• Stay Long on America
    I want to remove short selling from stock trading. Allowing it to be legal breeds corruption. If no can make money from a stock going down, investing in the market would be safer for the rest of us.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve
    Let us stop BIG money to run election campaigns! Let's reduce our country's debt with the BIG money or create GREEN jobs that will benefit all of us!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erika Miller
  • Boycott Koch Brothers
    Not so much a petition, more a call to boycott. Compile a list of products, print and ask people to sign if willing to participate.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eli Miller
  • Only "people" can donate to political campaigns
    Overturn the notion that corporations are people and restrict all political contributions to real people, with full disclosure.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Hankins
  • Make the big banks accountable for their actions.
    Three years after becoming disabled and filling out modification offers I was told I qualified for. Jumping through all hoops required while I paid bills with my twenty years of retirement. Now, I have made my last trial payment with no offer and received a statement they are following through on foreclosure as they take my last payment.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hicks
  • Make it illegal for banks to force Homeowners to go behind on their payments with a promise of help
    Almost 5 years after the mortgage banking meltdown truly began, Banks are still requiring that a homeowner is behind on their payments in order to be considered "in need of any help". These Banks require and encourage said mortgage homeowner to be behind in their mortgage payments with promises of the loan modificaiton that never comes OR in the matter of a Short Sale. Aug 3rd of 2007-My nearly 10 year career as a Senior Mortgage Banker abruptly ended with the Nationwide Mortgage Bank I worked for in 23 HOURS in one of the very first mortgage banking meltdowns. 10, 0000 employees nationwide without work, salaries,sick or vacation payouts and of course none of received our "guaranteed continued benefites". I had something added to this very stressful time. July 2006 I moved my entire single life from Santa Cruz, CA to the island of Hawaii to open an office for the company and as well my lender employer was more than willing to put me into a mortgage loan for a new home - my first in 16 years after a really bad divorce - I was thrilled. A container over the ocean, 2 cars, me by myself with cat in tow. And now I found myself literally stuck on an island. At age 53, forced to leave my new home behind (and the nearly $20K in new furnishings, etc.) and return to my business base in CA. to see what I could salvage of my career. I went without a paycheck for two years! I emptied my retirement and savings in an attempt to hold everything together. June 2008, my mortgage bank let me know that I needed to be behind in order to get a loan modification. Of course as a mortgage banker this was so wrong in our business and by Dec 2008 I was forced into defaulting before EMC/Chase would help me or say they were helping me. While reinventing myself into a Realtor/Senior Short Sale Negotiator - (I have negotiated nearly 280 short sales now-where I have learned a great many things) I was denied over and over again for a loan mod. 32 Months later - I gave up as the loan mod of course never came. At the beginning of 2011 I needed a new car and my credit is SO severely damaged due to this I had to rent a car on a month to month basis until I could pay all cash for one. July 2011 I was once again denited - I have worked some 70 plus hours a week for nearly 5 years and I have come to the conclusion about why no loan mod has come which is another story. Bottom line - I am left now at age 57 with no retirement, savings living paycheck to paycheck trying to rebuild my life working way more than someone my age should - but so many people need help.Life is dimishedin so much when you lose job and career without site of another one. It is hard enough financially and certainly emotionally as documetaries continue to demonstrate - must we also give up what is left of our dignity to these giants that can not fail by surrendering our credit as well? Loan Modifications are NOT the banks plan. Only 11% across the board have been issued and most fail again after that. It isn't their agenda. You end up selling short or foreclosing. I SAY NO MORE!!! NOTE: Nearly 79 Million Baby Boomers in this country are cleaning out their retirements AND kids college funds to make payments they CAN NOT AFFORD in order to have a place to live AND hang onto their clean credit. Picture this: 10-15 years from now there maybe NO Medicare, NO Social Security and certainly NO Retirement for these Baby Boomer Seniors to live on. As well, if they spent their kids college funds paying mortgage payments on home loans worth twice what the property was and still lost the home....who will be running our country with all of their children without higher educations?
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellen Carter
  • Sanctity of Life Legislation
    This petition is a plea to law makers to enact legislation prohibiting artificial genetic DNA manipulation of living things for the purpose of producing a new and unnatural living organism that can reproduce and alter the natural evolutionary process. The DNA molecule is a program for a living cell, analogous to software that runs a computer. By design, this software is adaptive and passes only characteristics desirable for advancement and survival on to its offspring. It is what drives the evolutionary process that has gotten living organisms to the sophisticated level they are today. No government, business entity, scientist, or individual has any right to tamper with this software and disrupt this natural process. Laws should be written prohibiting any tampering with DNA strands with the intent of copyrighting or patenting seeds or organisms capable of reproduction and offering them as a salable product, considering such actions as criminal. In addition, experimentation done for research purposes resulting in accidental release of these types of organisms into the environment, will require those responsible to be held liable for damages and removal of the organisms from the environment.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Bowlds
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edmund Bartlett
  • Mitt Romney needs to release 10 years of tax returns!
    The American people want full disclosure of Mitt Romney 10 year tax returns before September 11, 2012. This should be so that all mystery and he is fully honest with the American people.
    279 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marc L. Webb
  • Citibank, hand over the proof!
    In 2007, Citibank claimed my 85-year-old mother was overdrawn on her checking account by almost $4,500. They got her to take out a 30-year HELOC loan for $10,000, with a 3-year prepayment penalty, to pay off this alleged "overdraft", although she didn't need it. I feel that this was a form of "Financial Elder Abuse". I have repeatedly asked to see documentation to prove Citibank's claim that my mother was ever overdrawn. They have refused.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debra Goodman
    If Romney can be bought by the highest bidders, then Romey is no different than a corporation. We need a PERSON in the Presidency, not a corporation.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edmund Bartlett
  • The jigg is up, Mitt
    Mitt Romney has made it his to try and slander President Obama's good name!!! However Romney refuses to release 10 years 10 whole years worth of his tax returns!!! We have to do whatever to hold Mitt accountable. What's he got to hide???? Hmmmmmm
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kiana Gomillion