• Bring back Gardner Minshew
    Nick Foles isn’t the answer! Minshew is!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jake
  • Starbucks! Re-open the Milwaukee Midtown location!
    We demand the Milwaukee Midtown Starbucks location be reopened. Starbucks management says that they closed it permanently due to robberies; however, they could have invested in security to keep it open. This was one of the best-performing locations in town and in a mixed urban area that is becoming increasingly populated with check-cashing stores and fast-food restaurants and subsequently bereft of quality places for the community to gather and patronize. MANY people in the surrounding neighborhoods are very upset and disappointed that this location has been closed. It truly is a loss to the community. Starbucks, call and do the right thing. Reopen Midtown and bring in security!
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kristen Rydstrom
  • Help Taylor Swift Sing Her Songs at the AMAS
    Taylor Swift has been fighting for her music rights for almost a year now. Scott Borchetta and Scooter Braun refuse to permit her to sing her previous works at the AMAs for no valid reason. Both of these men have antagonized her and continue to use their position of power to try and scare her from speaking out. Neither of these men has contributed to her success and it’s disgusting to see them take credit for what she has made for herself and her career. So many young upcoming artists have been taken advantaged of people in positions of power. Taylor Swift is one of the biggest artists in the world right now imagine being so high up in an industry but can’t sing your own music it’s unsettling and we need change now.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jade Carter
  • GoFundMe is allowing a criminal to profit from his crime
    A criminal should not be allowed to solicit money to pay for his illegal act.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Citizens Against Hate
  • Tell Congress: Facial recognition in hiring is a form of discrimination!
    Imagine having a job interview, not with a human being, but an AI algorithm, that will decide your "employability" based on hundreds of data points about your micro-facial expressions and tiny inflections of your voice. Are you sweating yet? A tech company, HireVue, is already making this a terrifying reality for job seekers. But their AI algorithm process is not just super-secret, it's rife with the potential for employment discrimination. People with accents, speech impediments, non-native English speakers, and even just people who speak in a different rhythm or cadence could be rejected for job opportunities even when they meet other job qualifications. Instead of waiting for Congress to "catch up" with tech companies, we need to act now and demand they nip unfair algorithms like this in the bud.
    459 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Robert Cruickshank
  • PBS: Televise the Trump Impeachment Hearings
    When impeachment proceedings against President Nixon began, the public wasn’t convinced. By the time he left office, Americans of all parties were overwhelmingly in support of his removal. What changed? A major factor was PBS’s decision to broadcast the Watergate hearings in full — 247 hours in total. Millions of public TV viewers tuned in as the story of the Watergate break-in, the cover-up, payoffs, and dirty tricks unfolded before their eyes. They heard testimony from presidential advisors, the attorney general, former spies, and bagmen. Public accountability can make all the difference. That’s why, as Congress begins public hearings into Trump’s impeachment this Wednesday, PBS must broadcast them in full once again. The American people deserve to hear and see the full case against Donald Trump firsthand because they have a right to participate in the impeachment process and make an informed decision for themselves. PBS’s job is more important than ever today — because we’re in a political climate marked by disinformation and distractions that would be unheard of in the 1970s. The ONLY way to cut through all that is with the absolute, unvarnished truth. We need to show the American people exactly what happened, instead of filtering it through cable news spin or the President’s tweets. A full, public reckoning of the President’s conduct is an absolutely vital part of the impeachment process. The American people deserve to hear and judge the full case for themselves. Plus, Mitch McConnell’s Senate lockdown is powerless to interfere with the House’s hearings. If you agree, then I hope you’ll stand with me by adding your name and calling on PBS to live up to its solemn duty to the public.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Induct Tom Flores to Football Hall of Fame
    The Latino Leaders Network is proud to share Coach Flores' incredible personal story and urge you to advocate for his induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame Class of 2020.
    167 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jayna Donayre
  • Demand PBS cover the Impeachment Hearings live and at prime time
    Insuring that the whole country gets to see and hear the full impeachment hearings so that public opinion is a fully informed one. Our democracy is at stake.
    1,047 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Geiger
  • Miss World America 2019 - Remove Director
    This official petition is requesting that Michael Blakey, National Director, Katya Shalayeva, EXecutive Vice President, and Robert Gandara, Chief Operating Officer for Miss World America, an official Preliminary to Miss World, be removed immediately as National Director and Team. Mr. Blakey and his team have taken advantage of young women in a number of ways. To date, he (nor his staff) can provide an adequate explanation of the scoring process, despite numerous requests. He defrauded all of the contestants by requiring them to purchase a “sponsored custom designed” dress by designer Pol’ Atteu. These dresses were actually purchased from a discount dress website for $39 (teen dress) and $69 (miss dress) and the labels were replaced and sold to all contestants as "custom pieces." Blakey has allowed inappropriate comments of a degrading sexual nature such as "porking contestants" and "throwing them in the pool" to be said about the contestants and women in general on his social media. His only response is a "like" or "stay tuned". Judges were a collection of individuals with varying degrees of criminal charges ranging from fraud, misrepresentation, and drug charges. These individuals were allowed access to contestants on a one-on-one environment during an interview competition. Interview was judged by one individual vs a panel with no ability to provide an unbiased and fair scoring for the event. The values of Miss World are to empower women and to provide them with a platform for personal growth and success, and community involvement. Michael Blakey, Katya Shalayeva, and Robert Gandara do not support nor believe in the Miss World or Miss World America Organizations as their actions are in direct contradiction to core values set in place by Miss World.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lekha
  • Stop Political Lying on Facebook
    The spread of false information is prevalent and damaging, and most of it is aimed at personal attacks for political gain. It is estimated that 45% of people get at least some news from Facebook and half of those get it ONLY from Facebook. Mr. Zuckerberg announced that they will do NO fact-checking during this election cycle. In the absence of that, we must demand a responsible approach.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan O'Connor
  • Quitting Facebook
    U.S. democracy is under assault by the self-serving and dangerously distorted "free speech" policies of social media, Facebook in particular. If Zuckerberg is not stopped, specifically by a mass exodus of users of his platform, all future elections could be tainted and their results will be in doubt.
    51 of 100 Signatures
  • Homeland: Stop Using Single Use Plastic Bags
    OK Bags Away is a committee formed within the Red Earth Group, Sierra Club. Our goal is to work together to reduce, and hopefully ban, single-use plastic bags in Oklahoma as they pose numerous threats to our health and our environment, and there are plenty of alternatives. Unfortunately, Oklahoma legislature passed a bill to prohibit towns from banning single-use plastic locally. This bill does not say that we cannot voluntarily ban plastic in our state. Therefore, we have decided to commit to asking regional businesses to stop using single-use plastic bags, and we are beginning with Homeland. Many stores have already phased out single-use plastic bags, so we know this is attainable. By signing this petition, you are asking Homeland to eliminate single-use plastic bags in their grocery stores.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janna L Corn