End Negative, Divisive Attack Ads by Giving to Positive CausesIf we spent a fraction of the money that people pony up to polititians to the causes they say they're going to take up, we would make a far greater difference in the our own lives than any polititian on either side of the spectrum. And if the polititians were truly interested in their constituencies instead of with power, they would take the monies they receive and invest back in the communities instead of costly, divisive and outright false and hateful ads. So this year, instead of supporting a candidate with cash, put the money towards the real solutions by investing in your local community efforts.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joel Terrell
Curt Walton Restore Democracy: Let Protesters Assemble in Charlotte this WeekMy name is Antonio Ennis. I'm a father of 6 fighting Bank of America to stay in my home in Dorchester, MA. I’ve been waging a long fight against Bank of America to keep my home. When Bank of America bought Countrywide, I applied for a loan modification. But instead of lowering my payments, Bank of America raised my monthly payment by $1,000. Now, my family and I may lose our home if Bank of America does not approve my principal reduction soon. That’s why, on May 9th, I’m going to Charlotte, NC -- the Wall Street of the South -- to confront the top executives of Bank of America. I’m coordinating a bus bound for Charlotte carrying 50 people affected by foreclosure -- people like me on the brink of losing their homes, along with families, children, and new activists. We want to share our stories on May 9th. But now, days before thousands of us are traveling to Charlotte to confront Bank of America top executives and board members about the big bank's destructive practices--the city of Charlotte has declared that there is no room for our stories and our voices. They have declared the Bank of America shareholder meeting on May 9 an "extraordinary event," meaning that they are restricting free speech and expanding the ability of police and security forces to target and profile the homeowners, workers, community members, students, and immigrants who are coming to Bank of America shareholder's meeting to demand justice for our communities and our planet. Will you join in me in telling City Manager Curt Walton to rescind his decision to declare Bank of America’s shareholder meeting an “Extraordinary Event” and protect the Constitutional rights of protesters? This will be an extraordinary event. It’s extraordinary because of how many people are coming together to build an economy and a democracy that works for all of us--not just for the 1%. We are the families who are homeless because of Bank of America’s illegal foreclosures; we are the mothers whose children can’t stop coughing because of pollution from dirty coal plants financed by bank of America, we are the people everywhere who are losing our communities and quality of life in the name of corporate greed and we thank you for standing with us.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bekah Mandell
Stop subsidies to Oil companiesWe cannot continue to subsidize Oil Companies. We provide billions in direct funds and tax breaks to companis like Exxon, whose past quarter had net income of 9.45 billion, and the quarter before 9.40 billion. Daily I see their advertisements that flood the media, of how they are good, or do good to our economy and our citizens, yet nothing could be further from the truth!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gina King
Education Loan Interest RatesOur government is giving 0% interest rate loans to the same banks and corporations which (or should I say "who" thanks to the Supreme Court), by their irresponsible and unethical actions, caused the economic crash we are experiencing today. If our government can afford that, why can't it give 0% interest loans to students who are trying to educate themselves. Rather than argue over whether to not double the student loan interest rates, and where the money will come from, why can't the government and the Congress get the money from the same place it is getting to finance the 0% interest rate loans to the banks and big corporations.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Herlocker
Citizens united against Citizens UnitedWe recognize that we have no direct influence on the Supreme Court but want the Court to have some indication of the extent of popular opposition to this decision. We may be powerless, but we do not have to be silent.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Warres
Locked Up for 5 DaysDaniel Chong was arrested by the D.E.A. on 4/20 for smoking marijuana with friends... and was FORGOTTEN in a holding cell for 4 days with no food or water. He was forced to drink his own urine to survive and started to hallucinate on the second day. The D.E.A. needs to do more than issue an apology-- They need speak the words "We were wrong."5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rob Ciano
Airlines -Stop your greedy practices!Airlines are constantly charging customers for services that should be included within your ticket. Airlines are making money again so they should reverse these greedy practices.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jewel Spencer
End All Debt for American Citizens!Debt is a manifestation of the illusion of power and control, you will only hate yourself if you try to have the power of debt over others. Removing all debt from the citizens of America is the first step to changing the world, the next step will be to remove all global debt. Dislike this idea, and see if ANYTHING in the world changes.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Hoag
Prosecute Banks for Mortgage FraudThe mortgage fraud perpetrated by the top US banks has cost American homeowners over ten Trillion dollars in lost equity. During the 1990's Savings and Loan crisis over 1000 bank execs were indicted. Since the recent mortgage crisis which precipitated the largest financial meldown in history no one has been indicted. Try reading the Report of the Angelides Commission and you will understand the reality.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Weston
rich special interest groupsIt's time to stop Carl Rove,Orvillr Norquist and their groups from throwing billions of dollars into elections in essence buying them.This isn't democracy but a Plutonomy form of government being bought and put into place.We the people are being overrun by this money and our voices aren't being heard.This can be witnessed by watching the Douche Baggers such as Cantor-Ryan-Black-Corker and others saying "NO" to the very things the vast majority of Americans want put in place.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JOHN R. WILLIAMS
ALEC Corruption Ends NowI would like every legislative member of ALEC to resign. As politician they understand all to well the corruption involved in subverting our democracy, intentionally, and it should be considered an act of treason. The members of ALEC poison our food source, our fresh-water sources, our judiciary, our schools, our healthcare and our congress, all behind closed doors. Those legislators in cahoots have committed serious crimes of treason while ignoring their duty to legislate on OUR behalf. THEY MUST GO!!26 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott
ALEC Corruption Ends NowI would like every legislative member of ALEC to resign. As politician they understand all to well the corruption involved in subverting our democracy, intentionally, and it should be considered an act of treason. The members of ALEC poison our food source, our fresh-water sources, our judiciary, our schools, our healthcare and our congress, all behind closed doors. Those legislators in cahoots have committed serious crimes of treason while ignoring their duty to legislate on OUR behalf. THEY MUST GO!!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott