Don't let Bayer avoid responsibility for injuries to womenAnother example of corporations attacking our rights: This time, it is an attempt to squelch our ability to sue big corporations. The birth control pill Yasmin, or Yaz, has been shown to cause blood clots in blood vessels that can lead to death.1 According to recent studies, Yaz carries triple the risk over traditional birth control pills. 2 So what is the response of Bayer, the manufacturer of Yaz? They are trying to prevent women from being able to sue for damages by changing the rules by which plaintiffs can pool their efforts to sue when there is a large number of claims of damages against a product. Cases like this are expensive to litigate, and unless working people can join together in what’s called “mass tort,” lawyers won’t be able to build a winnable case against corporations like Bayer with their untold billions of dollars in resources. There are already thousands of cases filed against Bayer, with many more to come. Bayer wants to change the rules, effectively separating the cases, requiring tens of thousands of individual trials in courts across the country. If Bayer wins, it will effectively end the possibility of a fair trial for women who are making claims that they were injured or killed by Yaz. And it will mean that other corporations will have a new way to avoid responsibility by manipulating our courts. 3 Tell Bayer to play fair. Sign our petition demanding that they stop their attempt to change the rules. 1 British Medical Journal http://www.bmj.com/content/326/7383/257.full 2 Reuters, http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/04/22/idUS87382+22-Apr-2011+PRN20110422 3 While this is in Pennsylvania’s courts, this will have a national impact, since many of these cases are from out of state, and because it will embolden other big corporations to use this tactic.10,875 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Michael Morrill
Hold banks and Directors accoutable for their criminal behavior in mortgage fraudFor some reason not single banks, director, officer or employee has been prosecuted and sent to prison for the crimes that they commited by fraudulently inflating home prices, improperly influencing appraisers, fabricating false income information, lying in loan applications, selling fraudulent loan to unkowing investors like pension plans Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac (who we the people bailed out). In addition to their fraud originating these loan and selling them off in the secondary markets and robbing the American people of the American Dream they purchased default insurance from companies like AIG (who we the people bailed out) to profit even further if, and when, the America People defaulted on exploding loans that were destined to fail from the start. In otherwords, they bought life insurace on terminally ill patients and lied to the insurance company saying that they were healthy. As if that was not enough profit, they fraudulently sold these loans to multiple parties and then lied in the foreclosure paperwork to cover up the fraud. At the end, instead to locking them up to rot in jail they were not invesstigated and received a bail out (that we the people also paid). If any person did this once they would rightfuly go to prison. But if big banks do this millions of times they don't get investigated because everyone did it. When are we going to see the first bank executive go to prison for their misdeed when every day thousands of Americans become homeless as a result of their fraud. Enough cover up and prosecute. What messsage are we sending our children and the world?38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pelayo M Duran
Remove All Corporate Lobbying in CongressProposal for new federal law to help restore representative democracy in America. Political power of monetary wealth, especially associated with "corporate persons," has swamped accessibility and influence on public policy in comparison with public sentiment. Unchecked lobby influence may also be used by foreign entities to subvert American interests.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Newberry
Move the Media to Out the GOPHave the media research and report LOUDLY the lie that is the GOP claim that "job creators" for the most part earn over $1million. Everyone agrees that it is small business owners that make jobs, and earlier in the campaign it was revealed that 97% of small business owners net less than $300K annually. Raising taxes on millionaires will NOT harm job creators. Why are the media so silent on this blatant falsehood?15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Jenson
Service not SurveillanceBig Corporations are increasingly ramping up their data mining activities buying, selling, and trading profiles on customers and citizens. At the very same time many corporate special interests are pouring millions of dollars to lobby for censorship bills like SOPA & PIPA. Businesses should provide services not surveillance, sign to support stronger protections for individuals privacy and freedom of speech and repeal “Corporate Personhood”. Because We The People, are not international mega corps.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Justin Nafziger
A moratorium on home foreclosures and evictionsIn light of the current foreclosures crisis in our state and the fact that empty, bank owned properties are bad for our communities and state. Because it is becoming increasingly apparent that up to 80% of these foreclosures may be illegal, we do hereby propose a petition to halt all foreclosures and evictions until issues relative to MERS, chain of title issues, robo signing and other possible foreclosure fraud are investigated and dealt with.Homeowners should not be displaced when there is question as to the legality of the foreclosures in the first place. This is not just a homeowner issue but an issue that affects every citizen of Washington state. Empty, bank owned homes are bad for our state.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Darnell
End Oil Company SubsidiesOil companies are subsidized by taxpayers while earning record billion dollar profits. Why? On average, the big 5 oil companies averaged 100 billion a year over the last 10 years! This corporate welfare has to stop immediately.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Pousman
Attorney General Gansler: Lead a full investigation of mortgage fraud in MarylandThe WSJ reports that a final settlement could be reached as early as the week of Dec. 18! Along with sharing this petition, please contact AG Gansler directly: (410) 576-6300 or 1 (888) 743-0023 toll-free in Maryland TDD: (410) 576-6372 email: [email protected] The size and scope of the proposed "settlement": Fraud and illegality lie at the heart of the mortgage and financial crisis. The list of questionable practices by banks and mortgage servicers is long: Risky subprime loans were issued without proper documentation or underwriting; subprime loans were "bundled" and sold to institutions in securities designed to conceal their high risk; land registry records were manipulated to avoid paying taxes. After the crash, many mortgage servicers failed to help homeowners receive government mandated loan modifications. There have been widespread cases of fraudulent foreclosure, using unverified mortgage documents (so-called "robo-signing"). The FBI found that ‘mortgage fraud is a growing crime threat that is hurting homeowners, businesses, and the national economy.’ The FBI and other law enforcers have increased resources to address these crimes, focusing on fraud related to loan origination, mortgage loan securitization, and mortgage servicing. Multiple Federal and State investigations and lawsuits are just now beginning to connect the dots in the mortgage fraud picture. Unfortunately, this drive for justice may be thwarted. A proposed settlement between the State attorneys general, the Federal Government, and mortgage servicers may put a halt to State investigations and prosecution in this area. It could also hinder individuals and institutions hurt by fraud from uncovering the truth and getting their day in court. Current reports mention a $20 billion settlement pool for compensating fraud victims. If true, the amount is laughably inadequate- victims of such widespread fraud have surely lost much more than this. And, while compensation is important, so is accountability. As Representative Tammy Baldwin (WI) puts it: "This entire tragedy reinforces the perception for average Americans that they play by one set of rules and everyone on Wall Street plays by another. While banks and other financial institutions were deemed too big to fail, they are now seen as too big to prosecute. If blanket immunity is granted to mortgage servicers their appalling behavior goes unpunished and they will continue to behave as if they are above the law. The American principle of equal justice under the law must apply to all, not just to some." Our petition to Attorney General Gansler is simple: Investigate fully, prosecute where appropriate, and do what is possible to see that victims are compensated fairly. Any settlement that hinders these goals is no settlement at all, and should be rejected. Thanks for signing!259 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Henry Barru
Arizona! Move Your Money from Wells Fargo!Wells Fargo bank is bad for our community! With a track record of abuses of low income and minority customers, Wells Fargo does not represent the values of most Arizonans. Yet several of our state's public institutions and government agencies invest Arizona taxpayer money in Wells Fargo accounts. Here are but a few examples of Wells Fargo's track record serving the 1% at the expense of the 99%: Wells Fargo Cashes in on Prison Profits - Wells Fargo has 50,000 shares in Corrections Corporation of America, the same for profit private prison company that sponsored Arizona Immigration Bill SB1070 and largely financed the campaigns of recalled State Senator Russell Pearce, controversial Sherrif Joe Arpaio, and Governor Jan Brewer. Wells Fargo discriminates against minorities - At the height of the sub-prime lending boom, the bank was 3-4 times more likely to loan sub-prime mortgages to financially stable Latinos and African-Americans than to Caucasians. Wells Fargo discriminates against the 99% - In 2010, Wells Fargo was fined by a U.S. District Judge for its predatory overdraft practices. And Wells Fargo is one of only two remaining U.S. banks to offer Direct Deposit Advance, a type of high interest payday loan available right from the ATM machine. Arizona deserves better! Let's call on all public and government institutions in Arizona to move OUR money out of Wells Fargo and back into our community through community banks or credit unions!778 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Julie Jennings Patterson
Alhambra School District Move Your Money!Community members in Phoenix, and concerned parents and residents in the Alhambra School District are asking the district’s Governing Board to transfer its investments (which are paid by our property taxes) from Wells Fargo bank to a Community based bank. We are asking you, as members of this community, to sign our petition urging the board of Governors to consider closing the Alhambra School Districts accounts at Wells Fargo Bank and moving these investments to a Community based bank. Wells Fargo bank is an international Banking institution that in many ways drains our community resources by not paying their fair share in income taxes, foreclosing on over 55,000 homes in the Phoenix area, and reluctance to refinance mortgages to help people stay in their homes.617 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Curtis
Corporate GreedStores are opening their doors at midnight on Black Friday. It was bad enough that employees had to go to work the day after Thanksgiving (usually around 4 am), but now they have to work through the night. Selling a few items is more important than taking care of the employees that work for these Corporate giants like Macys, Target, etc. The CEOs of the corporations don't have to work through the night, but they definitely benefit from the profits. Supporting local and small businesses who actually care about their community and employees seems like a much better option.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenni Franke
Customers Against At&TAt&T rips people off and takes advantage by over charging and having horrible reception and terrible customer service. They have had a monopoly on Iphone for too long and are hiring people that are rude and in the business of lies and deception. Just this year alone I've had to call At&T several times to clear incorrect phone charges and received rude service, was hung up on, and misleading information. Enough is enough, this phone company has taken advantage of its customers long enough. We pay high rates and are mislead to change plans and penalized each month with more money and more time wasted talking to a representative on the phone for hours, or placed on hold for minutes at a time. AT&T Wireless NEEDS TO HAVE FAIR AND COMPETITIVE PRICING, HIGHER CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS, AND BETTER COVERAGE. ANTI-deceitful.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mosha Katani