Corporations Are NOT CitizensDemocracy cannot flourish when corporations can doante freely to election campaigns. Congress must pass a law refuting this Supreme Court decision.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louise Bradley
Tell Mainsteam Media to stop boycotting Ron PaulAs we've seen the past few months, Fox News, CNN, and other news sources have done their best to alienate Ron Paul. Because he does not fit the status quo, all of these mainstream news sources have done their best to make him sound like a quack. He is treated unfairly compared to every other candidate in the GOP race. We need to let these people know that we will boycott them if they continue to show prejudice against him.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adam Vamosi
Get Private Money Out Of Public ElectionsElected officials should represent voters, not dollars. We need 100% publicly financed campaigns, with strict time limits. Under current laws, money has all the power: corporations and the super-rich rule the rest of us. There's no such thing as free speech in politics today: every single word has been bought and paid for by the special interests who pay the salaries of consultants who craft the messages. Politicians are not picked because they have ideas or integrity, but because they can "stay on message." We won't solve our larger problems until we fix this one.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christian Doering
Airline luggage fees!!!Why should we pay these fees when we never have ? The industry made more than a billion dollars in 2009 from these unnecessary fees. It's pure profit for something we've had free forever. Delta is the big winner . More than half was Paid to delta!8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Keath Williams
More $3 fee scams from Bank of AmericaBank of America charges a $3 fee for ATM paper receipts. When you make a check deposit, they scan the check. You can opt for a receipt with the scanned image but will be charged $3 for the receipt. No receipt and you take your chances that the check is properly credited........When you check your BOA account online, you can view images of checks you wrote but not checks you deposited. All that is displayed are the words “deposit ticket” and a number that is the dollar amount of the check. Firstly, you feed checks directly into the ATM – no deposit tickets, no envelopes. Secondly, the check was scanned the moment it is fed into the ATM. If you request paper receipt with check image you can see scaled picture of the face of the check. The digital image is stored in the database and linked to your account. It is just not displayed to you online or on paper statements. …….Online, your account activity does not display any check image, only "deposit ticket" with a number, presumably the amount deposited and nothing else. ………If you need copies of deposited pay checks or to correct an error. BOA will charge you $3 to print each digital image they already have stored in your account. …………If you deposit 5 checks, that is a $15 fee. To charge 25 cents for paper and ink for paper receipts and copies is one thing but to charge $3 PER CHECK IMAGE is an outrage since BOA has set it up that they not display the digital images they already have online or on printed statements for any deposits in order to force to pay this outrageous fee for copies………….Enough is enough. Stop this practice now. Sign the petition.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam
Excessive Service Charges by National GridThe excessive service charges by National Greed is ripping the people off. A nearly 300% service charge is just wrong sign the petition to go to the state regulatory commision and either they help us or I will start a campaign to have them voted out...35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DW Arnold
Stop Verizion Wireless from Charging to make bill PaymentsVerizon Wireless, the country's largest cellphone company, said Thursday that it will start charging $2 for every payment subscribers make over the phone or online with their credit cards. The company said this "convenience fee" will be introduced Jan. 15. The fee won't apply to electronic check payments or to automatic credit card payments set up through Verizon's AutoPay system. Paying by credit card in a Verizon store will also be free, as will mailing a check.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sean Murphy
Verizon to add $2 bill-pay chargeVerizon will add a $2 fee for one-time telephone and online bill payments.The planned change, to take effect on January 15, was greeted by a storm of criticism.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Astrid
VERIZON needs to DROP $2.00 fees!This is about VERIZON choosing to add on a $2.00 convenience fee for using your cell phone or internet to make a payment. GREAT way to anger a client base by using less human power and charging your clients additional charges. DROP the Convenience FEES they are ONLY convenient for VERIZON.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robin Edwards Harvey
GEICO Insurance needs more regulationHave you been denied a claim by GEICO. Have you been accused of fraud by GEICO. If you have had any problems with GEICO this petition is for you.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Cannady
I Support Deregulation of Gas and Electricity in WisconsinWisconsin has the opportunity to join more than 20 other States who have successfully deregulated gas and electricity utilities--to the financial benefit of their residential and business customers. Actual utility bills show that Illinois residents, alone, pay nearly 25%-45% LESS than Wisconsin residents for the same services--thanks to deregulation. We have experienced this success in other area, for instance, landline and cell phone service. Help us to collect 1,000 signatures to show that we are serious about lowering our utility bills. Thank you.198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Harriet C Callier MSCM CPCS
Boycott businesses lobbying for internet censorship!Our country is being run by corporations, so be it. We will appeal to them for the change we want, with the thing they need the most, our money.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven