• Outlaw Lobbyist
    Our government only works for those who have deep pockets to fund lobbyist who bribe politicians to get laws passed that benefit only the corporations, and usually are totally against EPA, FDA and environmental rules and regulations.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick J. McDaniel
  • Get the money out of the game of politics
    Citizens united and the super pacs have made our campaighns a farce. It seems whomever has the most money is able to win because the people will believe almost anything they hear. Lets face it they think FOX is real. My heart does not bleed for uncle Newt or any of them. Now they will be attacking Mitt. Lord only knows what they will say about the president. Enough is enough I want my country back from the well healed and privilages who userp our rights a buy influence with their il gained money.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Puleo
  • No Easy Out Bank Settlement for Nebraskans
    Moveon.org-Lincoln Council is sponsoring this petition as a means to bring pressure on our Nebraska attorney General, US Senators, and US Congressman to pursue a fair settlement for the people of Nebraska who suffered loss from the fraud perpetrated by the Wall Street Banks and Mortgage lenders. Gentlemen, make them pay what they owe us as taxpayers.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jo feller
  • Saving American Democracy petition
    End corporate personhood
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gerald berke
  • Terminate Terminator technology
    Terminator technology could be potentially used to modify seeds to not germinate a second time
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dante
  • Demand Fair Labor Practices in China
    We want American Companies to support fair labor practices over seas
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reta Sorge
  • Bring Tax Revenue Back to the U.S.
    Pass a new law mandating that any Corporation which markets and/or sells products or services in the United States pay taxes to the United States, even if its "Corporate Office" is located overseas.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SC Abbott
  • End political contributons
    People in public office should work for a salary like the rest of us and should not be allowed to accept contributions/donations of any kind. We could not take cash incentives from clients at our jobs in exchange for special favors/treatment. This system is at the root of our economic collapse. Lets try to pass legislation to ban all contributions. Politicians can post their stand and statements online a whole lot cheaper for all to view.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter Macias
    Last week, Attorney General Kamala Harris announced that California would withdraw from multi-state negotiations with some of the nation’s largest banks to reach a settlement on their foreclosure practices. And in a conference call she held earlier this week with various ethnic media outlets, including Univision and Black Voice News, Harris outlined a separate plan that will combine litigation, public education, and legislation to fundamentally reform how banks do business in an effort to prevent further foreclosure in the state.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mama CharlesZ Blast
  • Broadcast Service
    In the last year we have seen big business take over the airwaves. I want the stations to restore the level of Broadcase service back to where it was before the big move to put HD TV everywhere. Stations should have been required to maintain levels of service and broadcasting. Many consumers do not receive signals from major stations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Senn
  • It's Our Money and We Want it now!!
    This petition is about the mortgage mess. I want the Federal government to make the big banks use the money provided to modify for good the unscrupulous loan products those banks "sold" to hard-working, able americans who fell prey to the collapse of the economy. The architects of the housing collapse should be punished. We bailed them out. Now, they are holding us hostage. It's our money and we want it now!!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Renaire Frierson
  • SAVE PBS from the 1%
    Tell Congress and the president to fund PBS for the 99% so that the 1 % through their money don't control what we can see
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Yates