• Founder/Inventor: Of Ch's Service Provider Seeks A Federal And State Probe On State Judge Interfe...
    Petition To Restate And Reopen For Insider Trading and Civil Rights Violation AND Conspiracy To Commit Fraud to The 1st and 2nd , 3rd Degree Felonies Allege by this Petition Commissioner New Administrative Agency For The Six Judicial District Of Pennsylvania, Corey L. Harris Petitioner. August 2, 2011 To: Hotline OIG Office From: Corey Harris Subject: Request to meet and review matter’s of ownership of program as to the true founder of the Erie County “Job Access Program” of Erie County and its Works to workforce for Transportation of Workers and its Contracts from 2001,2004 to Present 2011. Request to Review Records and History of Job Access Program from years 2001, 2004 to Present 2011. I Corey L. Harris of Erie County Pennsylvania currently have evidence dating back from 2000 and 2004, 2007 to present 2011. That support the Erie County Workforce Board Members of Erie County and Erie County Workforce Development Agency of Greater Erie Community Action Committee and there JOB ACCESS PROGAM was working in partnerships with Local State Agency such as the Pennsylvania Career Link and Department of Public Warfare, and GECAC Job Access, EMTA now Known as “E” and Erie County and Erie County Economic Devolvement at the time of 2001,2004,2007 to provided contracts to for non-profit and for profit companies like the EMTA AND LEFT now call the “E” bus service of Erie County Pa. And the above GECAC AND EMTA “E” Filed to notify the State of Pennsylvania and or their board members of the true founder of the program call “JOB ACCESS” dated for 2001 & 2002 this Is the program of that of Corey Harris Owner and Founder of CH’S Service Provider. The State of PA names it “Job Access an workforce development” program funded by federal money and State monies the GECAC corporation field to notify their board and or the Pennsylvania of State Corporation Bureau of the true founder of Pennsylvania State Program Called “Job Access” was working in Partnership with Workforce Development; I now submit Exhibits of Corey Harris Complaint seeking Ownership and compensation in the form of Relief of the State and County of Erie County Pennsylvanian Job Access Program. Who was awarded State and Federal Money to Operate CH’S Service Provider Company and its Plans to service the workforce of State and Erie County and Abroad and to have its plans and contracts for transportation service of that of CH’S SERVICE PROVIDER Owner Corey L. Harris operating without his permission without compensation. This is in hope of the OIG Office to review this matter at hand of a Review of its Workers to Workforce Innovation of agency of Pennsylvania to investigate this appropriate action. See exhibits in support of the following: If you and your agency may have any other question pleases do not hesitate to call me at (814) 464-6757 or email [email protected] Sincerely, Corey L. Harris
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Corey L. Harris / Founder/ Inventor/ " Victim"
    2,228 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by marilyn Howard
  • Campaign Finance Refor.
    To stop legal bribery of elected officials. NO corporate campaign contributions whatsoever or union. A cap placed on all campaign contributions nomore than a 100 dollars per person per election. NO public official at the State,Local or National level can benefit anyway by their official position. No paid lobbyist of any kind. Lobbying cannot be a job or primary source of income. No revolving chairs beaurcrats/those who leave their corporate jobs become beaurcrats, write legislation then go back to their corporate positions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul J. Simmons
  • No Bribing Congress with Lobbying Jobs
    Make it illegal for members of congress to accept lobbing jobs. High paying lobbing jobs is another kind of bribery offered by lobbyists to congress members to influence them in favor of special interests at the expense everyone else.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Howard Austin
  • Cell phone upgrade charges
    We went down to upgrade our cell phones expecting to be able to upgrade our cell phones without any problems. After selecting our phones we were informed that Verizon was now charging a $30 fee per phone for upgrades. How is the average family supposed to afford an upgrade for each individual in that family and still pay the cost of the data packages and phones? There is no opting out because of the required 2 yr. contract. Where does it all stop?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Moher
  • Petition to Tucson City Mayor and Council to End Corporate Personhood
    If you believe corporations are not people and money is not speech please sign this petition asking Tucson Mayor and City Council to pass a resolution stating this. While the above statement is so obvious that our founding fathers did not think it necessary to put it in the original U.S. Constitution, unfortunately there have been activist judges on the U.S. Supreme Court who have made such a common sense statement necessary. As a result of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in the Citizen's United case it has become necessary to pass an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech. This Supreme Court ruling has allowed corporations the ability to spend unlimited amounts of money in elections, thus making it possible for them to buy candidates. This undermines the basic tenants of democracy and has effectively prevented the average American from having a voice in their government. The only way to reestablish democracy in America and give the voice back to the people is by passing an amendment to the U.S. Constitution stating corporations are not people and money is not speech. The goal of this petition is to help with the building of grass roots support of this Constitutional Amendment. Currently politicians are indebted to big campaign donors (i.e. corporations) and will not pass this amendment unless forced to by the American people. A resolution passed by Tucson Mayor and City Council will be nonbinding, since they do not have the power or authority to change the U.S. Constitution, but it will help build this grass roots movement that will end up forcing Congress and the states to pass this amendment. Please sign this resolution and show the government that the people of Tucson, AZ are demanding this Amendment to the U.S.Constitution, because we are demanding they restore our democracy.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Steele
  • Restore Fair Elections
    To give powers back to Congress and the States that have been arrogated by the Supreme Court may require a 28th Amendment to the Constitution. The text above will be on the ballot in November across Massachusetts, and it is offered as a model for other states and municipalities to encourage others to become active in protecting our democracy from domination by big money and big corporations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Davio Danielson
  • abolish AMCs
    Banks have taken control of the appraisal business to the detriment of the homeowner and the appraiser. The proud independent profession of appraisal has been undermined by the banks- they are making money off of the independent appraiser. No more meritocracy. The homeowner is totally ignorant of this fact at closing.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Linda Lewis Cooper
  • Corporations are not People and Money is not Speech
    Our Supreme Court has over the line of partisan idealology from defending our Constitution. We have only begun to see the buying power of Super PACs and billionaire sugar-daddies. We the People can overturn the Court by a constitutional amendment to clarify the founders' intentions that corporations are not people and money is not speech.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Keen
  • Stealing taxpayer $ to fund campaigns
    Currently a company owing past taxes can contribute to a camapign, recieve a reduced past tax settelment and profit from enacted legislation. This double dipping uses tax payer dollars to fund campaigns and should be illegal. If I owe 1Mil$, settle at $300,000, donate $200,000 and make profit on proposed legislation. This is how tax payers unwittingly fund campaigns and should be illegal.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven W. Smith
  • congress needs to stop getting their marching orders from ALEC
    We, the people are offended that our elected officials, both Democats and Republicans participate in "get togethers" with ALEC and their supporting corporations to receive "directives" for legislation in Congress. Our elected representatives should be writing their own legislation. And it should be for the betterment of their voters, not their corporate benefactors.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Lamb
  • Paid Political Speech Must Provide Rebuttal
    Since getting money out of politics is extremely hard, the goal of this idea is to help to level the playing field of paid political speech by forcing any add to buy equal time for a rebuttal.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Ferguson