• Every American Needs to Be Informed by the Banks / Credit Unions, Where He / She is the Customer,...
    Every American Needs to Be Informed by the Banks / Credit Unions, Where He / She is these Customer, about All the Newest Policies / Fees Schedules these Particular Financial Institutions Have. Especially, it is Very Important to Inform the Customers in Regards to the Fees Schedules and the Existing Options Allowing to Protect Each Checking Account from the Circumstances Taking Place if the Checking Account Has the Negative Balance. If Every Customer Is Educated by the Financial Institution about mentioned above Federal Reserve Bank's Rules, Americans will save a lot of money by not paying fees to cover negative balance ($35. or more each day or each 5th day depending on the financial institution's policies while the balance is negative). All the Financial Institutions Should mail Every Customer the Detail Policies as Soon as the Policies / Fees Schedules Changed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alla I. Shuper
  • We stand with Majority Leader Harry Reid in asking Mitt Romney to release 10 years worth of tax r...
    My Senator Harry Reid has challenged Mitt Romney to release 10 years of his tax returns, like his father did (12 years) and Mitt has refused. As an American citizen, I think it is our right to see how a person who is running for President of the USA has paid their income tax. When he ran for Governor of Massachusetts he insisted that Ted Kennedy release his tax returns. So please Mitt don't be a hypocrite, release your tax returns.
    40,008 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by James Walsh
  • Gov. Romney show us your last 10 IRS returns.
    The American people deserve to see your IRS returns so they can see who they are voting for. Not releasing them causes the American people to think that you are hiding something.@
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Azzari
  • Tell President Obama to fire Tim Geithner
    I have been a victim of Chase's criminal behavior in regarding a Loan modification. It has greatly affected my family as a whole and individually. I nearly lost my marriage 3 years ago and my 11 year old son was so depressed that he got nothing but D's in his report card a couple of years ago. I have fought them back and recently the Homeowner's Bill of Rights was signed by Gov. Brown in CA. Which would prevent banks from doing what they did to me to other families who are trying to keep their houses. The Federal Government has done nothing to help stuggling homeowners stay in their homes and the HAMP program has been designed to fail from the start. Tim Geithner has been on the side of the banks instead of our side and he needs to go.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose Vega
  • State Farm: Be a good neighbor, don't raise our rates
    State Farm Insurance recently requested a 57.3% increase in rental property premiums on rental property in Florida. This plan will hurt an already hurting marketplace for rental properties in Florida. Many people who were underwater in their mortgages, but needed to move to a different part of the state or even out of state, chose to rent out their homes rather than face foreclosure. These people already have faced a sea of problems, tell State Farm not to hurt them further by raising these rates.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jay Snyder
  • NBC - Drop Chick Fil A as an Olympic coverage sponsor
    Tell NBC that they should drop Chick-FIl-A as a corporate sponsor of Olympic coverage.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Young
  • Turn Them Off!
    We spend millions and millions of dollars on political ads attacking "the other," when that money could be better spent elsewhere to improve society. It has become a barrier for the average person to run for an office, when it costs so much to run, and political ads are part of that cost. So much money is needed to run for office and maintain a hold on that office, that politicians have become beholden to corporations and the wealthy to raise money for their political offices. This makes politicians loyal to corporations and the wealthy, not the average voter. We must change this. We can start by saying "no" to political ads. Just turn them off when they come on the radio or t.v., so that they lose their value. Once politicians know the ads aren't working, they will stop running them. Want to know who's running for office? Contact your local board of elections or read a newspaper. Want to know how politicians have voted? Read the Congressional Record or newspapers. Want to know where a candidate stands on an issue, write them, e-mail them, ask them, visit their website. We don't need to be bombarded with ads every election cycle to manipulate our votes. Just say no, Turn Them Off.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Silverstrim
  • Huntsville City Council: Pass resolution no.12-567 Substitute "A" denouncing corporate personhood...
    In January 2010, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in the case of Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission (FEC) that declared corporations to be equivalent to people and money equivalent to speech, opening the door to unlimited corporate spending in elections on an unprecedented scale. This decision was a disaster for American democracy. The purpose of this petition is to urge the Huntsville City Council to pass Bill Kling’s proposed resolution expressing Huntsville’s support of a constitutional amendment or other legal or judicial action that would effectively reverse the Supreme Court’s decision, thereby limiting corporate influence and restoring democracy in our elections. This has become a unifying issue among Americans. The Washington Post has reported that 80% of voters aware of the Citizens United ruling feel that unlimited corporate spending is having a powerful coercive impact on the outcome of elections. A 2012 poll by Pew Research Center (PRC) revealed that more than two out of three (67%) of those polled, including Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, felt that the ruling has had a significantly negative effect on the political process. The Supreme Court’s decision allows the free speech rights of a corporation to dilute and outweigh the free speech rights of ordinary citizens. Given the gridlock in Washington, it falls to we the people to push our local government to join the fight in overturning this decision.
    496 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Derek Marlow
  • West Virginia: Open an investigation into police misconduct during anti-MTR protest
    On Saturday, July 28, my good friend and hero Dustin Steele, along with 19 others, walked on the Hobet strip mine and shut it down in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience. For standing up to defend his community, Dustin (of Matewan) was beaten by the state police and thrown in jail, with bail set at $25,000. Dustin has been released, but the 19 others, including more victims of police violence, remain in jail. Police brutality cannot be accepted as a response to nonviolent protests, and allowing unconstitutional bail for acts of nonviolent civil disobedience is not serving justice. U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin is responsible for making sure justice is served in West Virginia. Let's make sure he knows that we expect him to intervene to stop this unacceptable injustice. "While the state police, in conjunction with the coal companies, tried to break our spirit and our resistance by using violence to quell the fire of our movement, this attempt has failed." —Dustin Steele
    2,138 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Mathew Louis-Rosenberg
  • Dump PEPCO
    Are you tired of power outages? When a storm hits PEPCO immediately announces that it's "assessing" the situation and developing a "strategic" plan. This is nonsense. What it's not doing is putting adequate repair crews on the street. When PEPCO says it's getting crews from Texas or Ohio what it's really saying is that the food in your refrigerator will rot, the elderly and the young will suffer, community businesses will be closed, the police will be on traffic duty and the state and the county will lose tax money. PEPCO is also saying that it's not hiring people in Maryland, something which harms our economy. PEPCO says it has a five-year plan but the results in every storm are always the same. Meanwhile, bondholders and executives never miss a check -- and PEPCO wants higher rates! As recently outlined in The Washington Post by Eric Hansel, we can replace PEPCO with a public utility. This is not an easy or a short process, but it's very important to start now by amending the country charter. As a place to begin we want to have a public referendum on the subject. The Post article can be found at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/its-time-to-take-over-for-pepco/2012/07/27/gJQApg0hEX_story.html
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter G. Miller
  • Sandals & Beaches Resort
    Sandals Resort cancelled our reservations for our Vacation, after they closed the resort we were going to, then they reasigned us to another resort, after they accepted our reservatons then they ealized they could get us for more money, so they canceled them.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica
  • ask all cellphone providers and companies that make the cellphones to make them accessible to bli...
    The reason i ask for this patition to be signed is because the federal communications commition said that all cellphones need to be accessible to blind or visually impaired people. I used t-mobile at one time and they didn't help me at all. Verizon is doing a wonderful job, but they have only certain phones that are accessible to the blind when it should be on all of them.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by raymond lombardi