• Bring Brenna Back
    Northland Health Center terminated a reputable health care provider with zero regard to our community as well as surrounding communities during a national pandemic. Brenna is an amazing provider who has shown time and time again that she loves her job, works diligently for every patient, and loves her community. We want Brenna back!
    246 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lacey Viall
  • Protective Equipment for All Essential Workers
    If first responders or essential workers catch the virus, they will spread it rapidly by their high-contact jobs. If they themselves cannot work, there will be many unnecessary deaths. If healthcare workers cannot take care of the sick, many will die. If the supply chain is broken, many will be affected and die without needed medicine and food. It is counter productive to have all 50 states bidding against each other during this crisis.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Kevilus
  • Who is in the way of getting Pandemic medical equipment produced?
    Gov. Cuomo announced this week that there are many private companies willing to join this effort but they need the capital to do that, and it has to come from the Federal Government. We've heard of many companies around the country pitching in who are trying to finance without federal aid. In World War II, the government at first tried to lure private industry using financial tools such as tax incentives and write-offs of capital investments. They lost valuable time before they realized it wasn't going to work that way so, using the DPA, they had to guarantee the companies they would purchase the products they needed. IF you agree that we don't have the luxury of time, will you please join this petition to send this message?
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Nevens
  • Tennessee Legalization of marijuana
    The economy will grow, the people will feel more relaxed and living in the states that is legal versus the state that is not legal. And will also generate money for the state
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by dameion raspberry
  • Relief for independent businesses during crisis
    Most commercial real estate in most cities is held by holding companies and very wealthy individuals that can more easily weather economic instability than their tenants, who are usually so busy creating jobs and providing goods and services they don't have time to accumulate cash reserves. BOMA represents building owners, and includes a PAC with lobbyists and is better organized than tenants, and more able to apply for and receive federal dollars. They have it in their strength to organize their members to suspend rent payments for April, 2020, and allow small businesses across America to survive. Without relief to small businesses, many will close, and the unique and resilient culture that they bring to their communities will die as well.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shay Leonard
  • Investigate Senator Burr and Friends for SEC Violations
    No one should be able to deal in the stock market with insider information. Not a senator, nor any of his/her friends. Ever. People must release information that can disrupt markets in a timely fashion to the whole public - not just a select few.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Cote
  • Hazard Pay for Bristol Farms and Lazy Acres Employees
    We show up to work and do our jobs during this time, even though it puts us and our families at great risk of getting sick.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mallory McManus
  • Suspending rent and mortgage during the crisis
    We will lose all the small business because we can't afford the rent when there is no business running! We dont know when we can reopen. More people will lose the jobs when all the small business are closed!
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Connie Liang
  • Don't shut off utilities in a crisis!
    It is our responsibility to come together to protect the lives of those around us by limiting the spread of this disease as much as possible and caring for the tens of millions whose health, jobs, families and communities will be impacted. Utility companies must not cut off essential resources including water, power, and gas to ensure everyone has the ability to take care of themselves and their families. There are thousands of people already hit with the financial burden of missing work for a quarantine, to care for a loved one or children when school is cancelled, being laid off, and many more as this crisis grows. COVID-19 has revealed the interconnectedness of our country and our world -- that the health and well being of one is intimately bound to the health and well being of all. Now, we must rise to the occasion and care for each other and support one another.
    235 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emma Einhorn
  • Replace Chris Matthews
    Bernie is looking more and more like he will be the Democratic nominee, and while many are just disgusted and paying no attention to the hate spewing from Chris Matthews at this point, having a network so biased against one candidate that it continues to employ such an unprofessional "journalist" is just wrong.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Braus
  • Idaho, Start re-Funding the Education system. Stop de-funding it.
    Higher education creates better paying jobs. Better paying jobs creates a better tax base. How much income tax is generated by a minimum wage paying job, compared to the income tax of an undergraduate degree pay scale? Do I need to go to the sales taxes paid by the two different incomes? Didn't think so. What started as "Trickle up" economics has turned into "Flooding up" economics. History has shown how income inequality turns out. It hasn't been pretty. We are heading, "full steam ahead" in that direction. 1929, 2008 are the years I am pointing to. The quick recovery of 2008 won't happen again. The Federal Government can't afford to bail out numerous industries again. I feel that the current state of affairs in our society are a reflection this imbalance. The political polarization. The mass shootings. The current horrific crimes being committed are a direct reflection of the terrible conditions we are experiencing. Horrific conditions are creating horrific reactions. People are struggling to eat, can't get health care because: 1) wages haven't kept up with the real cost of living. 2) We are out of options to make up the difference. When wages first began to shrink, (1978) "incomes" went from individual to "household". Mom and dad worked. Then they worked more hours. When that didn't maintain a comfortable lifestyle, (1990’s), borrowing filled the gap. We witnessed how that turned out, the 2008 recession. The middle class needs to be able to pay for things, not borrow to get them. Jobs are created when people buy things, (after all, someone has to make the things, deliver and sell them), that is how economics works. Henry Ford figured this out over 100 years ago! I am looking to my leaders to take some action. Be brave and do the right things for the right reasons. If the status quo is not changed, we are all going to be left behind. The people at the top, (the very rich), will continue to get further out of reach and more powerful. I don't think my fellow middle-class citizens are capable of continuing down the current path. The mass shootings for example, started in schools, (easy targets), then to theaters and malls, (bigger easy targets). These shootings haven’t changed what caused them. The next group will probably be politicians. Lack of gun laws is not the problem, more gun laws is not the answer. Lack of financial security is the problem, and all that goes with it. Please stop doing what we are doing, so we stop getting what we are getting. Let’s put a stop to the current state of affairs. Everything I have written here, is a glimpse of what I have observed. Unfortunately, I don’t have many solutions to offer, sorry. Political discussions with my contemporaries don’t happen. Everyone’s feelings get hurt, they stomp off, end of discussion. They are emulating what our leaders are doing. The dialogue needs to be started, so options are thought of and the best options given a chance to work. Please, let’s begin talking.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jim Eberhard
  • Save the Circus Stars
    It is important because animals are amazing. And at the end of the day they are beings, too. They have feelings and emotions, so for people to abuse animals you can tell they don't know the true value of animals' lives.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ny Ny