current language in all six bills "HB-4858, 4859, 4860, SB-434, 435 and 436" fails to include those, the Vendors and/or Independent Contractors who own, operate and manage their private ATMs that would or will fall, slipping through the cracks, holes or gaps in legally mandating compliance with the law, justifies our request to amend said same.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
  • Hey Google! Stop Funding Climate Deniers!
    Google's motto is "Don't Be Evil," but it is supporting one of the worst climate-denier organizations in the world: the Koch-funded Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI). The Washington Post just revealed that Google was the biggest single donor to CEI's annual dinner on Thursday, June 20, dropping $50,000 in support of this anti-science group. The dinner was headlined by radical global warming denier Sen. Rand Paul. CEI's other donors include a who's who of polluters: American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, Altria (Phillip Morris), Koch Companies, and Koch's Americans For Prosperity. CEI is famed for its ad promoting carbon dioxide emissions: "They call it pollution. We call it life." "You can lie about the effects of climate change, but eventually you'll be seen as a liar," Google chairman Eric Schmidt has said. Google has been a corporate leader in fighting climate change pollution, and its support for CEI's liars is a glaring mistake.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Emily Southard